• initdb 简介

    os:centos 6.8


    $ /usr/pgsql-10/bin/initdb --help
    initdb initializes a PostgreSQL database cluster.
      initdb [OPTION]... [DATADIR]
      -A, --auth=METHOD         default authentication method for local connections
          --auth-host=METHOD    default authentication method for local TCP/IP connections
          --auth-local=METHOD   default authentication method for local-socket connections
     [-D, --pgdata=]DATADIR     location for this database cluster
      -E, --encoding=ENCODING   set default encoding for new databases
          --locale=LOCALE       set default locale for new databases
          --lc-collate=, --lc-ctype=, --lc-messages=LOCALE
          --lc-monetary=, --lc-numeric=, --lc-time=LOCALE
                                set default locale in the respective category for
                                new databases (default taken from environment)
          --no-locale           equivalent to --locale=C
          --pwfile=FILE         read password for the new superuser from file
      -T, --text-search-config=CFG
                                default text search configuration
      -U, --username=NAME       database superuser name
      -W, --pwprompt            prompt for a password for the new superuser
      -X, --waldir=WALDIR       location for the write-ahead log directory
    Less commonly used options:
      -d, --debug               generate lots of debugging output
      -k, --data-checksums      use data page checksums
      -L DIRECTORY              where to find the input files
      -n, --no-clean            do not clean up after errors
      -N, --no-sync             do not wait for changes to be written safely to disk
      -s, --show                show internal settings
      -S, --sync-only           only sync data directory
    Other options:
      -V, --version             output version information, then exit
      -?, --help                show this help, then exit
    If the data directory is not specified, the environment variable PGDATA
    is used.
    Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org>.

    添加了 –debug –data-checksums

    $ /usr/pgsql-10/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/10/data -U postgres -W -E UTF8 --locale=zh_CN.UTF-8 --debug --data-checksums

    未添加 –debug –data-checksums

    $ /usr/pgsql-10/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/10/data -U postgres -W -E UTF8 --locale=zh_CN.UTF-8    
    The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
    This user must also own the server process.
    The database cluster will be initialized with locale "zh_CN.UTF-8".
    initdb: could not find suitable text search configuration for locale "zh_CN.UTF-8"
    The default text search configuration will be set to "simple".
    Data page checksums are disabled.
    Enter new superuser password: 
    Enter it again: 
    fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/pgsql/10/data ... ok
    creating subdirectories ... ok
    selecting default max_connections ... 100
    selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
    selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
    creating configuration files ... ok
    running bootstrap script ... ok
    performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
    syncing data to disk ... ok
    WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
    You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
    --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
    Success. You can now start the database server using:
        /usr/pgsql-10/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/10/data -l logfile start


    $ egrep ^[a-z] ./postgresql.conf 
    max_connections = 100           # (change requires restart)
    shared_buffers = 128MB          # min 128kB
    dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix  # the default is the first option
    log_destination = 'stderr'      # Valid values are combinations of
    logging_collector = on          # Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog
    log_directory = 'log'           # directory where log files are written,
    log_filename = 'postgresql-%a.log'  # log file name pattern,
    log_truncate_on_rotation = on       # If on, an existing log file with the
    log_rotation_age = 1d           # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
    log_rotation_size = 0           # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
    log_line_prefix = '%m [%p] '        # special values:
    log_timezone = 'PRC'
    datestyle = 'iso, ymd'
    timezone = 'PRC'
    lc_messages = 'zh_CN.UTF-8'         # locale for system error message
    lc_monetary = 'zh_CN.UTF-8'         # locale for monetary formatting
    lc_numeric = 'zh_CN.UTF-8'          # locale for number formatting
    lc_time = 'zh_CN.UTF-8'             # locale for time formatting
    default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.simple'


    $ psql
    psql (10.3)
    Type "help" for help.
    postgres=# select version();
     PostgreSQL 10.3 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18), 64-bit
    (1 row)
    postgres=# l
                                      List of databases
       Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges   
     postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | 
     template0 | postgres | UTF8     | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
               |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
     template1 | postgres | UTF8     | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
               |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
    (3 rows)
    postgres=# select * from pg_collation ;
           collname        | collnamespace | collowner | collprovider | collencoding |      collcollate      |       collctype       | collversion 
     default               |            11 |        10 | d            |           -1 |                       |                       | 
     C                     |            11 |        10 | c            |           -1 | C                     | C                     | 
     POSIX                 |            11 |        10 | c            |           -1 | POSIX                 | POSIX                 | 
     ucs_basic             |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | C                     | C                     | 
     aa_DJ                 |            11 |        10 | c            |            8 | aa_DJ                 | aa_DJ                 | 
     aa_DJ.iso88591        |            11 |        10 | c            |            8 | aa_DJ.iso88591        | aa_DJ.iso88591        | 
     aa_DJ.utf8            |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | aa_DJ.utf8            | aa_DJ.utf8            | 
     aa_ER                 |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | aa_ER                 | aa_ER                 | 
     aa_ER@saaho           |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | aa_ER@saaho           | aa_ER@saaho           | 
     aa_ER.utf8            |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | aa_ER.utf8            | aa_ER.utf8            | 
     aa_ER.utf8@saaho      |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | aa_ER.utf8@saaho      | aa_ER.utf8@saaho      | 
     aa_ET                 |            11 |        10 | c            |            6 | aa_ET                 | aa_ET                 | 
     zh-x-icu              |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh                    | zh                    |
     zh-hans-x-icu         |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hans               | zh_Hans               |
     zh-hans-cn-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hans_CN            | zh_Hans_CN            |
     zh-hans-hk-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hans_HK            | zh_Hans_HK            |
     zh-hans-mo-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hans_MO            | zh_Hans_MO            |
     zh-hans-sg-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hans_SG            | zh_Hans_SG            |
     zh-hant-x-icu         |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hant               | zh_Hant               |
     zh-hant-hk-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hant_HK            | zh_Hant_HK            |
     zh-hant-mo-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hant_MO            | zh_Hant_MO            |
     zh-hant-tw-x-icu      |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zh_Hant_TW            | zh_Hant_TW            |
     zu-x-icu              |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zu                    | zu                    |
     zu-za-x-icu           |            11 |        10 | i            |           -1 | zu_ZA                 | zu_ZA                 |
    (1162 rows)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ctypyb2002/p/9793041.html
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