• win10 x64 1903的miniVT实现ept



    #include "CPU.h"
    #include "MSR.h"
    #include "comm.h"
    #include "EPT.h"
    #include "WMX.h"
    extern void inline Breakpoint(void);
    extern void inline Enable_VMX_Operation(void);
    extern void inline Disable_VMX_Operation(void);
    extern ULONG64 inline Get_GDT_Base(void);
    extern ULONG64 inline Get_IDT_Base(void);
    extern VOID GetCpuIdInfo( __in ULONG32 fn, __out PULONG32 ret_eax, __out PULONG32 ret_ebx,__out PULONG32 ret_ecx,__out PULONG32 ret_edx);
    extern USHORT GetCs(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetDs(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetEs(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetSs(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetFs(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetGs(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetLdtr(VOID);
    extern USHORT GetTr(VOID);
    extern USHORT Get_IDT_Limit(VOID);
    extern USHORT Get_GDT_Limit(VOID);
    extern ULONG64 Get_RFLAGS(VOID);
    extern void inline AsmVmxSaveState(VOID);
    extern void inline retfc(VOID);
    extern void AsmVmxRestoreState(VOID);
    extern void AsmVmexitHandler(VOID);
    extern void Wmcall(VOID);
    extern void inline AsmVmxRestore(VOID);
    extern unsigned short AsmGetGdtLimit();
    extern unsigned short AsmGetIdtLimit();
    extern unsigned long long inline AsmGetGdtBase();
    extern unsigned short AsmGetRflags();
    UINT64 g_StackPointerForReturning;
    UINT64 g_BasePointerForReturning;
    extern unsigned char inline AsmInvvpid(unsigned long Type, void* Descriptors);
    extern unsigned char inline INVEPT_Instruction(_In_ unsigned long type, _In_ void* descriptor);
    extern unsigned char inline AsmInvept(unsigned long Type, void* Descriptors);
    extern void MSRWrite(ULONG32 reg, ULONG64 MsrValue);
    extern ULONG64 MSRRead(ULONG32 reg);
    EPT_STATE* EptState;
    BOOLEAN Is_VMX_Supported(){
    	CPUID data = { 0 };
    	// VMX bit µÚÎåλҪÇóΪ1£¬intel23.6ÕÂ
    	__cpuid((int*)&data, 1);
    	if ((data.ecx & (1 << 5)) == 0)
    		return FALSE;
    	IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR Control = { 0 };//¶ÔÓ¦biosµÄÉ趨
    	Control.All = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL);
    	// BIOS lock check   intel23.7ÕÂ
    	if (Control.Fields.Lock == 0){//ÕâÀïÐèÒªµÈÓÚ1²Å´ú±íÄÜ¿ªÆô
    		Control.Fields.Lock = TRUE;
    		Control.Fields.EnableVmxon = TRUE;
    		__writemsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL, Control.All);
    	}else if (Control.Fields.EnableVmxon == FALSE){
    		DbgPrint("VMX locked off in BIOS");
    		return FALSE;
    	return TRUE;
    #define ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE   4096
    #define MAXIMUM_ADDRESS	0xffffffffffffffff
    #define VMCS_SIZE   4096
    #define VMXON_SIZE   4096
    UINT64 VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(void* va){
    	return MmGetPhysicalAddress(va).QuadPart;//ÐéÄâµØַתÎïÀíµØÖ·
    BOOLEAN Allocate_VMXON_Region(IN PVirtualMachineState vmState){
    	// at IRQL > DISPATCH_LEVEL memory allocation routines don't work
    	if (KeGetCurrentIrql() > DISPATCH_LEVEL)
    	PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalMax = { 0 };
    	PhysicalMax.QuadPart = MAXULONG64;
    	int VMXONSize = 2 * VMXON_SIZE;
    	PUCHAR Buffer = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(VMXONSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE, PhysicalMax);  // Allocating a 4-KByte Contigous Memory region
    	PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Highest = { 0 }, Lowest = { 0 };
    	Highest.QuadPart = ~0;
    	//BYTE* Buffer = MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(VMXONSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE, Lowest, Highest, Lowest, MmNonCached);
    	if (Buffer == NULL) {
    		DbgPrint("Error : Couldn't Allocate Buffer for VMXON Region.\n");
    	UINT64 PhysicalBuffer = VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(Buffer);
    	// zero-out memory 
    	RtlSecureZeroMemory(Buffer, VMXONSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE);
    	UINT64 alignedPhysicalBuffer = (PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)(PhysicalBuffer + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1) &~(ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
    	UINT64 alignedVirtualBuffer = (PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)(Buffer + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1) &~(ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
    	DbgPrint("Virtual allocated buffer for VMXON at %llx\n", Buffer);
    	DbgPrint("Virtual aligned allocated buffer for VMXON at %llx\n", alignedVirtualBuffer);
    	DbgPrint("Aligned physical buffer allocated for VMXON at %llx\n", alignedPhysicalBuffer);
    	// get IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR RevisionId
    	IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR basic = { 0 };
    	basic.All = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC);
    	DbgPrint("MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC (MSR 0x480) Revision Identifier %llx\n", basic.Fields.RevisionIdentifier);
    	//Changing Revision Identifier
    	*(UINT64 *)alignedVirtualBuffer = basic.Fields.RevisionIdentifier;
    	int status = __vmx_on(&alignedPhysicalBuffer);
    	if (status){
    		DbgPrint("VMXON failed with status %d\n", status);
    		return FALSE;
    	vmState->VMXON_REGION = alignedPhysicalBuffer;
    	return TRUE;
    BOOLEAN Allocate_VMCS_Region(IN PVirtualMachineState vmState){
    	// at IRQL > DISPATCH_LEVEL memory allocation routines don't work
    	if (KeGetCurrentIrql() > DISPATCH_LEVEL)
    	PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalMax = { 0 };
    	PhysicalMax.QuadPart = MAXULONG64;
    	int VMCSSize = 2 * VMCS_SIZE;
    	PUCHAR Buffer = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(VMCSSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE, PhysicalMax);  // Allocating a 4-KByte Contigous Memory region
    	PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Highest = { 0 }, Lowest = { 0 };
    	Highest.QuadPart = ~0;
    	//BYTE* Buffer = MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(VMXONSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE, Lowest, Highest, Lowest, MmNonCached);
    	UINT64 PhysicalBuffer = VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(Buffer);
    	if (Buffer == NULL) {
    		DbgPrint("Error : Couldn't Allocate Buffer for VMCS Region.\n");
    	// zero-out memory 
    	RtlSecureZeroMemory(Buffer, VMCSSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE);
    	UINT64 alignedPhysicalBuffer = (PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)(PhysicalBuffer + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1) &~(ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
    	UINT64 alignedVirtualBuffer = (PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)(Buffer + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1) &~(ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
    	DbgPrint("Virtual allocated buffer for VMCS at %llx\n", Buffer);
    	DbgPrint("Virtual aligned allocated buffer for VMCS at %llx\n", alignedVirtualBuffer);
    	DbgPrint("Aligned physical buffer allocated for VMCS at %llx\n", alignedPhysicalBuffer);
    	// get IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR RevisionId
    	IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR basic = { 0 };
    	basic.All = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC);
    	DbgPrint("MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC (MSR 0x480) Revision Identifier %llx\n", basic.Fields.RevisionIdentifier);
    	//Changing Revision Identifier
    	*(UINT64 *)alignedVirtualBuffer = basic.Fields.RevisionIdentifier;
    	vmState->VMCS_REGION = alignedPhysicalBuffer;
    	return TRUE;
    BOOLEAN Clear_VMCS_State(IN PVirtualMachineState vmState) {
    	// Clear the state of the VMCS to inactive
    	int status = __vmx_vmclear(&vmState->VMCS_REGION);
    	DbgPrint("VMCS VMCLAEAR Status is : %d\n", status);
