clc;close all;clear;
x =linspace(0,4*pi,10); y = x.^2.*sin(x); figure hold on plot(x,y,'b-','linewidth',2) plot(x,y,'r^','linewidth',2) xlabel('x (seconds)') ylabel('y = x^2*sin(x)') grid on title('x VS y an example plot') legend('y','y(data points)','location','best') axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]) text(2,-40,'The angle of the wheel heta','color','r','FontSize',16,'FontName','Time News Roman') % histogram 直方图 N = 2000; numBins = 20; sampleuniform = rand(1,N); sampleNorm = randn(1,N); figure subplot(2,1,1) histogram(sampleuniform,numBins);%numBins默认是10个 subplot(2,1,2) histogram(sampleNorm,numBins); %% plotyy 方便对变化范围差异较大的两幅图进行比较 x2 = linspace(0,5*pi,20); y2 = x2.^3.*sin(x2); figure hold on plot(x,y) plot(x2,y2) figure plotyy(x,y,x2,y2) %% semilogx figure semilogx(x2,y2) grid on %%loglog() figure x3 = logspace(-1,2); %logspace(a,b)创建10^a到10^b之间分为50份默认的,logspace(a,b,n)创建10^a到10^b之间分为n份 loglog(x3,exp(x3),'-s') grid on %% pie 饼图 figure sales = [15 50 30 30 20]; pie(sales) %% scatter figure subplot(2,1,1) scatter(x,y) subplot(2,1,2) plot(x,y,'b+')
fplot3 的参考页
fplot 的参考页
clc;clear; x=0:0.01:6*pi; y =sin(x); figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); maker_idx = 1:30:length(x); plot(x,y,'ro-.','LineWidth',0.5,'MarkerIndices',maker_idx); axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)])%坐标轴刚好取到函数最大值处 %事后补上绘图特性也可以 subplot(2,1,2); maker_idx = 1:30:length(x); g = plot(x,y,'MarkerIndices',maker_idx); g.Color = 'r'; g.LineStyle = ':'; g.Marker = 'x'; g.MarkerEdgeColor = 'b'; axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]) %坐标轴刚好取到函数最大值处 figure(2) subplot(2,2,1) fp = fplot(@(x) sin(x),[-5,5]); %这个取matlab自己取默认的x范围[-5,5] fp.LineStyle = ':'; fp.Color = 'r'; fp.Marker = 'x'; fp.MarkerEdgeColor = 'b'; hold on fplot(@(x) cos(x)) hold off title('使用fplot(@(x) f(x))命令绘图') subplot(2,2,2) fplot(@(x) sin(x+pi/5),'Linewidth',2); hold on fplot(@(x) sin(x-pi/5),'--or'); fplot(@(x) sin(x),'-.*c') hold off title('使用fplot命令绘图加线条特性') subplot(2,2,3) %限定坐标轴显示的坐标值 fplot(@sin,[-2*pi 2*pi]) grid on title('sin(x) from -2pi to 2pi') xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); ax = gca; %Use gca to access the current axes object ax.XTick = -2*pi:pi/2:2*pi; ax.XTickLabel = {'-2pi','-3pi/2','-pi','-pi/2','0','pi/2','pi','3pi/2','2pi'}; title('限定坐标轴显示的坐标值') subplot(2,2,4) %画出分段函数 % fplot(f,lims,参数) f代表一个函数,通常采用函数句柄的形式。lims为x轴的取值范围,用二元向量[xmin,xmax]描述 fplot(@(x) exp(x),[-3 0],'b') hold on fplot(@(x) cos(x),[0 3],'b') hold off grid on title('分段函数绘制') figure(3) subplot(1,3,1) % fplot(funx,funy,tlims,参数) fplot(@(t)t.*sin(t),@(t)t.*cos(t),[0,10*pi],'-bh','MarkerEdgeColor','r') title('fplot(funx,funy,tlims,参数)运用') subplot(1,3,2) dc=hsv(18); % 18 colours are generated x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; hold on % you much write this before the plot i=1; for d=0:0.2:2, % 11 lines in plot are taken plot(x,sin(x-d),'color',dc(i,:),'linewidth',2) i=i+1; end subplot(1,3,3) % 线条设置渐变粗 t=0:0.01:2*pi; y =sin(t); plot(t,y,'LineWidth',0.01); xlim([min(t) max(t+1)]); ylim([-1.2 1.2]); hold on for k=1:1:length(t) Ld = 0.04*k; P = plot(t(k),y(k),'ro'); P.LineWidth = Ld; hold on; end title('线条设置渐变粗')