IS-IS TLV Codepoints 

    (last updated 2010-11-19)

    Registries included below:
     - TLV Codepoints Registry
     - IS-IS Authentication Type Codes for TLV 10
     - Sub-TLVs for TLV 22, 141, and 222
     - link-attribute bit values for sub-TLV 19 of TLV 22 
     - Sub-TLVs for TLV 135
     - Sub-TLVs for TLV 235
     - Sub-TLVs for TLV 236
     - Sub-TLVs for TLV 237
     - Sub-TLVs for TLV 242 

    Registry Name: TLV Codepoints Registry
    Reference: [RFC3563]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    IETF SHALL keep JTC1/SC6 informed of TLV codepoint values allocated, 
    and JTC1/SC6 SHALL refer allocation requests arising within JTC1 
    constituencies to the IANA registry process.

    Value     Name                                    IIH  LSP  SNP  Status/Reference
    --------  --------------------------------------  ---  ---  ---  ----------------
    1         Area Addresses                          y    y    n    ISO 10589
    2         IIS Neighbors                           n    y    n    ISO 10589
    3         ES Neighbors                            n    y    n    ISO 10589
    4         Part. DIS                               n    y    n    ISO 10589
    5         Prefix Neighbors                        n    y    n    ISO 10589
    6         IIS Neighbors                           y    n    n    ISO 10589
    7         Unassigned
    8         Padding                                 y    n    n    ISO 10589
    9         LSP Entries                             n    n    y    ISO 10589
    10        Authentication                          y    y    y    ISO 10589
    11        Unassigned
    12        Opt. Checksum                           y    n    y    [RFC3358]
    13        Unassigned
    14        LSPBufferSize                           n    y    n    ISO 10589 Rev 2 Draft
    15        Unassigned
    16        Encapsulation Cap                       n    y    n    IETF-draft
    17-21     Unassigned
    22        The extended IS reachability TLV        n    y    n    [RFC5305]
    23        IS Neighbor Attribute                   n    y    n    [RFC5311]
    24        IS Alias ID                             n    y    n    [RFC5311]
    25-41     Unassigned
    42        DECnet Phase IV                         y    n    n    DEC (ancient)
    43-65     Unassigned
    66        Lucent Proprietary                      n    y    n
    67-127    Unassigned
    128       IP Int. Reach                           n    y    n    [RFC1195]
    129       Prot. Supported                         y    y    n    [RFC1195]
    130       IP Ext. Address                         n    y    n    [RFC1195]
    131       IDRPI                                   n    y    y    [RFC1195]
    132       IP Intf. Address                        y    y    n    [RFC1195]
    133       Illegal                                 n    n    n    [RFC1195] (not used)
    134       The Traffic Engineering router ID TLV   n    y    n    [RFC5305]
    135       The extended IP reachability TLV        n    y    n    [RFC5305]
    136       Unassigned
    137       Dynamic Name                            n    y    n    [RFC5301]
    138       GMPLS-SRLG                              n    y    n    [RFC4205][RFC5307]
    139       IPv6 SRLG TLV                           n    y    n    [RFC-ietf-isis-ipv6-te-08.txt]
    140       IPv6 TE Router ID                       n    y    n    [RFC-ietf-isis-ipv6-te-08.txt]
    141       inter-AS reachability information       n    y    n    [RFC5316]
    142-175   Unassigned  
    176       Nortel Proprietary                      n    y    n
    177       Nortel Proprietary                      n    y    n
    178-210   Unassigned
    211       Restart TLV                             y    n    n    [RFC5306]
    212-221   Unassigned
    222       MT-ISN                                  n    y    n    [RFC5120]
    223       MT IS Neighbor Attribute                n    y    n    [RFC5311]
    224-228   Unassigned
    229       M-Topologies                            y    y    n    [RFC5120]
    230-231   Unassigned
    232       IPv6 Intf. Addr.                        y    y    n    [RFC5308]
    233       IPv6 Global Interface Address TLV       y    n    n    [RFC-ietf-isis-ipv6-te-08.txt]
    234       Unassigned
    235       MT IP. Reach                            n    y    n    [RFC5120]
    236       IPv6 IP. Reach                          n    y    n    [RFC5308]
    237       MT IPv6 IP. Reach                       n    y    n    [RFC5120]
    238-239   Unassigned
    240       P2P 3-Way Adj. State                    y    n    n    [RFC3373][RFC-ietf-isis-rfc3373bis-01.txt]
    241       Unassigned
    242       IS-IS Router CAPABILITY TLV             n    y    n    [RFC4971]
    243-249   Unassigned
    250       Experimental TLV                        y    y    y    IETF-draft
    251-255   Unassigned

    Registry Name: IS-IS Authentication Type Codes for TLV 10
    Reference: [RFC5304]
    Registration Procedures: Expert Review

