#读取 with open('steve.txt','r',encoding='utf-8')as f: novel = f.read() #清洗数据 sep = " .!@#%&*;:',.?/_“’”" for ch in sep: novel=novel.replace(ch,' ') #字母换成小写 novel = novel.lower() strnovel = novel.split() print(strnovel,len(strnovel)) #分词后转为集合 strset = set(strnovel) noMean = {'is','and','a','this','the','a','in','at','on','to','s','his','3','1983'} strset = strset - noMean print(strset,len(strset)) #将集合中词统计出现次数 strdict={} for word in strset: strdict[word] = strnovel.count(word) print(strdict,len(strdict)) wordlist = list(strdict.items()) #排序 wordlist.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True) print(wordlist) #输入TOP20 for i in range(20): print(wordlist[i])
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud import jieba with open('doupo.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: doupo = f.read() #清洗 sep = " ,.?;:'!*#-_" for quchu in sep: doupo = doupo.replace(quchu,' ') #分词 wordList = jieba.cut(doupo) print(type(wordList)) #词频分析 data={} for word in wordList: if len(word) == 1: continue else:data[word] = data.get(word,0)+1 result = list(data.items()) result.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True) for top_20 in range(20): print(result[top_20]) wordSplit = " ".join(dict(result)) wc = WordCloud(background_color="black", # 设置背景颜色 # mask = "图片", #设置背景图片 max_words=2000, # 设置最大显示的字数 # stopwords = "", #设置停用词 font_path="C:\Windows\Fonts\NotoSansHans-Black_0.otf", # 设置中文字体,使得词云可以显示(词云默认字体是“DroidSansMono.ttf字体库”,不支持中文) max_font_size=40, # 设置字体最大值 random_state=30, # 设置有多少种随机生成状态,即有多少种配色方案 ) mywc = wc.generate(wordSplit) # 生成词云 # 展示词云图 plt.imshow(mywc) plt.axis("off") plt.show() wc.to_file('myword.jpg') # 保存图片文件