    	if (status){
    		// Otherwise terminate the VMX
    		DbgPrint("VMCS failed to clear with status %d\n", status);
    		return FALSE;
    	return TRUE;
    BOOLEAN Load_VMCS(IN PVirtualMachineState vmState){
    	int status = __vmx_vmptrld(&vmState->VMCS_REGION);
    	if (status){
    		DbgPrint("VMCS failed with status %d\n", status);
    		return FALSE;
    	return TRUE;
    BOOLEAN GetSegmentDescriptor(IN PSEGMENT_SELECTOR SegmentSelector, IN USHORT Selector, IN PUCHAR GdtBase){
    	if (!SegmentSelector)
    		return FALSE;
    	if (Selector & 0x4) {
    		return FALSE;
    	SegDesc = (PSEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR)((PUCHAR)GdtBase + (Selector & ~0x7));
    	SegmentSelector->SEL = Selector;
    	SegmentSelector->BASE = SegDesc->BASE0 | SegDesc->BASE1 << 16 | SegDesc->BASE2 << 24;
    	SegmentSelector->LIMIT = SegDesc->LIMIT0 | (SegDesc->LIMIT1ATTR1 & 0xf) << 16;
    	SegmentSelector->ATTRIBUTES.UCHARs = SegDesc->ATTR0 | (SegDesc->LIMIT1ATTR1 & 0xf0) << 4;
    	if (!(SegDesc->ATTR0 & 0x10)) { // LA_ACCESSED
    		ULONG64 tmp;
    		// this is a TSS or callgate etc, save the base high part
    		tmp = (*(PULONG64)((PUCHAR)SegDesc + 8));
    		SegmentSelector->BASE = (SegmentSelector->BASE & 0xffffffff) | (tmp << 32);
    	if (SegmentSelector->ATTRIBUTES.Fields.G) {
    		// 4096-bit granularity is enabled for this segment, scale the limit
    		SegmentSelector->LIMIT = (SegmentSelector->LIMIT << 12) + 0xfff;
    	return TRUE;
    BOOLEAN SetGuestSelector(IN PVOID GDT_Base, IN ULONG Segment_Register, IN USHORT Selector){
    	SEGMENT_SELECTOR SegmentSelector = { 0 };
    	ULONG            uAccessRights;
    	GetSegmentDescriptor(&SegmentSelector, Selector, GDT_Base);
    	uAccessRights = ((PUCHAR)& SegmentSelector.ATTRIBUTES)[0] + (((PUCHAR)& SegmentSelector.ATTRIBUTES)[1] << 12);
    	if (!Selector)
    		uAccessRights |= 0x10000;
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_SELECTOR + Segment_Register * 2, Selector);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_LIMIT + Segment_Register * 2, SegmentSelector.LIMIT);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES + Segment_Register * 2, uAccessRights);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_BASE + Segment_Register * 2, SegmentSelector.BASE);
    	return TRUE;
    ULONG AdjustControls(IN ULONG Ctl, IN ULONG Msr){
    	MSR MsrValue = { 0 };
    	MsrValue.Content = __readmsr(Msr);
    	Ctl &= MsrValue.High;     /* bit == 0 in high word ==> must be zero */
    	Ctl |= MsrValue.Low;      /* bit == 1 in low word  ==> must be one  */
    	return Ctl;
    void FillGuestSelectorData(__in PVOID GdtBase,__in ULONG Segreg,__in USHORT Selector){
    	SEGMENT_SELECTOR SegmentSelector = { 0 };
    	ULONG            uAccessRights;
    	GetSegmentDescriptor(&SegmentSelector, Selector, GdtBase);
    	uAccessRights = ((PUCHAR)& SegmentSelector.ATTRIBUTES)[0] + (((PUCHAR)& SegmentSelector.ATTRIBUTES)[1] << 12);
    	if (!Selector)
    		uAccessRights |= 0x10000;
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_SELECTOR + Segreg * 2, Selector);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_LIMIT + Segreg * 2, SegmentSelector.LIMIT);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES + Segreg * 2, uAccessRights);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_ES_BASE + Segreg * 2, SegmentSelector.BASE);
    /* Handles Guest Access to control registers */
    VOID HvHandleControlRegisterAccess(PGUEST_REGS GuestState){
    	ULONG ExitQualification = 0;
    	__vmx_vmread(EXIT_QUALIFICATION, &ExitQualification);
    	PULONG64 regPtr = (PULONG64)&GuestState->rax + data->Fields.Register;
    	/* Because its RSP and as we didn't save RSP correctly (because of pushes) so we have make it points to the GUEST_RSP */
    	if (data->Fields.Register == 4){
    		INT64 RSP = 0;
    		__vmx_vmread(GUEST_RSP, &RSP);
    		*regPtr = RSP;
    	switch (data->Fields.AccessType){
    	case TYPE_MOV_TO_CR:{
    		switch (data->Fields.ControlRegister){
    		case 0:
    			__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_CR0, *regPtr);
    			__vmx_vmwrite(CR0_READ_SHADOW, *regPtr);
    		case 3:
    			__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_CR3, (*regPtr & ~(1ULL << 63)));
    		case 4:
    			__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_CR4, *regPtr);
    			__vmx_vmwrite(CR4_READ_SHADOW, *regPtr);
    			DbgPrint("Unsupported register %d\n", data->Fields.ControlRegister);
    	case TYPE_MOV_FROM_CR:{
    		switch (data->Fields.ControlRegister){
    		case 0:
    			__vmx_vmread(GUEST_CR0, regPtr);
    		case 3:
    			__vmx_vmread(GUEST_CR3, regPtr);
    		case 4:
    			__vmx_vmread(GUEST_CR4, regPtr);
    			DbgPrint("Unsupported register %d\n", data->Fields.ControlRegister);
    		DbgPrint("Unsupported operation %d\n", data->Fields.AccessType);
    /* Handles in the cases when RDMSR causes a Vmexit*/
    // Hypervisor reserved range for RDMSR and WRMSR
    #define RESERVED_MSR_RANGE_LOW 0x40000000
    #define RESERVED_MSR_RANGE_HI  0x400000F0
    VOID HvHandleMsrRead(PGUEST_REGS GuestRegs){
    	MSR msr = { 0 };
    	// RDMSR. The RDMSR instruction causes a VM exit if any of the following are true:
    	// The "use MSR bitmaps" VM-execution control is 0.
    	// The value of ECX is not in the ranges 00000000H - 00001FFFH and C0000000H - C0001FFFH
    	// The value of ECX is in the range 00000000H - 00001FFFH and bit n in read bitmap for low MSRs is 1,
    	//   where n is the value of ECX.
    	// The value of ECX is in the range C0000000H - C0001FFFH and bit n in read bitmap for high MSRs is 1,
    	//   where n is the value of ECX & 00001FFFH.
    	/*if (((GuestRegs->rcx <= 0x00001FFF)) || ((0xC0000000 <= GuestRegs->rcx) && (GuestRegs->rcx <= 0xC0001FFF)))
    	msr.Content = MSRRead((ULONG)GuestRegs->rcx);
    		msr.Content = 0;
    	GuestRegs->rax = msr.Low;
    	GuestRegs->rdx = msr.High;
    /* Handles in the cases when RDMSR causes a Vmexit*/
    VOID HvHandleMsrWrite(PGUEST_REGS GuestRegs){
    	MSR msr = { 0 };
    	// Check for sanity of MSR 
    	/*if ((GuestRegs->rcx <= 0x00001FFF) || ((0xC0000000 <= GuestRegs->rcx) && (GuestRegs->rcx <= 0xC0001FFF)))
    	msr.Low = (ULONG)GuestRegs->rax;
    	msr.High = (ULONG)GuestRegs->rdx;
    	MSRWrite((ULONG)GuestRegs->rcx, msr.Content);
    ULONG64 gust_rip;
    ULONG64 retrip;
    /* Handle Cpuid Vmexits*/
    #define DPL_SYSTEM              0
    BOOLEAN HvHandleCpuid(PGUEST_REGS RegistersState){
    	INT32 cpu_info[4];
    	// Check for the magic CPUID sequence, and check that it is coming from
    	// Ring 0. Technically we could also check the RIP and see if this falls
    	// in the expected function, but we may want to allow a separate "unload"
    	// driver or code at some point.
    	ULONG Mode = 0;
    	__vmx_vmread(GUEST_CS_SELECTOR, &Mode);
    	Mode = Mode & RPL_MASK;
    	if ((RegistersState->rax == 0x41414141) && (RegistersState->rcx == 0x42424242) && Mode == DPL_SYSTEM){
    		return TRUE; // Indicates we have to turn off VMX
    	// Otherwise, issue the CPUID to the logical processor based on the indexes
    	// on the VP's GPRs.
    	__cpuidex(cpu_info, (INT32)RegistersState->rax, (INT32)RegistersState->rcx);
    	// Check if this was CPUID 1h, which is the features request.
    	if (RegistersState->rax == 1){
    		// Set the Hypervisor Present-bit in RCX, which Intel and AMD have both
    		// reserved for this indication.
    	}else if (RegistersState->rax == HYPERV_CPUID_INTERFACE){
    		// Return our interface identifier
    		cpu_info[0] = 'HVFS'; // [H]yper[v]isor [F]rom [S]cratch 
    	// Copy the values from the logical processor registers into the VP GPRs.
    	RegistersState->rax = cpu_info[0];
    	RegistersState->rbx = cpu_info[1];
    	RegistersState->rcx = cpu_info[2];
    	RegistersState->rdx = cpu_info[3];
    	return FALSE; // Indicates we don't have to turn off VMX
    /* Check if this exit is due to a violation caused by a currently hooked page. Returns FALSE
     * if the violation was not due to a page hook.