    Value    Authentication Type Code                          Reference
    -------  ------------------------------------------------  ---------
    0        Reserved                                          [ISO-10589]
    1        Cleartext Password                                [ISO-10589]
    2        ISO 10589 Reserved                                [ISO-10589]
    3        Cryptographic Authentication (CRYPTO_AUTH)        [RFC5310]
    4-53     Unassigned
    54       HMAC-MD5 Authentication                           [RFC5304]
    55-254   Unassigned
    255      Routing Domain private authentication method      [ISO-10589]

    Registry Name: Sub-TLVs for TLV 22, 141, and 222
    Reference: [RFC5305][RFC5316]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    Allocations within this registry require documentation of the use of 
    the allocated value and approval by the Designated Expert assigned
    by the IESG.
    Type     Description                                   22  141  222  Reference
    -------  --------------------------------------------  --  ---  ---  ---------
    0-2      Unassigned                                    y   y    y      
    3        Administrative group (color)                  y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    4        Link Local/Remote Identifiers                 y   y    y    [RFC4205][RFC5307]
    5        Unassigned                                    y   y    y    
    6        IPv4 interface address                        y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    7        Unassigned                                    y   y    y    
    8        IPv4 neighbor address                         y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    9        Maximum link bandwidth                        y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    10       Maximum reservable link bandwidth             y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    11       Unreserved bandwidth                          y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    12       IPv6 Interface Address                        y   y    y    [RFC-ietf-isis-ipv6-te-08.txt]
    13       IPv6 Neighbor Address                         y   y    y    [RFC-ietf-isis-ipv6-te-08.txt]
    14-17    Unassigned                                    y   y    y    
    18       TE Default metric                             y   y    y    [RFC5305]
    19       Link-attributes                               y   y    y    [RFC5029]
    20       Link Protection Type                          y   y    y    [RFC4205][RFC5307]
    21       Interface Switching Capability Descriptor     y   y    y    [RFC4205][RFC5307]
    22       Bandwidth Constraints                         y   y    y    [RFC4124]
    23       Unconstrained TE LSP Count (sub-)TLV          y   y    y    [RFC5330]
    24       remote AS number                              n   y    n    [RFC5316]
    25       IPv4 remote ASBR Identifier                   n   y    n    [RFC5316]
    26       IPv6 remote ASBR Identifier                   n   y    n    [RFC5316]
    27       Interface Adjustment Capability Descriptor    y   y    y    [RFC6001]
    28-249   Unassigned
    250-254  Reserved for Cisco-specific extensions
    255      Reserved for future expansion

    Registry Name: link-attribute bit values for sub-TLV 19 of TLV 22 
    Reference: [RFC5029]
    Registration Procedure: Standards Action

    Early Allocation as defined by [RFC4020] is permitted.

    Value   Name 
    ------  ------------------------------- 
    0x1     Local Protection Available 
    0x2     Link Excluded from Local Protection 

    Registry Name: Sub-TLVs for TLV 135
    Reference: [RFC5305]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    Allocations within this registry require documentation of the use of 
    the allocated value and approval by the Designated Expert assigned
    by the IESG.
    Type     Description                                   Reference
    -------  --------------------------------------------  ---------
    0        Unassigned                                    
    1        32-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    2        64-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    3-255    Unassigned

    Registry Name: Sub-TLVs for TLV 235
    Reference: [RFC5120]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    Allocations within this registry require documentation of the use of 
    the allocated value and approval by the Designated Expert assigned
    by the IESG.

    Type     Description                                   Reference
    -------  --------------------------------------------  ---------
    0        Unassigned                                    
    1        32-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    2        64-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    3-255    Unassigned

    Registry Name: Sub-TLVs for TLV 236
    Reference: [RFC5308]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    Allocations within this registry require documentation of the use of 
    the allocated value and approval by the Designated Expert assigned
    by the IESG.
    Type     Description                                   Reference
    -------  --------------------------------------------  ---------
    0        Unassigned                                    
    1        32-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    2        64-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    3-255    Unassigned

    Registry Name: Sub-TLVs for TLV 237
    Reference: [RFC3784][RFC5120]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    Allocations within this registry require documentation of the use of 
    the allocated value and approval by the Designated Expert assigned
    by the IESG.

    Type     Description                                   Reference
    -------  --------------------------------------------  ---------
    0        Unassigned                                    
    1        32-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    2        64-bit Administrative Tag Sub-TLV             [RFC5130]
    3-255    Unassigned

    Registry Name: Sub-TLVs for TLV 242 
    Reference: [RFC3784][RFC4971]
    Registration Procedures: Expert review

    Allocations within this registry require documentation of the use of 
    the allocated value and approval by the Designated Expert assigned
    by the IESG.
    Value  Description                     Reference
    -----  ------------------------------  ---------
    1      TE Node Capability Descriptor   [RFC5073]
    2      Unassigned
    3      TE-MESH-GROUP TLV (IPv4)        [RFC4972]
    4      TE-MESH-GROUP TLV (IPv6)        [RFC4972]
    5      PCED sub-TLV                    [RFC5089]
    6-10   Unassigned
    11     IPv4 TE Router ID               [RFC5316]
    12     IPv6 TE Router ID               [RFC5316]
    13-255  Unassigned

               ISO, "Intermediate System to Intermediate System Intra-
               Domain Routeing Exchange Protocol for use in Conjunction
               with the Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-mode
               Network Service (ISO 8473)", International Standard 10589:
               2002, Second Edition, 2002.

