• Better ChildFactory



    Thanks to Jesse, here's a corrected & improved ChildFactory from a few days ago, using ChildFactory.Detachable so that you have addNotify/removeNotify to add/remove the LookupListener and thus avoid a memory leak, together with a createKeys/resultChanged that is simplified too.
    private class FirstLevelChildFactory extends ChildFactory.Detachable<ResultType> implements LookupListener {

        Result<ResultSet> resultRetrievedFromYahoo;

        protected void addNotify() {
            resultRetrievedFromYahoo = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext().lookupResult(ResultSet.class);

        protected void removeNotify() {
            resultRetrievedFromYahoo = null;

        protected boolean createKeys(List<ResultType> list) {
            for (ResultSet rs : resultRetrievedFromYahoo.allInstances()) {
            return true;

        protected Node createNodeForKey(ResultType key) {
            String[] split = key.getTitle().split(" ");
            String theNextWordToBeSearched = split[split.length - 1];
            AbstractNode firstLevelNode =
                    new AbstractNode(
                    Children.create(new GenericChildFactory(theNextWordToBeSearched), true),
            return firstLevelNode;

        public void resultChanged(LookupEvent le) {

    This is a very simple & elegant solution.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cuizhf/p/2189950.html
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