     * If the memory access attempt was RW and the page was marked executable, the page is swapped with
     * the original page.
     * If the memory access attempt was execute and the page was marked not executable, the page is swapped with
     * the hooked page.
    EPT_PML1_ENTRY OrigAddress;
    EPTE fakepagephy;//Ö»¶ÁÒ³Ãæ
    BOOLEAN EptHandlePageHookExit(VMX_EXIT_QUALIFICATION_EPT_VIOLATION ViolationQualification, UINT64 GuestPhysicalAddr){
    	SIZE_T PhysicalAddress;
    	PVOID VirtualTarget;
    	PEPT_PML1_ENTRY TargetPage;
    	/* Translate the page from a physical address to virtual so we can read its memory.
    	   This function will return NULL if the physical address was not already mapped in
    	   virtual memory.
    	PhysicalAddress = PAGE_ALIGN(GuestPhysicalAddr);
    	if (!PhysicalAddress){
    		DbgPrint("Target address could not be mapped to physical memory");
    		return FALSE;
    	TargetPage = EptGetPml1Entry(EptState->EptPageTable, PhysicalAddress);
    	// Ensure the target is valid. 
    	if (!TargetPage){
    		DbgPrint("Failed to get PML1 entry for target address");
    		return FALSE;
    	// If the violation was due to trying to execute a non-executable page, that means that the currently
    	// swapped in page is our original RW page. We need to swap in the hooked executable page (fake page)
    	/*if (!ViolationQualification.EptExecutable && ViolationQualification.ExecuteAccess){
    		TargetPage->ExecuteAccess = 1;
    		// InveptAllContexts();
    		INVEPT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor;
    		Descriptor.EptPointer = EptState->EptPointer.Flags;
    		Descriptor.Reserved = 0;
    		AsmInvept(1, &Descriptor);
    		// Redo the instruction 
    		DbgPrint("Set the Execute Access of a page (PFN = 0x%llx) to 1", TargetPage->PageFrameNumber);
    		return TRUE;
    	if (!ViolationQualification.EptExecutable && ViolationQualification.ExecuteAccess) {//²»¿ÉÖ´ÐÐ
    		//OrigAddress.ExecuteAccess = 1;
    		TargetPage->Flags = OrigAddress.Flags;
    		//*TargetPage = OrigAddress;//Õâ¸öÒ³ÃæÊÇ¿ÉÖ´ÐеĺͿÉд
    	}else {//²»¿É¶Áд
    		//*TargetPage = fakepagephy;//Õâ¸öÖ»ÓжÁµÄÊôÐÔ
    		TargetPage->Flags = fakepagephy.Flags;
    	INVEPT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor;
    	Descriptor.EptPointer = EptState->EptPointer.Flags;
    	Descriptor.Reserved = 0;
    	AsmInvept(1, &Descriptor);
    	DbgPrint("Invalid page swapping logic in hooked page");
    	return TRUE;
       Handle VM exits for EPT violations. Violations are thrown whenever an operation is performed
       on an EPT entry that does not provide permissions to access that page.
    BOOLEAN EptHandleEptViolation(ULONG ExitQualification, UINT64 GuestPhysicalAddr){
    	ViolationQualification.Flags = ExitQualification;
    	if (EptHandlePageHookExit(ViolationQualification, GuestPhysicalAddr)){
    		// Handled by page hook code.
    		return TRUE;
    	DbgPrint("Unexpected EPT violation \n");
    	// Redo the instruction that caused the exception. 
    	return FALSE;
    VOID ResumeToNextInstruction(VOID){
    	ULONG64 ResumeRIP = NULL;
    	ULONG64 CurrentRIP = NULL;
    	ULONG ExitInstructionLength = 0;
    	__vmx_vmread(GUEST_RIP, &CurrentRIP);
    	__vmx_vmread(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN, &ExitInstructionLength);
    	ResumeRIP = CurrentRIP + ExitInstructionLength;
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_RIP, ResumeRIP);
    typedef enum _EXCEPTION_VECTORS{
    typedef enum _INTERRUPT_TYPE{
    // Injects interruption to a guest
    typedef union _INTERRUPT_INFO {
    	struct {
    		UINT32 Vector : 8;
    		/* 0=Ext Int, 1=Rsvd, 2=NMI, 3=Exception, 4=Soft INT,
    		 * 5=Priv Soft Trap, 6=Unpriv Soft Trap, 7=Other */
    		UINT32 InterruptType : 3;
    		UINT32 DeliverCode : 1;  /* 0=Do not deliver, 1=Deliver */
    		UINT32 Reserved : 19;
    		UINT32 Valid : 1;         /* 0=Not valid, 1=Valid. Must be checked first */
    	UINT32 Flags;
    typedef union _VMEXIT_INTERRUPT_INFO {
    	struct {
    		UINT32 Vector : 8;
    		UINT32 InterruptionType : 3;
    		UINT32 ErrorCodeValid : 1;
    		UINT32 NmiUnblocking : 1;
    		UINT32 Reserved : 18;
    		UINT32 Valid : 1;
    	UINT32 Flags;
    VOID EventInjectInterruption(INTERRUPT_TYPE InterruptionType, EXCEPTION_VECTORS Vector, BOOLEAN DeliverErrorCode, ULONG32 ErrorCode){
    	INTERRUPT_INFO Inject = { 0 };//Õâ¸öÊý¾Ý½á¹¹¿ÉÒÔÔÚ±í21-14ÖÐÕÒµ½×ֶεĺ¬Òå
    	Inject.Valid = TRUE;
    	Inject.InterruptType = InterruptionType;
    	Inject.Vector = Vector;
    	Inject.DeliverCode = DeliverErrorCode;
    	__vmx_vmwrite(VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO, Inject.Flags);
    	if (DeliverErrorCode) {//ÕâÀï´ú±íÊÇ·ñÐèҪѹÈë´íÎóÐÅÏ¢
    		__vmx_vmwrite(VM_ENTRY_EXCEPTION_ERROR_CODE, ErrorCode);
    VOID EventInjectBreakpoint(){
    	UINT32 ExitInstrLength;
    	__vmx_vmread(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN, &ExitInstrLength);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(VM_ENTRY_INSTRUCTION_LEN, ExitInstrLength);
    ULONG flagModify = 0;
    void VmxVmexitHandler(PGUEST_REGS GuestState){//
    	ULONG32 fEpt = 0;
    	ULONG64 ResumeRIP = NULL;
    	ULONG64 EXITReason;
    	ULONG ExitQualification;
    	UINT64 GuestPhysicalAddr;
    	__vmx_vmread(VM_EXIT_REASON, &EXITReason);
    	__vmx_vmread(GUEST_RIP, &ResumeRIP);
    	__vmx_vmread(EXIT_QUALIFICATION, &ExitQualification);
    	switch (EXITReason){
    		case EXIT_REASON_VMCALL: {
    			retrip += 2;//ÕâÀïÐèÒª¼ÓÉÏÖ¸ÁîµÄ³¤¶È
    			if (flagModify == 1)
    		}case EXIT_REASON_MSR_READ:{
    		}case EXIT_REASON_CPUID:{
    			fEpt = 1;
    			// Reading guest physical address
    			GuestPhysicalAddr = 0;
    			__vmx_vmread(GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, &GuestPhysicalAddr);
    			DbgPrint("Guest Physical Address : 0x%llX\n", GuestPhysicalAddr);
    			DbgPrint("Guest Rip : 0x%llX\n", ResumeRIP);
    			if (!EptHandleEptViolation(ExitQualification, GuestPhysicalAddr)){
    				DbgPrint("There were errors in handling Ept Violation\n");
    			VMEXIT_INTERRUPT_INFO InterruptExit;
    			Exception or non-maskable interrupt (NMI). Either:
    				1: Guest software caused an exception and the bit in the exception bitmap associated with exception vector was set to 1
    				2: An NMI was delivered to the logical processor and the exiting?VM-execution control was 1.
