• Android——设计原则(Design Principles)

    • Enchant Me

      • Delight me in surprising ways(动画、音效。。。)

      • Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus(实物化图标。。。)

      • Let me make it mine(可定制背景。。。)

      • Get to know me(记忆用户偏好。。。)

    • Simplify My Life

      • Keep it brief(简洁提示。。。)

      • Pictures are faster than words(图片优于文字)

      • Decide for me but let me have the final say(替用户着想,让用户决定)

      • Only show what I need when I need it(适度、适时的用户提示)

      • I should always know where I am(提示用户当前位置(窗口),及事件处理过程。。。)

      • Never lose my stuff(保存用户设置。。。)

      • If it looks the same, it should act the same(看起来相同,功能就应相同)

      • Only interrupt me if it's important(如非必要,勿打断用户)

    • Make Me Amazing

      • Give me tricks that work everywhere(人性化操作,如手势识别。。。)

      • It's not my fault(出错时,合适的用户提示)

      • Sprinkle encouragement(分解复杂操作,简化操作方式)

      • Do the heavy lifting for me(傻瓜式的操作)

      • Make important things fast(要事优先)

  • 相关阅读:
    Node post请求 通常配合ajax
    Node json
    Node params和query的Get请求传参
    Node express
    java NIO FileChannel
    IO 输出 PrintStream和PrintWriter
    oracle free space
    SHELL 在指定行的前/后插入指定内容
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dahai/p/3321524.html
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