    [RFC1195]  R. Callon, "Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP 
               and Dual Environments", RFC 1195, December 1990.

    [RFC3358]   T. Przygienda, "Optional Checksums in Intermediate 
                System to Intermediate System (ISIS)", RFC 3358,
                August 2002.

    [RFC3359]  T. Przygienda, "Reserved Type, Length and Value (TLV) 
               Codepoints in Intermediate System to Intermediate System",
               RFC 3359, August 2002.

    [RFC3373]  D. Katz and R. Saluja, "Three-Way Handshake for Intermediate 
               System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Point-to-Point 
               Adjacencies", RFC 3373, September 2002.

    [RFC3563]  A. Zinin, "Draft of agreement between ISOC/IETF and 
               ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 on IS-IS protocol development", RFC 3563,
               July 2003.

    [RFC3784]  H. Smit, T. Li, "IS-IS extensions for Traffic Engineering",
               RFC 3784, June 2004.

    [RFC4124]  Le Faucheur, F., Ed., "Protocol extensions for support of  
               Differentiated-Service-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering", 
               RFC 4124, June 2005.

    [RFC4205]  K. Kompella,, Y. Rekhter, Eds., "IS-IS Extensions in Support of 
               Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching", RFC 4205, October 2005.

    [RFC4971]  J. Vasseur, N. Shen, R. Aggarwal, "IS-IS Extensions for 
               Advertising Router Information", RFC 4971, July 2007.

    [RFC4972]  JP. Vasseur, Ed., JL. Leroux, Ed., S. Yasukawa, S. Previdi, P. Psenak
               and P. Mabbey, "Routing Extensions for Discovery of Multiprotocol (MPLS) 
               Label Switch Router (LSR) Traffic Engineering (TE) Mesh Membership",
               RFC 4972, July 2007.

    [RFC5029]  JP. Vasseur, S. Previdi, "Definition of an IS-IS Link Attribute 
               sub-TLV", RFC 5029, September 2007.

    [RFC5073]  J.P. Vasseur, Ed., J.L. Le Roux. Ed., "IGP Routing Protocol 
               Extensions for Discovery of Traffic Engineering Node Capabilities",
               RFC 5073, December 2007.

    [RFC5089]  J.L. Le Roux, Ed., J.P. Vasseur, Ed., Y.Ikejiri, R. Zhang, "IS-IS 
               Protocol Extensions for Path Computation Element (PCE) Discovery",
               RFC 5089, January 2008.

    [RFC5120]  T. Przygienda, N. Shen, N. Sheth, "M-ISIS: Multi Topology (MT) 
               Routing in IS-IS", RFC 5120, February 2008.

    [RFC5130]  S. Previdi, M. Shand, Ed., C. Martin, B. Neal, "A Policy Control 
               Mechanism in IS-IS Using Administrative Tags", RFC 5130, February 2008.

               D. Katz, R. Saluja, D. Eastlake, "Three-Way Handshake for Intermediate 
               System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Point-to-Point Adjacencies", RFC 
               XXXX, Month Year.

    [RFC5301]  D. McPherson, N. Shen, "Dynamic Hostname Exchange Mechanism for IS-IS", 
               RFC 5301, October 2008.

    [RFC5304]  T. Li and R. Atkinson, "IS-IS Cryptographic Authentication", 
               RFC 5304, October 2008.

    [RFC5305]  T. Li, H. Smit, "IS-IS extensions for Traffic Engineering", RFC 5305, 
               October 2008.

    [RFC5306]  M. Shand, L. Ginsberg, "Restart Signaling for Intermediate System to 
               Intermediate System (IS-IS)", RFC 5306, October 2008.

    [RFC5307]  K. Kompella, Ed., Y. Rekhter, Ed., "Intermediate System to Intermediate 
               System (IS-IS) Extensions in Support of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label 
               Switching (GMPLS)", RFC 5307, October 2008.

    [RFC5308]  C. Hopps, "Routing IPv6 with IS-IS", RFC 5308, October 2008.

    [RFC5330]  J. Vasseur, Ed., M. Meyer, K. Kumaki, A. Tempia Bonda, "A Link-Type sub-TLV 
               to convey the number of Traffic Engineering Label Switched Paths signalled 
               with zero reserved bandwidth across a link", RFC 5330, October 2008.

    [RFC5316]  M. Chen, R. Zhang, X. Duan, "ISIS Extensions in Support of Inter-AS 
               Multiprotocol Label Switching", RFC 5316, December 2008.

               J. Harrison, J. Berger, M. Bartlett, "IPv6 Traffic Engineering in IS-IS", 
               RFC XXXX, Month Year. 

    (created 2003-05-06)


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