    			VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO shows the exit infromation about event that occured and causes this exit
    			Don't forget to read VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE in the case of re-injectiong event
    			// read the exit reason
    			__vmx_vmread(VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO, &InterruptExit);
    			if (InterruptExit.InterruptionType == INTERRUPT_TYPE_SOFTWARE_EXCEPTION && InterruptExit.Vector == EXCEPTION_VECTOR_BREAKPOINT){
    				ULONG64 GuestRip;
    				// Reading guest's RIP 
    				__vmx_vmread(GUEST_RIP, &GuestRip);
    				// Send the user
    				DbgPrint("Breakpoint Hit (Process Id : 0x%x) at : %llx \n", PsGetCurrentProcessId(), GuestRip);
    				// re-inject #BP back to the guest
    				fEpt = 1;//ÕâÀï²»ÐèÒª±ä»¯rip
    				DbgPrint("Not expected event occured  %llX \n", InterruptExit.Vector);
    			DbgPrint("Unkown Vmexit, reason : 0x%llx rip :%llX \n", EXITReason, ResumeRIP);
    		/*ULONG64 ResumeRIP = NULL;
    		//ULONG64 gust_rip = 0;
    		ULONG ExitInstructionLength = 0;
    		__vmx_vmread(GUEST_RIP, &gust_rip);
    		__vmx_vmread(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN, &ExitInstructionLength);
    		ResumeRIP = gust_rip + ExitInstructionLength;
    		__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_RIP, ResumeRIP);
    		ULONG64 ResumeRIP = NULL;
    		ULONG64 CurrentRIP = NULL;
    		ULONG ExitInstructionLength = 0;
    		__vmx_vmread(GUEST_RIP, &CurrentRIP);
    		__vmx_vmread(VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN, &ExitInstructionLength);
    		ResumeRIP = CurrentRIP + ExitInstructionLength;
    		__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_RIP, ResumeRIP);*/
    void GuestHandler(PGUEST_REGS GuestState) {	
    typedef struct _NT_KPROCESS{
    	LIST_ENTRY ProfileListHead;
    	ULONG_PTR DirectoryTableBase;
    	UCHAR Data[1];
    UINT64 FindSystemDirectoryTableBase(){
    	// Return CR3 of the system process.
    	NT_KPROCESS* SystemProcess = (NT_KPROCESS*)(PsInitialSystemProcess);
    	return SystemProcess->DirectoryTableBase;
    ULONG32 TSC_OFFSET_HIGH = 0x00002011;
    ULONG32 VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO_FIELD = 0x00004016;
    void Setup_VMCS(IN PVirtualMachineState vmState, IN PEPTP EPTP) {
    	///1 host=============================ÕâÀïÈç¹û³ö´íµÄ»°ÊÇ8ºÅ´íÎó
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_CR0, __readcr0());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_CR3, __readcr3());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_CR4, __readcr4());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_RSP, ((ULONG64)vmState->VMM_Stack + VMM_STACK_SIZE*2));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_RIP, (ULONG64)AsmVmexitHandler);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_ES_SELECTOR, GetEs() & 0xF8);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_CS_SELECTOR, GetCs() & 0xF8);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_SS_SELECTOR, GetSs() & 0xF8);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_DS_SELECTOR, GetDs() & 0xF8);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_FS_SELECTOR, GetFs() & 0xF8);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_GS_SELECTOR, GetGs() & 0xF8);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_TR_SELECTOR, GetTr() & 0xF8);
    	SEGMENT_SELECTOR SegmentSelector = { 0 };
    	GetSegmentDescriptor(&SegmentSelector, GetTr(), (PUCHAR)Get_GDT_Base());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_TR_BASE, SegmentSelector.BASE);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_FS_BASE, __readmsr(MSR_FS_BASE));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_GS_BASE, __readmsr(MSR_GS_BASE));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_GDTR_BASE, Get_GDT_Base());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_IDTR_BASE, Get_IDT_Base());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_SYSENTER_CS, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_SYSENTER_EIP, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_SYSENTER_ESP, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP));
    	///2 intel24.4.1 guest=============================ÕâÀïÈç¹û³ö´íµÄ»°ÊÇ80000021ºÅ´íÎó
    	//2.1 cr¼Ä´æÆ÷
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_CR0, __readcr0());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_CR3, __readcr3());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_CR4, __readcr4());
    	//2.2 dr7
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_DR7, 0x400);
    	//2.3 rflg rsp rip
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_RFLAGS, AsmGetRflags());
    	//setup guest rsp ¶Ô°ë·Ö
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_RSP, ((ULONG64)vmState->VMM_Stack + VMM_STACK_SIZE));
    	//setup guest rip
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_RIP, (ULONG64)AsmVmxRestoreState);
    	ULONG64 GdtBase = 0;
    	GdtBase = AsmGetGdtBase();
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, ES, GetEs());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, CS, GetCs());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, SS, GetSs());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, DS, GetDs());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, FS, GetFs());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, GS, GetGs());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, LDTR, GetLdtr());
    	FillGuestSelectorData((PVOID)GdtBase, TR, GetTr());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_FS_BASE, __readmsr(MSR_FS_BASE));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_GS_BASE, __readmsr(MSR_GS_BASE));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_GDTR_BASE, Get_GDT_Base());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_IDTR_BASE, Get_IDT_Base());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT, AsmGetGdtLimit());
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT, AsmGetIdtLimit());
    	// Setting the link pointer to the required value for 4KB VMCS.
    	__vmx_vmwrite(VMCS_LINK_POINTER, ~0ULL);//Õâ¸öÊôÐÔÊÇ31.6µÄ
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_SYSENTER_CS, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP));
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTL) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL_HIGH, __readmsr(MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTL) >> 32);
    	__vmx_vmwrite(HOST_CR3, FindSystemDirectoryTableBase());
    	///3 ¿ØÖÆÓò=============================ÕâÀïÈç¹û³ö´íµÄ»°ÊÇ7ºÅ´íÎó
    	//3.1Ö´ÐпØÖÆ  ¶ÔÓ¦µÄÊÇ24.6.1  ¸ß32ÊÇÓë µÍ32±ØÐëÊÇ»ò
    	__vmx_vmwrite(PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL, AdjustControls(0, MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS));
    	//3.1Ö´ÐпØÖÆ  ¶ÔÓ¦µÄÊÇ24.6.2
    	INVEPT  ¨Cʹ´¦ÀíÆ÷ÖеĸßËÙ»º´æÀ©Õ¹Ò³±í£¨EPT£©Ó³ÉäÎÞЧ£¬ÒÔʹÐéÄâ»úÖеĵØַת»»ÓëפÁôÄÚ´æµÄEPTҳͬ²½¡£
    	INVVPID  ¨Cʹ»ùÓÚÐéÄâ´¦ÀíÆ÷ID£¨VPID£©µÄµØַת»»µÄ»º´æÓ³ÉäÎÞЧ¡£
    	*/																																																																																																							//3.2Í˳ö¿ØÖÆ ¶ÔÓ¦µÄÊÇ24.7 
    	__vmx_vmwrite(VM_EXIT_CONTROLS, AdjustControls(VM_EXIT_IA32E_MODE, MSR_IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS));//µÚÒ»¸öÊôÐÔÊǵھÅ룬Òâ˼һ¸ÅÊÇÍ˳öµÄʱºòÊÇ64λ
    	//3.3½øÈë¿ØÖÆ ¶ÔÓ¦24.8 
    	__vmx_vmwrite(VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS, AdjustControls(VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE, MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS));
    	// Set MSR Bitmaps
    	__vmx_vmwrite(MSR_BITMAP, vmState->MSRBitMapPhysical);
    	// Set up EPT 
    	__vmx_vmwrite(EPT_POINTER, EptState->EptPointer.Flags);
    	//__vmx_vmwrite(EXCEPTION_BITMAP, 0x9); // breakpoint 3nd bit ˳±ãÉèÖÃÁËÒ»¸ö0ºÅÒì³£
    ULONG64 ddd = 0;
    void LaunchVM(int ProcessorID, PEPTP EPTP) {
    	DbgPrint("Current thread is executing in %d th logical processor.\n", ProcessorID);
    	// Allocate stack for the VM Exit Handler.
    	UINT64 VMM_STACK_VA = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, VMM_STACK_SIZE*2, POOLTAG);
    	vmState[ProcessorID].VMM_Stack = VMM_STACK_VA;
    	if (vmState[ProcessorID].VMM_Stack == NULL){
    		//DbgPrint("Error in allocating VMM Stack.\n");
    	RtlZeroMemory(vmState[ProcessorID].VMM_Stack, VMM_STACK_SIZE);//³õʼ»¯
    	// Allocate memory for MSRBitMap λͼ
    	vmState[ProcessorID].MSRBitMap = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE, POOLTAG+1);// should be aligned
    	if (vmState[ProcessorID].MSRBitMap == NULL){
    		//DbgPrint("Error in allocating MSRBitMap.\n");
    	RtlZeroMemory(vmState[ProcessorID].MSRBitMap, PAGE_SIZE);            
    	vmState[ProcessorID].MSRBitMapPhysical = VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(vmState[ProcessorID].MSRBitMap);
    	// Clear the VMCS State
    	if (!Clear_VMCS_State(&vmState[ProcessorID])) {
    		//DbgPrint("Error in Clear the VMCS State.\n");
    	// Load VMCS (Set the Current VMCS)
    	if (!Load_VMCS(&vmState[ProcessorID])){
    		//DbgPrint("Error in Set the Current VMCS.\n");
    	//DbgPrint("Setting up VMCS.\n");
    	Setup_VMCS(&vmState[ProcessorID], EPTP);
    	DbgPrint("I Just Test\n");
    	//ddd = 1;//fffff800`61394010
    ULONG64 retrsp;
    ULONG64 retrip22;
    PVirtualMachineState vmState;
    int ProcessorCounts;
    PVirtualMachineState Initiate_VMX(void) {
    	if (!Is_VMX_Supported()) {
    		//DbgPrint("VMX is not supported in this machine !\n");
    		return NULL;
    	ProcessorCounts = KeQueryActiveProcessorCount(0);
    	vmState = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(VirtualMachineState)* ProcessorCounts, POOLTAG);//¶àºËÇé¿ö
    	KAFFINITY kAffinityMask;
    	for (size_t i = 0; i < ProcessorCounts; i++) {
    		kAffinityMask = ipow(2, i);
    		// do st here !
