• Jérôme关于JXSE的一个邮件,目前似乎还没人接手JXSE项目


    JXSE 2.7 final is now released. A small patch solving a NPE issue when closing a Bidirectional pipe has been applied since 2.7-RC1.

    The http://jxse.kenai.com website has been updated with the final version of the programmer's guide and download information. The Sonatype staging repositories for 2.7-Beta and 2.7-RC1 have been dropped. You will need to update your pom.xml using information provided in the sample pom.xml in attachment to use release 2.7 with Maven.

    After (nearly) two years of leadership and two releases for this project, I have decided to switch my efforts to the Chaupal project (see http://code.google.com/p/chaupal/). If someone else wants to take over the JXTA leadership, I have administrator priviledges on key projects. Just inform the community/me.

    Regarding the move to Apache, there has been no follow-up from Oracle. This confirms its disdain towards the Open Source community, as experienced by several other Open Source projects recently. So much for Larry Ellison and for his followers' unrequited concept of fair play. It does not put them where they dream to be. It never will.

    I remain available for questions, but I won't be monitoring the mailing lists or the forum too much. Send me an email at jver...@gmail.com directly if necessary.

    Cheers & Bye,




    JXTA is a stable TURN-like P2P solution. A company called OneDrum is
    still posting patches for the 2.6 release and plans to merge them into
    trunk somewhere down the road.

    If you are going for a commercial application and if JXTA fits your
    needs so far, I would stick with it. If not, then search for other
    frameworks. I heard about JGroups, but I have not been using it myself
    and I don't know how well it could replace JXTA. You would have to
    investigate yourself.

    Regarding support for JXTA, I don't follow the JXTA lists anymore, but I
    am on StackOverflow.com and I do answer P2P/JXTA answers. So, if you
    have questions, drop them there I will answer them sooner or later.

    Regarding Chaupal, I have been swamped by work and was not able to put
    hours in this project. I plan to use Chaupal in my own products
    somewhere down the road, so I will get back to it. I just don't know
    when. I would not plan to use it in a commercial application at this stage.

    If you don't want to be attached too much to a given framework, I
    suggest you develop a set of API interfaces in your project and plug
    JXTA into it. If later you want to switch to another framework, just
    develop a new implementation of your API and replace the 'JXTA plugin'
    with the new 'framework plugin'. It is a common practice in projects.

    There are factors which were not under our control with JXTA and we have
    been victims of Oracle's lack of responsibility in this matter. It is
    not our fault, it is unfortunately stuff that happens in business.

    Hope this helps,


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cuizhf/p/2143361.html
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