1 环境准备
1.1 创建文章表(类似于此处的博客):
drop TABLE if EXISTS article; create table if not EXISTS `article` ( id int PRIMARY KEY auto_increment, author_id int, category_id int, comments int, views int );
1.2 插入两条数据:
INSERT INTO article(author_id, category_id, comments, views) values(1001, 1, 44, 55555); INSERT INTO article(author_id, category_id, comments, views) values(1002, 1, 55, 66666);
1.3 需求:查询 category_id=1 且 comments>1 的情况下,views 最多的 author_id
2 实现
2.1 查询Sql:
SELECT id, author_id FROM article where category_id = 1 and comments > 1 ORDER BY views desc limit 1;
2.2 执行结果:
3 Explain分析
EXPLAIN SELECT id, author_id FROM article where category_id = 1 and comments > 1 ORDER BY views desc limit 1;
可以看到,type=all 且 Using filesort!危险!
4 索引优化
4.1 第一次建立索引
既然查询条件和OrderBy中使用到了 category_id, comments, views 三个字段,于是,尝试对这三个字段建立索引
create index idx_ccv on article(category_id, comments, views);
Explain SELECT id, author_id FROM article where category_id = 1 and comments > 1 ORDER BY views desc limit 1;
可以看到,type=range 比之前的好,但是还是有 Using filesort!需要继续优化!
既然 type=range ,那就表明这是一个范围内查询,而范围后的索引会失效,于是考虑,不对这个范围建立索引。
4.2 第二次建立索引
这次不对 comments 字段建立索引
drop index idx_ccv on article; create index idx_cv on article(category_id, views);
Explain SELECT id, author_id FROM article where category_id = 1 and comments > 1 ORDER BY views desc limit 1;
可以看到,type=ref 这比之前的 all & range 都好,且没有 Using filesort!
5 总结