    		//DbgPrint("\t\tCurrent thread is executing in %d th logical processor. \n", i);
    		Enable_VMX_Operation();	// Enabling VMX Operation Õâ¸öÀïÐèÒª·ÅÔÚÀïÃæ
    		//intel 31.5 wmxon
    		//intel 31.6 wmcs
    		KIRQL OldIrql;
    		OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel();
    		LaunchVM(i, NULL);
    		//ddd = 2; //×ßµ½ÕâÀï±»¶ÏÏÂÀ´È¥vmcs
    		DbgPrint("VMCS Region is allocated at  ===============> %llx\n", vmState[i].VMCS_REGION);
    		//ddd = 3;
    		DbgPrint("VMXON Region is allocated at ===============> %llx\n", vmState[i].VMXON_REGION);
    /* Check whether EPT features are present or not */
    BOOLEAN EptCheckFeatures(){
    	VpidRegister.Flags = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP);
    	MTRRDefType.Flags = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE);
    	if (!VpidRegister.PageWalkLength4 || !VpidRegister.MemoryTypeWriteBack || !VpidRegister.Pde2MbPages){
    		return FALSE;
    	if (!VpidRegister.AdvancedVmexitEptViolationsInformation){
    		DbgPrint("The processor doesn't report advanced VM-exit information for EPT violations\n");
    	if (!MTRRDefType.MtrrEnable){
    		DbgPrint("Mtrr Dynamic Ranges not supported\n");
    		return FALSE;
    	DbgPrint(" *** All EPT features are present *** \n");
    	return TRUE;
    /* Build MTRR Map of current physical addresses */
    BOOLEAN EptBuildMtrrMap(){
    	ULONG CurrentRegister;
    	ULONG NumberOfBitsInMask;
    	//¶ÁÈ¡IA32_MTRRCAP MSR µÄVCNTÖµ£¨0xFE£©£¬¸Ãֵȷ¶¨Á˿ɱäMTRRµÄÊýÁ¿£¨ÇøÓòÊý£©
    	MTRRCap.Flags = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_MTRR_CAPABILITIES);
    	for (CurrentRegister = 0; CurrentRegister < MTRRCap.VariableRangeCount; CurrentRegister++){
    		// For each dynamic register pair
    		CurrentPhysBase.Flags = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 + (CurrentRegister * 2));
    		CurrentPhysMask.Flags = __readmsr(MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK0 + (CurrentRegister * 2));
    		// Is the range enabled?
    		if (CurrentPhysMask.Valid){
    			// We only need to read these once because the ISA dictates that MTRRs are to be synchronized between all processors
    			// during BIOS initialization.
    			Descriptor = &EptState->MemoryRanges[EptState->NumberOfEnabledMemoryRanges++];
    			// Calculate the base address in bytesÒª»ùÓÚMSR¼ÆËãÆðʼµØÖ·ºÍ½áÊøµØÖ·£¨ÎïÀí£©¡£
    			Descriptor->PhysicalBaseAddress = CurrentPhysBase.PageFrameNumber * PAGE_SIZE;
    			// Calculate the total size of the range
    			// The lowest bit of the mask that is set to 1 specifies the size of the range
    			_BitScanForward64(&NumberOfBitsInMask, CurrentPhysMask.PageFrameNumber * PAGE_SIZE);
    			// Size of the range in bytes + Base Address
    			Descriptor->PhysicalEndAddress = Descriptor->PhysicalBaseAddress + ((1ULL << NumberOfBitsInMask) - 1ULL);
    			// Memory Type (cacheability attributes)×îºó£¬¶ÁÈ¡ÓÉBIOS»ò²Ù×÷ϵͳÉèÖõĻº´æ²ßÂÔ¡£
    			Descriptor->MemoryType = (UCHAR)CurrentPhysBase.Type;
    			if (Descriptor->MemoryType == MEMORY_TYPE_WRITE_BACK){
    				/* This is already our default, so no need to store this range.
    				 * Simply 'free' the range we just wrote. */
    			DbgPrint("MTRR Range: Base=0x%llx End=0x%llx Type=0x%x\n", Descriptor->PhysicalBaseAddress, Descriptor->PhysicalEndAddress, Descriptor->MemoryType);
    	DbgPrint("Total MTRR Ranges Committed: %d\n", EptState->NumberOfEnabledMemoryRanges);
    	return TRUE;
    /* Set up PML2 Entries */
    VOID EptSetupPML2Entry(PEPT_PML2_ENTRY NewEntry, SIZE_T PageFrameNumber){
    	SIZE_T AddressOfPage;
    	SIZE_T CurrentMtrrRange;
    	SIZE_T TargetMemoryType;
    	  Each of the 512 collections of 512 PML2 entries is setup here.
    	  This will, in total, identity map every physical address from 0x0 to physical address 0x8000000000 (512GB of memory)
    	  ((EntryGroupIndex * VMM_EPT_PML2E_COUNT) + EntryIndex) * 2MB is the actual physical address we're mapping
    	NewEntry->PageFrameNumber = PageFrameNumber;
    	// Size of 2MB page * PageFrameNumber == AddressOfPage (physical memory). 
    	AddressOfPage = PageFrameNumber * SIZE_2_MB;
    	/* To be safe, we will map the first page as UC as to not bring up any kind of undefined behavior from the
    	  fixed MTRR section which we are not formally recognizing (typically there is MMIO memory in the first MB).
    	  I suggest reading up on the fixed MTRR section of the manual to see why the first entry is likely going to need to be UC.
    	if (PageFrameNumber == 0){
    		NewEntry->MemoryType = MEMORY_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE;
    	// Default memory type is always WB for performance. 
    	TargetMemoryType = MEMORY_TYPE_WRITE_BACK;
    	// For each MTRR range 
    	for (CurrentMtrrRange = 0; CurrentMtrrRange < EptState->NumberOfEnabledMemoryRanges; CurrentMtrrRange++){
    		// If this page's address is below or equal to the max physical address of the range 
    		if (AddressOfPage <= EptState->MemoryRanges[CurrentMtrrRange].PhysicalEndAddress){
    			// And this page's last address is above or equal to the base physical address of the range 
    			if ((AddressOfPage + SIZE_2_MB - 1) >= EptState->MemoryRanges[CurrentMtrrRange].PhysicalBaseAddress){
    				/* If we're here, this page fell within one of the ranges specified by the variable MTRRs
    				   Therefore, we must mark this page as the same cache type exposed by the MTRR
    				TargetMemoryType = EptState->MemoryRanges[CurrentMtrrRange].MemoryType;
    				// LogInfo("0x%X> Range=%llX -> %llX | Begin=%llX End=%llX", PageFrameNumber, AddressOfPage, AddressOfPage + SIZE_2_MB - 1, EptState->MemoryRanges[CurrentMtrrRange].PhysicalBaseAddress, EptState->MemoryRanges[CurrentMtrrRange].PhysicalEndAddress);
    				// MTRR Precedences 
    				if (TargetMemoryType == MEMORY_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE){
    					// If this is going to be marked uncacheable, then we stop the search as UC always takes precedent. 
    	// Finally, commit the memory type to the entry. 
    	NewEntry->MemoryType = TargetMemoryType;
    /* Allocates page maps and create identity page table */
    PVMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE EptAllocateAndCreateIdentityPageTable(){
    	EPT_PML3_POINTER RWXTemplate;
    	EPT_PML2_ENTRY PML2EntryTemplate;
    	SIZE_T EntryGroupIndex;
    	SIZE_T EntryIndex;
    	// Allocate all paging structures as 4KB aligned pages 
    	PVOID Output;
    	// Allocate address anywhere in the OS's memory space
    	MaxSize.QuadPart = MAXULONG64;
    	PageTable = MmAllocateContiguousMemory((sizeof(VMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE) / PAGE_SIZE) * PAGE_SIZE, MaxSize);
    	if (PageTable == NULL){
    		DbgPrint("Failed to allocate memory for PageTable\n");
    		return NULL;
    	// Zero out all entries to ensure all unused entries are marked Not Present 
    	RtlZeroMemory(PageTable, sizeof(VMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE));
    	// Initialize the dynamic split list which holds all dynamic page splits 
    	// Mark the first 512GB PML4 entry as present, which allows us to manage up to 512GB of discrete paging structures. 
