• danger JLabel.settext() in another thread



    Posts: n/a
    Hey all,

    I was wondering how dangerous calling JLabel.setText from a thread
    other than the event dispatching thread. I know its illegal, but its
    in there. I'm looking at some code which does this, but so far it has
    not caused any problems and its passed testing.

    Basically, it's just a thread that updates the elapsed time. Don't
    ask me why its in its own thread...I didn't write it.




    Remi Bastide
    Posts: n/a
    What about :

    new Runnable() {
    public void run() {


    (Yamin) wrote:

    >Hey all,
    >I was wondering how dangerous calling JLabel.setText from a thread
    >other than the event dispatching thread. I know its illegal, but its
    >in there. I'm looking at some code which does this, but so far it has
    >not caused any problems and its passed testing.
    >Basically, it's just a thread that updates the elapsed time. Don't
    >ask me why its in its own thread...I didn't write it.


    Matt Humphrey
    Posts: n/a

    "Yamin" <> wrote in message
    news: om...
    > Hey all,
    > I was wondering how dangerous calling JLabel.setText from a thread
    > other than the event dispatching thread. I know its illegal, but its
    > in there. I'm looking at some code which does this, but so far it has
    > not caused any problems and its passed testing.
    > Basically, it's just a thread that updates the elapsed time. Don't
    > ask me why its in its own thread...I didn't write it.

    It's illegal because it will eventually conflict with whatever Swing is
    doing. Although setting text seems simple, Swing is accessing font sizes,
    graphics contexts and so forth. Having the underlying string (reference)
    change may cause any number of problems. In my experience with this
    particular case (which was a while ago), I usually end up with the label
    truncated, not resizing and possibly with unexplained crashes. Because the
    symptoms depend strongly on the timing within the virtual machine, and other
    platform-dependent things, you may not see any problems until your customer
    runs the program on a different machine.


    Matt Humphrey http://www.iviz.com/


    Roedy Green
    Posts: n/a
    On 21 Jul 2004 08:13:34 -0700, (Yamin) wrote or
    quoted :

    >I was wondering how dangerous calling JLabel.setText from a thread
    >other than the event dispatching thread. I know its illegal, but its
    >in there. I'm looking at some code which does this, but so far it has
    >not caused any problems and its passed testing.

    Unlike the AWT, Swing is not threadsafe. You can't directly meddle
    with Swing components, or their backing data models from a second
    thread. The contract is, if you want to do anything to a Swing
    component that could have any effect on it's display from an
    application thread (not the EventDispatchThread itself), you should
    add it to the event dispatch thread's queue via
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater( Runnable ) or
    SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( Runnable ) so that it will be done on
    the same thread that Swing itself uses. The good news is, even though
    you are using Runnable, you don't have the overhead of actually
    creating a new Thread since you are just calling the run method on the
    already existing Swing thread.

    There are a few exceptions to this general rule, most notably it is
    safe to call repaint and revalidate, JTextComponent.setText and
    JTextArea.append from any thread.

    See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/threadsafe.html

    Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
    Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
    See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.

    Posts: n/a

    > It's illegal because it will eventually conflict with whatever Swing is
    > doing.

    I second that: it's just a matter of time.


    Posts: n/a
    Roedy Green <look-> wrote in message news:<>. ..
    > On 21 Jul 2004 08:13:34 -0700, (Yamin) wrote or
    > quoted :
    > >I was wondering how dangerous calling JLabel.setText from a thread
    > >other than the event dispatching thread. I know its illegal, but its
    > >in there. I'm looking at some code which does this, but so far it has
    > >not caused any problems and its passed testing.
    > Unlike the AWT, Swing is not threadsafe. You can't directly meddle
    > with Swing components, or their backing data models from a second
    > thread. The contract is, if you want to do anything to a Swing
    > component that could have any effect on it's display from an
    > application thread (not the EventDispatchThread itself), you should
    > add it to the event dispatch thread's queue via
    > SwingUtilities.invokeLater( Runnable ) or
    > SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( Runnable ) so that it will be done on
    > the same thread that Swing itself uses. The good news is, even though
    > you are using Runnable, you don't have the overhead of actually
    > creating a new Thread since you are just calling the run method on the
    > already existing Swing thread.

    Let me see if I have this straight. Say you have an app that creates a
    GUI to display something like the amount of data being processed by a
    NIC card. To monitor this card, you start a thread, passing to it a
    reference to the GUI you just created in the main thread
    (EventDispatchThread, presumably). The monitoring thread needs to
    continually update the GUI with data as it observes it.

