• 利用SlickUpload上传文件

    利用Session变量解决勇在LetterFolderCustomFileNameGenerator.cs文件内的GenerateFileName()函数动态碟成如 "P00001" "P01009"等样式的目录

     public string GenerateFileName(UploadedFile file)
       //string fileName = Path.Combine(file.ClientName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower(), file.ClientName);
       //DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"d:cnawebjournal-center.comXYZ");
       //CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../") + HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["PaperIDID"]);
       CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../") + HttpContext.Current.Session["FolderName"]);
       string fileName = Path.Combine((string)HttpContext.Current.Session["FolderName"], file.ClientName);
       return fileName;



    Hi All
     i m new to asp.net, any help will be appriciated ,
    i have a login form where i get login/pass if success i generate two sessions like
    Session["EmailAddress"] = EmailAddress;
    Session["Name"] = Name;
    upto here its pretty ok .. i have a .cs class naming user.cs it has different methods like AdUser,updateUser etc

    the problem is that when ever i try to get the vale of session in this class it gives me this error : The name 'Session' does not exist in the class or namespace 'RMS.User'
    y the session varible is not visible here ? or what should i do to get its value

    Waiting 4 reply,
    Qazi Asim

    use this in your class files to access the session:


    public class user
       public void MySessionValues()
           string myEmailAddress = HTTPContext.Current.Session["EmailAddress"];


    By using the CreateDirectory() function provided in the following artical


    now, we can create a new folder for uploading files.

    in LetterFolderCustomFileNameGenerator.cs, we add the function public static void CreateDirectory(string DirectoryPath)

    public class LetterFolderCustomFileNameGenerator : ICustomFileNameGenerator
      public string GenerateFileName(UploadedFile file)
       //string fileName = Path.Combine(file.ClientName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower(), file.ClientName);
       //DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"d:\cna\web\journal-center.com\XYZ");
       CreateDirectory("d:\\cna\\web\\journal-center.com\\" + "XYZNow");
       string fileName = Path.Combine("XYZNow", file.ClientName);
       return fileName;

      public static void CreateDirectory(string DirectoryPath)
       // trim leading \ character
       DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
       Scripting.FileSystemObject fso = new Scripting.FileSystemObjectClass();
       // check if folder exists, if yes - no work to do
        int i = DirectoryPath.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
        // find last\lowest folder name
        string CurrentDirectoryName = DirectoryPath.Substring(i+1,
        // find parent folder of the last folder
        string ParentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath.Substring(0,i);
        // recursive calling of function to create all parent folders
        // create last folder in current path
        Scripting.Folder folder = fso.GetFolder(ParentDirectoryPath);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cy163/p/317661.html
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