    	PageTable->PML4[0].PageFrameNumber = (SIZE_T)VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(&PageTable->PML3[0]) / PAGE_SIZE;
    	PageTable->PML4[0].ReadAccess = 1;
    	PageTable->PML4[0].WriteAccess = 1;
    	PageTable->PML4[0].ExecuteAccess = 1;
    	/* Now mark each 1GB PML3 entry as RWX and map each to their PML2 entry */
    	// Ensure stack memory is cleared
    	RWXTemplate.Flags = 0;
    	// Set up one 'template' RWX PML3 entry and copy it into each of the 512 PML3 entries 
    	// Using the same method as SimpleVisor for copying each entry using intrinsics. 
    	RWXTemplate.ReadAccess = 1;
    	RWXTemplate.WriteAccess = 1;
    	RWXTemplate.ExecuteAccess = 1;
    	//ÓÃ__stosqÁ¬ÐøÓôËÄ£°åÌî³ä±í¸ñ¡£__stosqÉú³É´æ´¢×Ö·û´®Ö¸Árep stosq£©Òâζ×ÅÁ¬Ðø£¨ÔÚÎÒÃǵÄʾÀýÖÐΪVMM_EPT_PML3E_COUNT = 512£©ÔÚÌض¨Î»Öø´ÖÆijЩÄÚÈÝ
    	// Copy the template into each of the 512 PML3 entry slots 
    	__stosq((SIZE_T*)&PageTable->PML3[0], RWXTemplate.Flags, VMM_EPT_PML3E_COUNT);
    	// For each of the 512 PML3 entries 
    	for (EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < VMM_EPT_PML3E_COUNT; EntryIndex++){
    		// Map the 1GB PML3 entry to 512 PML2 (2MB) entries to describe each large page.
    		// NOTE: We do *not* manage any PML1 (4096 byte) entries and do not allocate them.
    		PageTable->PML3[EntryIndex].PageFrameNumber = (SIZE_T)VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(&PageTable->PML2[EntryIndex][0]) / PAGE_SIZE;
    	PML2EntryTemplate.Flags = 0;
    	// All PML2 entries will be RWX and 'present' 
    	PML2EntryTemplate.WriteAccess = 1;
    	PML2EntryTemplate.ReadAccess = 1;
    	PML2EntryTemplate.ExecuteAccess = 1;
    	// We are using 2MB large pages, so we must mark this 1 here. 
    	PML2EntryTemplate.LargePage = 1;
    	/* For each collection of 512 PML2 entries (512 collections * 512 entries per collection), mark it RWX using the same template above.
    	   This marks the entries as "Present" regardless of if the actual system has memory at this region or not. We will cause a fault in our
    	   EPT handler if the guest access a page outside a usable range, despite the EPT frame being present here.
    	__stosq((SIZE_T*)&PageTable->PML2[0], PML2EntryTemplate.Flags, VMM_EPT_PML3E_COUNT * VMM_EPT_PML2E_COUNT);
    	// For each of the 512 collections of 512 2MB PML2 entries 
    	for (EntryGroupIndex = 0; EntryGroupIndex < VMM_EPT_PML3E_COUNT; EntryGroupIndex++){
    		// For each 2MB PML2 entry in the collection 
    		for (EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < VMM_EPT_PML2E_COUNT; EntryIndex++){
    			// Setup the memory type and frame number of the PML2 entry. 
    			EptSetupPML2Entry(&PageTable->PML2[EntryGroupIndex][EntryIndex], (EntryGroupIndex * VMM_EPT_PML2E_COUNT) + EntryIndex);
    	return PageTable;
      Initialize EPT for an individual logical processor.
      Creates an identity mapped page table and sets up an EPTP to be applied to the VMCS later.
    BOOLEAN EptLogicalProcessorInitialize(){
    	/* Allocate the identity mapped page table*/
    	PageTable = EptAllocateAndCreateIdentityPageTable();//¹¹½¨eptµÄÎïÀíÒ³
    	if (!PageTable){
    		DbgPrint("Unable to allocate memory for EPT\n");
    		return FALSE;
    	DbgPrint("=================================================================allocate Ok!\n");
    	// Virtual address to the page table to keep track of it for later freeing 
    	EptState->EptPageTable = PageTable;
    	EPTP.Flags = 0;
    	// For performance, we let the processor know it can cache the EPT.
    	// We are not utilizing the 'access' and 'dirty' flag features. 
    	EPTP.EnableAccessAndDirtyFlags = FALSE;
    	  Bits 5:3 (1 less than the EPT page-walk length) must be 3, indicating an EPT page-walk length of 4;
    	  see Section 28.2.2
    	EPTP.PageWalkLength = 3;
    	// The physical page number of the page table we will be using 
    	EPTP.PageFrameNumber = (SIZE_T)VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(&PageTable->PML4) / PAGE_SIZE;
    	// We will write the EPTP to the VMCS later 
    	EptState->EptPointer = EPTP;
    	/ Example Test /
    	//EptPageHook(ExAllocatePoolWithTag, FALSE);
    	return TRUE;
    void  Initialize_EPTP() {
    	// Allocate	global variable to hold Ept State
    	EptState = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(EPT_STATE), POOLTAG);
    	if (!EptState) {
    		DbgPrint("Insufficient memory");
    		return FALSE;
    	// Zero memory
    	RtlZeroMemory(EptState, sizeof(EPT_STATE));
    	// Check whether EPT is supported or not
    	if (!EptCheckFeatures()) {//¼ì²âÊÇ·ñÖ§³Öeptp
    		DbgPrint("Your processor doesn't support all EPT features");
    		return FALSE;
    	else {
    		// Our processor supports EPT, now let's build MTRR
    		DbgPrint("Your processor supports all EPT features");
    		// Build MTRR Map
    		if (!EptBuildMtrrMap()) {//£¡mtrr¡±ÃüÁîÏÔʾMTRRÇøÓò¼°Æ仺´æ²ßÂÔ
    			DbgPrint("Could not build Mtrr memory map");
    			return FALSE;
    		DbgPrint("Mtrr memory map built successfully");
    	if (!EptLogicalProcessorInitialize()) {
    		// There were some errors in EptLogicalProcessorInitialize
    		return FALSE;
    /* Converts Physical Address to Virtual Address */
    UINT64 PhysicalAddressToVirtualAddress(UINT64 PhysicalAddress){
    	PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddr;
    	PhysicalAddr.QuadPart = PhysicalAddress;
    	return MmGetVirtualForPhysical(PhysicalAddr);
    /* Get the PML1 entry for this physical address if the page is split. Return NULL if the address is invalid or the page wasn't already split. */
    PEPT_PML1_ENTRY EptGetPml1Entry(PVMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE EptPageTable, SIZE_T PhysicalAddress){
    	SIZE_T Directory, DirectoryPointer, PML4Entry;
    	Directory = ADDRMASK_EPT_PML2_INDEX(PhysicalAddress);
    	DirectoryPointer = ADDRMASK_EPT_PML3_INDEX(PhysicalAddress);
    	PML4Entry = ADDRMASK_EPT_PML4_INDEX(PhysicalAddress);
    	// Addresses above 512GB are invalid because it is > physical address bus width 
    	if (PML4Entry > 0){
    		return NULL;
    	PML2 = &EptPageTable->PML2[DirectoryPointer][Directory];
    	// Check to ensure the page is split 
    	if (PML2->LargePage){
    		return NULL;
    	// Conversion to get the right PageFrameNumber.
    	// These pointers occupy the same place in the table and are directly convertable.
