• FusionChart Stacked Area Chart使用方法



    RealTimeStackedArea2D 与 StackedArea2D 的 区别




    chart2.0 相关参数介绍 在xml中可以设置

          1> if  tag is <graph>
         the root-tag' name only can use <graph></graph>
         in the root tag,you can set some arrtributes
         animation='0/1'                   show chart by active 动画效果展示  
         alternateHGridColor='f8f8f8'    Color of the alternate horizontal grid bands
         alternateHGridAlpha='60'      Alpha (transparency) of the alternate horizontal grid bands.
         bgColor='FFFFDD'                  flash's background color DO NOT need to assign a "#"
         bgAlpha='70'            set the alpha
         bgSWF="Path of SWF File"          load an external .swf file as a background for the chart
         caption='Monthly Unit Sales'      the caption of the chart
         decimalPrecision='0'              show the number with decimal like "1,761.0"    flag:   '0' is none
         divlinecolor='c5c5c5'       color of the grid divisional line
         divLineThickness="5"        Thickness (in pixels) of the grid divisional line.
         divLineAlpha='60'         Alpha (transparency) of the grid divisional line
         formatNumberScale='0'             show the number with formatted  like "1k"      flag:   '0' is none
         link=urlencode("http://www.ethos.com.cn")  add a link to bar        $strXML  .="<set value='30' link='".urlencode("http://www.ethos.com.cn")."'/>";
         numberPrefix='$'                  precede each number with this character
         rotateNames='1/0'                 text boxes would be rotated or not. 类别文字是否横放还是竖放
         showNames='1'                     sub-tag's name is appear or disappear          flag:   '0' is none
         showDivLinue="1/0" :          Option to show/hide the textual value of the divisional line.
         showAlternateHGridColor='1'       show alternate colored horizontal grid bands
         showLimits='1'                    show/hide the chart limit textboxes    表格y端是否显示最大值
         xAxisName='Month'          x-Axis text title
         yAxisName='Units'          y-Axis text title
         yAxisMinValue="3"                This attribute determines the lower limit of y-axis.
         yAxisMaxValue="3"(yaxismaxvalue='3')This attribute determines the upper limit of y-axis.当所有数值为零时候,不设置此项图形将超出表格不能控制
         bgSWF='sample.jpg'                add background picture  增加背景图片
         chartLeftMargin='100'             chart's margin with flash 表格与flash边框的距离
         if tag is <set>
        color='FFFFDD'                    flash's bar's color DO NOT need to assign a "#"
          Chart                Type Description
          Column2D             Single Series Column 2D Chart 
          Column3D             Single Series Column 3D Chart
          Line Single          Series Line Chart
          Pie3D Single         Series Pie 3D Chart
          Pie2D Single         Series Pie 2D Chart
          Bar2D Single         Series Bar 2D Chart
          Area2D Single        Series Area 2D Chart
          Doughnut2D           Single Series Doughnut 2D Chart
          MSColumn3D           Multi-Series Column 3D Chart
          MSColumn2D           Multi-Series Column 2D Chart
          MSArea2D             Multi-Series Column 2D Chart
          MSLine               Multi-Series Line Chart
          MSBar2D              Multi-Series Bar Chart
          StackedColumn2D      Stacked Column 2D Chart 
          StackedColumn3D      Stacked Column 3D Chart
          StackedBar2D         Stacked Bar 2D Chart
          StackedArea2D        Stacked Area 2D Chart
          MSColumn3DLineDY     Combination Dual Y Chart
                                  (Column 3D + Line) 
          MSColumn2DLineDY     Combination Dual Y Chart
                                  (Column 2D + Line) 
         numdivlines='2'      in background, how many line will split the x axis  横向等分线的条数
         numVdivlines='5'    in background, how many line will split the y axis  纵向等分线的条数
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cy163/p/1622775.html
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