    Does the above reference mean the monitoring thread can't just update
    the GUI even though it has a direct reference to it? For example, to
    change a JTextBox on the GUI to say "100 packets received", do I have
    to create runnable class, which nonetheless won't be invoked at the
    start of a thread, which updates the JTextBox, and then make it a
    parameter to either either invokeLater or invokeAndWait, instead of
    updating JTextBox directly?

    Is it possible for Sun have thought up a less intuitive way to do


    Roedy Green
    Posts: n/a
    On 21 Jul 2004 17:13:00 -0700, (Sam) wrote or
    quoted :

    >Does the above reference mean the monitoring thread can't just update
    >the GUI even though it has a direct reference to it?

    It has to pass a Runnable that does the gui poking to invokeLater.
    There are some exception noted where you can safely do it yourself. I
    can see why changing the text in a box is thread safe. All you are
    doing is pointing the component to a new string -- an atomic
    operation. So long as the paint routine makes it own copy of the
    string, all should work.

    Yet some other posters have said that these actions are not safe after
    all, even if the JavaDoc claims they are.

    It never hurts to use a Runnable. It is not that much overhead. It is
    not as if you were starting a new thread. The advantage of doing the
    Runnable is maintenance. If someone comes along later and changes the
    code a little it will still work. Without the Runnable it could stop
    working mysteriously, and thread problems are notoriously difficult to
    reproduce and track down.

    Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
    Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
    See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.

    Matt Humphrey
    Posts: n/a

    <prior conv. snipped>

    > Let me see if I have this straight. Say you have an app that creates a
    > GUI to display something like the amount of data being processed by a
    > NIC card. To monitor this card, you start a thread, passing to it a
    > reference to the GUI you just created in the main thread
    > (EventDispatchThread, presumably). The monitoring thread needs to
    > continually update the GUI with data as it observes it.
    > Does the above reference mean the monitoring thread can't just update
    > the GUI even though it has a direct reference to it? For example, to
    > change a JTextBox on the GUI to say "100 packets received", do I have
    > to create runnable class, which nonetheless won't be invoked at the
    > start of a thread, which updates the JTextBox, and then make it a
    > parameter to either either invokeLater or invokeAndWait, instead of
    > updating JTextBox directly?

    The bigger issue is that the GUI in modern systems accounts for 75%-90% of
    the code, so it's not just some little thing that gets updated every so
    often. As a complex system in its own right, trying to synchronize it with
    application code would be a total nightmare, would likely have bugs and
    would have performance problems because of the constant lock checking. By
    requiring it be single threaded (except for a couple of methods) Swing can
    be much less complex, more robust and have better performance and fewer
    opportunities for bugs. Keep in mind that it's only code that runs in
    separate threads that needs to deferred to the Event thread. Many apps do
    much of their work in the event handler itself where no update is required.

    > Is it possible for Sun have thought up a less intuitive way to do
    > this?

    I have to admit it took a while to understand what was going on,
    particularly because I was raised in the pre-GUI days where a program had
    total control of the machine. But now I really like it and having written
    many multithreaded (collaborative, distirbuted, etc, etc) systems I would
    make the same design decision.


    Matt Humphrey http://www.iviz.com/


    Roedy Green
    Posts: n/a
    On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 21:36:30 -0400, "Matt Humphrey"
    <> wrote or quoted :

    > But now I really like it and having written
    >many multithreaded (collaborative, distirbuted, etc, etc) systems I would
    >make the same design decision.

    Hear Hear! Any time you have race conditions possible, you get into
    bugs that only show up on Christmas eve, and then disappear so you
    can't nail them. invokeLater is a small penalty to pay for stability
    and bug avoidance.

    Everything happens on the Swing thread in nice orderly little chunks,
    with no unpredictable interleaving.

    Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
    Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
    See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.

    Posts: n/a
    Thanks for all the responses guys.
    Yeah, I know about invokelater and what not. That's why I asked the
    question as I knew of its illegality and how to write it properly.

    Its not my code, and sometimes its a mission to get someone to change
    something when its 'not broken'.

    But I guess the general answer is that its VM specific.


    (Yamin) wrote in message news:<. com>...
    > Hey all,
    > I was wondering how dangerous calling JLabel.setText from a thread
    > other than the event dispatching thread. I know its illegal, but its
    > in there. I'm looking at some code which does this, but so far it has
    > not caused any problems and its passed testing.
    > Basically, it's just a thread that updates the elapsed time. Don't
    > ask me why its in its own thread...I didn't write it.
    > Yamin

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