    	PML2Pointer = (PEPT_PML2_POINTER)PML2;
    	// If it is, translate to the PML1 pointer 
    	PML1 = (PEPT_PML1_ENTRY)PhysicalAddressToVirtualAddress((PVOID)(PML2Pointer->PageFrameNumber * PAGE_SIZE));
    	if (!PML1){
    		return NULL;
    	// Index into PML1 for that address 
    	PML1 = &PML1[ADDRMASK_EPT_PML1_INDEX(PhysicalAddress)];
    	return PML1;
    /* Get the PML2 entry for this physical address. */
    PEPT_PML2_ENTRY EptGetPml2Entry(PVMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE EptPageTable, SIZE_T PhysicalAddress){
    	SIZE_T Directory, DirectoryPointer, PML4Entry;
    	Directory = ADDRMASK_EPT_PML2_INDEX(PhysicalAddress);
    	DirectoryPointer = ADDRMASK_EPT_PML3_INDEX(PhysicalAddress);
    	PML4Entry = ADDRMASK_EPT_PML4_INDEX(PhysicalAddress);
    	// Addresses above 512GB are invalid because it is > physical address bus width 
    	if (PML4Entry > 0){
    		return NULL;
    	PML2 = &EptPageTable->PML2[DirectoryPointer][Directory];
    	return PML2;
    /* Split 2MB (LargePage) into 4kb pages */
    BOOLEAN EptSplitLargePage(PVMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE EptPageTable, PVOID PreAllocatedBuffer, SIZE_T PhysicalAddress, ULONG CoreIndex){
    	EPT_PML1_ENTRY EntryTemplate;
    	SIZE_T EntryIndex;
    	PEPT_PML2_ENTRY TargetEntry;
    	EPT_PML2_POINTER NewPointer;
    	// Find the PML2 entry that's currently used
    	TargetEntry = EptGetPml2Entry(EptPageTable, PhysicalAddress);
    	if (!TargetEntry){
    		DbgPrint("An invalid physical address passed");
    		return FALSE;
    	// If this large page is not marked a large page, that means it's a pointer already.
    	// That page is therefore already split.
    	if (!TargetEntry->LargePage){
    		return TRUE;
    	// Allocate the PML1 entries 
    	NewSplit = (PVMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT)PreAllocatedBuffer;
    	if (!NewSplit){
    		DbgPrint("Failed to allocate dynamic split memory");
    		return FALSE;
    	RtlZeroMemory(NewSplit, sizeof(VMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT));
    	// Point back to the entry in the dynamic split for easy reference for which entry that dynamic split is for.
    	NewSplit->Entry = TargetEntry;
    	// Make a template for RWX 
    	EntryTemplate.Flags = 0;
    	EntryTemplate.ReadAccess = 1;
    	EntryTemplate.WriteAccess = 1;
    	EntryTemplate.ExecuteAccess = 1;
    	// Copy the template into all the PML1 entries 
    	__stosq((SIZE_T*)&NewSplit->PML1[0], EntryTemplate.Flags, VMM_EPT_PML1E_COUNT);
    	// Set the page frame numbers for identity mapping.
    	for (EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < VMM_EPT_PML1E_COUNT; EntryIndex++){
    		// Convert the 2MB page frame number to the 4096 page entry number plus the offset into the frame. 
    		NewSplit->PML1[EntryIndex].PageFrameNumber = ((TargetEntry->PageFrameNumber * SIZE_2_MB) / PAGE_SIZE) + EntryIndex;
    	// Allocate a new pointer which will replace the 2MB entry with a pointer to 512 4096 byte entries. 
    	NewPointer.Flags = 0;
    	NewPointer.WriteAccess = 1;
    	NewPointer.ReadAccess = 1;
    	NewPointer.ExecuteAccess = 1;
    	NewPointer.PageFrameNumber = (SIZE_T)VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(&NewSplit->PML1[0]) / PAGE_SIZE;
    	// Add our allocation to the linked list of dynamic splits for later deallocation 
    	InsertHeadList(&EptPageTable->DynamicSplitList, &NewSplit->DynamicSplitList);
    	// Now, replace the entry in the page table with our new split pointer.
    	RtlCopyMemory(TargetEntry, &NewPointer, sizeof(NewPointer));
    	return TRUE;
    PVOID TargetBuffer;
    PVOID fakepage;//ÓÃÀ´ÊÍ·Å
    BOOLEAN EptPageHook(PVOID TargetFunc) {
    	EPT_PML1_ENTRY OriginalEntry;
    	INVEPT_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor;
    	SIZE_T PhysicalAddress;
    	PVOID VirtualTarget;
    	PEPT_PML1_ENTRY TargetPage;
    	ULONG LogicalCoreIndex;
    	// Check whether we are in VMX Root Mode or Not 
    	LogicalCoreIndex = KeGetCurrentProcessorIndex();
    	/* Translate the page from a physical address to virtual so we can read its memory.
    	 * This function will return NULL if the physical address was not already mapped in
    	 * virtual memory.
    	VirtualTarget = PAGE_ALIGN(TargetFunc);
    	PhysicalAddress = (SIZE_T)VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(VirtualTarget);
    	if (!PhysicalAddress) {
    		DbgPrint("Target address could not be mapped to physical memory");
    		return FALSE;
    	TargetBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(VMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT), POOLTAG);
    	// Zero out the memory
    	RtlZeroMemory(TargetBuffer, sizeof(VMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT));
    	if (!EptSplitLargePage(EptState->EptPageTable, TargetBuffer, PhysicalAddress, LogicalCoreIndex)){
    		DbgPrint("Could not split page for the address : 0x%llx", PhysicalAddress);
    		return FALSE;
    	// Pointer to the page entry in the page table. 
    	TargetPage = EptGetPml1Entry(EptState->EptPageTable, PhysicalAddress);
    	// Ensure the target is valid. 
    	if (!TargetPage){
    		DbgPrint("Failed to get PML1 entry of the target address");
    		return FALSE;
    	fakepage= ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, 0x1000, POOLTAG);//4k ÔÚת³ÉÎïÀíÒ³
    	RtlZeroMemory(fakepage, 0x1000);
    	fakepagephy.Flags = VirtualAddress_to_PhysicallAddress(fakepage);
    	fakepagephy.ReadAccess = 1;
    	fakepagephy.WriteAccess = 1;
    	fakepagephy.ExecuteAccess = 0;
    	// Save the original permissions of the page 
    	OriginalEntry = *TargetPage;
    	OrigAddress = *TargetPage;//¼Ç¼ÏÂpteµÄÖµ
    	 * Lastly, mark the entry in the table as no execute. This will cause the next time that an instruction is
    	 * fetched from this page to cause an EPT violation exit. This will allow us to swap in the fake page with our
    	 * hook.
    	OriginalEntry.ReadAccess = 0;
    	OriginalEntry.WriteAccess = 0;
    	OriginalEntry.ExecuteAccess = 1;
    	// Apply the hook to EPT 
    	TargetPage->Flags = OriginalEntry.Flags;
    	// Invalidate the entry in the TLB caches so it will not conflict with the actual paging structure.
    	// Uncomment in order to invalidate all the contexts
    	//Descriptor.EptPointer = EptState->EptPointer.Flags;
    	//Descriptor.Reserved = 0;
    	//AsmInvept(1, &Descriptor);
    	//AsmInvept(2, 0);
    	//1´ú±íµÄÊǵ¥¸ötlbÎÞЧ µ¥Ò»ÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâζ×ÅÄú½«»ùÓÚµ¥¸öEPTPʹËùÓÐEPTÅÉÉúµÄת»»ÎÞЧ£¨¼ò¶øÑÔÖ®£º¶ÔÓÚÂß¼­ºËÐÄÖеĵ¥¸öVM£©¡£
    	//2´ú±íµÄÊÇËùÓÐ È«ÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâζ×ÅÄúʹËùÓÐEPTÅÉÉúµÄ·­ÒëÎÞЧ¡££¨¶ÔÓÚÿ¸öVM£©¡£
    	return TRUE;
    UINT64 PhysicalAddress_to_VirtualAddress(UINT64 pa) {
    	PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddr;
    	PhysicalAddr.QuadPart = pa;
    	return MmGetVirtualForPhysical(PhysicalAddr);
    void Terminate_VMX(void) {
    	DbgPrint("\nTerminating VMX...\n");
    	KAFFINITY kAffinityMask;
    	for (size_t i = 0; i < ProcessorCounts; i++) {
    		kAffinityMask = ipow(2, i);
    		DbgPrint("Uload Current thread is executing in %d th logical processor.\n", i);
    		flagModify = 1;
    		ExFreePoolWithTag(vmState[i].VMM_Stack, POOLTAG);
    		ExFreePoolWithTag(vmState[i].MSRBitMap, POOLTAG+1);
    	ExFreePoolWithTag(vmState, POOLTAG);//ÊÍ·ÅÄÚ´æ
    	ExFreePoolWithTag(TargetBuffer, POOLTAG);
    	ExFreePoolWithTag(EptState, POOLTAG);
    	ExFreePoolWithTag(fakepage, POOLTAG);
    VOID DrvUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT  DriverObject) {	
    	DbgPrint("Uload OK\n");
    NTSTATUS DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT  pDriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING  pRegistryPath) {
    	pDriverObject->DriverUnload = DrvUnload;
    	if(EptState->EptPageTable !=NULL)
    	//DbgPrint("===========================================================================================address %llX", EptState->EptPageTable);
    	// Launching VM for Test (in the 0th virtual processor)
    	return STATUS_SUCCESS;


    PUBLIC Enable_VMX_Operation
    PUBLIC Breakpoint
    PUBLIC STI_Instruction
    PUBLIC CLI_Instruction
    PUBLIC INVEPT_Instruction
    PUBLIC GetCs
    PUBLIC GetDs
    PUBLIC GetEs
    PUBLIC GetSs
    PUBLIC GetFs
    PUBLIC GetGs
    PUBLIC GetLdtr
    PUBLIC GetTr
    PUBLIC Get_GDT_Base
    PUBLIC Get_IDT_Base
    PUBLIC Get_GDT_Limit
    PUBLIC Get_IDT_Limit
    PUBLIC Restore_To_VMXOFF_State
    PUBLIC Save_VMXOFF_State
    EXTERN VmxVmexitHandler:PROC
    EXTERN g_StackPointerForReturning:QWORD
    EXTERN g_BasePointerForReturning:QWORD
    EXTERN GuestHandler:PROC
    EXTERN retrsp:QWORD
    EXTERN retrip:QWORD
    EXTERN retrip22:QWORD
    .code _text
        VMX_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS              = 0
        VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED               = 2
    Enable_VMX_Operation PROC PUBLIC
    push rax			; Save the state
    xor rax,rax			; Clear the RAX
    mov rax,cr4
    or rax,02000h		; Set the 14th bit
    mov cr4,rax
    pop rax				; Restore the state
    Enable_VMX_Operation ENDP
    Breakpoint PROC PUBLIC
    int 3
    Breakpoint ENDP 
    STI_Instruction PROC PUBLIC
    STI_Instruction ENDP 
    CLI_Instruction PROC PUBLIC
    CLI_Instruction ENDP 
    Restore_To_VMXOFF_State PROC PUBLIC
    VMXOFF  ; turn it off before existing
    MOV rsp, g_StackPointerForReturning
    MOV rbp, g_BasePointerForReturning
    ; make rsp point to a correct return point
    ADD rsp,8
    ; return True
    xor rax,rax
    mov rax,1
    ; return section
    mov     rbx, [rsp+28h+8h]
    mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+10h]
    add     rsp, 020h
    pop     rdi
    Restore_To_VMXOFF_State ENDP 
    MOV g_StackPointerForReturning,rsp
    MOV g_BasePointerForReturning,rbp
    Save_VMXOFF_State ENDP 
    INVEPT_Instruction PROC PUBLIC
            invept  rcx, oword ptr [rdx]
            jz @jz
            jc @jc
            xor     rax, rax
    @jz:    mov     rax, VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED_WITH_STATUS
    @jc:    mov     rax, VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED
    INVEPT_Instruction ENDP
    Get_GDT_Base PROC
    	LOCAL	gdtr[10]:BYTE
    	sgdt	gdtr
    	mov		rax, QWORD PTR gdtr[2]
    Get_GDT_Base ENDP
    GetCs PROC
    	mov		rax, cs
    GetCs ENDP
    GetDs PROC
    	mov		rax, ds
    GetDs ENDP
    GetEs PROC
    	mov		rax, es
    GetEs ENDP
    GetSs PROC
    	mov		rax, ss
    GetSs ENDP
    GetFs PROC
    	mov		rax, fs
    GetFs ENDP
    GetGs PROC
    	mov		rax, gs
    GetGs ENDP
    GetLdtr PROC
    	sldt	rax
    GetLdtr ENDP
    GetTr PROC
    	str	rax
    GetTr ENDP
    Get_IDT_Base PROC
    	LOCAL	idtr[10]:BYTE
    	sidt	idtr
    	mov		rax, QWORD PTR idtr[2]
    Get_IDT_Base ENDP
    Get_GDT_Limit PROC
    	LOCAL	gdtr[10]:BYTE
    	sgdt	gdtr
    	mov		ax, WORD PTR gdtr[0]
    Get_GDT_Limit ENDP
    Get_IDT_Limit PROC
    	LOCAL	idtr[10]:BYTE
    	sidt	idtr
    	mov		ax, WORD PTR idtr[0]
    Get_IDT_Limit ENDP
    	pop		rax
    Disable_VMX_Operation PROC PUBLIC
    push rax			; Save the state
    xor rax,rax			; Clear the RAX
    mov rax,cr4
    and rax,0ffffffffffffdfffh		; Set the 14th bit
    mov cr4,rax
    pop rax				; Restore the state
    Disable_VMX_Operation ENDP
    AsmVmexitHandler PROC
    	;int 3
    	;push 0  ; we might be in an unaligned stack state, so the memory before stack might cause 
                ; irql less or equal as it doesn't exist, so we just put some extra space avoid
                ; these kind of erros
        push r15
        push r14
        push r13
        push r12
        push r11
        push r10
        push r9
        push r8        
        push rdi
        push rsi
        push rbp
        push rbp	; rsp
        push rbx
        push rdx
        push rcx
        push rax	
    	mov rcx, rsp		; Fast call argument to PGUEST_REGS
    	sub	rsp, 28h		; Free some space for Shadow Section
    	call	VmxVmexitHandler
    	add	rsp, 28h		; Restore the state
    	;int 3
    	pop rax
        pop rcx
        pop rdx
        pop rbx
        pop rbp		; rsp
        pop rbp
        pop rsi
        pop rdi 
        pop r8
        pop r9
        pop r10
        pop r11
        pop r12
        pop r13
        pop r14
        pop r15
    	;push Rflags
    	;mov rsp,gust_rsp
    	sub rsp, 0100h      ; to avoid error in future functions
    	;mov rsp,gust_rsp;ÕâÀïÐèÒª×îºó²Å¸ø²»È»¶ÑÕ»»á·¢Éú±ä»¯
    	;int 3
    	;jmp gust_rip
    AsmVmexitHandler ENDP
    AsmVmxRestoreState PROC
    	;int 3
    	mov rax, retfc
    	jmp rax
    AsmVmxRestoreState ENDP
    AsmGetGdtLimit PROC
    	LOCAL	gdtr[10]:BYTE
    	sgdt	gdtr
    	mov		ax, WORD PTR gdtr[0]
    AsmGetGdtLimit ENDP
    AsmGetIdtLimit PROC
    	LOCAL	idtr[10]:BYTE
    	sidt	idtr
    	mov		ax, WORD PTR idtr[0]
    AsmGetIdtLimit ENDP
    AsmGetGdtBase PROC
    	LOCAL	gdtr[10]:BYTE
    	sgdt	gdtr
    	mov		rax, QWORD PTR gdtr[2]
    AsmGetGdtBase ENDP
    AsmGetRflags PROC
    	pop		rax
    AsmGetRflags ENDP
    AsmVmxSaveState PROC
    	sub rsp,5000h
    	push rax
    	push rcx
    	push rdx
    	push rbx
    	push rbp
    	push rsi
    	push rdi
    	push r8
    	push r9
    	push r10
    	push r11
    	push r12
    	push r13
    	push r14
    	push r15	
    	mov retrsp,rsp
    	add rsp,5080h ;ÕâÀïÒª¼ÓÉÏ֮ǰµÄ200h
    	mov rax,[rsp]
    	mov retrip ,rax
    AsmVmxSaveState ENDP
    AsmVmxRestore PROC
    	pop retrip22
    	;sub rsp,5080h
    	pop r15
    	pop r14
    	pop r13
    	pop r12
    	pop r11
    	pop r10
    	pop r9
    	pop r8
    	pop rdi
    	pop rsi
    	pop rbp
    	pop rbx
    	pop rdx
    	pop rcx
    	pop rax
    	popfq	; restore r/eflags
    	add rsp,5008h ;»¹Ô­»ØÈ¥
    	jmp retrip22
    AsmVmxRestore ENDP
    retfc PROC
    	mov rax,retrip
    	add rax,3
    	mov retrip,rax
    	mov rsp,retrsp
    	jmp retrip
    retfc ENDP
    GetCpuIdInfo PROC
    	push	rbp
    	mov		rbp, rsp
    	push	rbx
    	push	rsi
    	mov		[rbp+18h], rdx
    	mov		eax, ecx
    	mov		rsi, [rbp+18h]
    	mov		[rsi], eax
    	mov		[r8], ebx
    	mov		[r9], ecx
    	mov		rsi, [rbp+30h]
    	mov		[rsi], edx	
    	pop		rsi
    	pop		rbx
    	mov		rsp, rbp
    	pop		rbp
    GetCpuIdInfo ENDP
    AsmInvvpid PROC
            invvpid rcx, oword ptr [rdx]
            jz      @jz
            jc      @jc
            xor     rax, rax
    @jz:    mov     rax, VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED_WITH_STATUS
    @jc:    mov     rax, VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED
    AsmInvvpid ENDP
    MSRRead PROC
    	rdmsr				; MSR[ecx] --> edx:eax
    	shl		rdx, 32
    	or		rax, rdx
    MSRRead ENDP
    MSRWrite PROC
    	mov		rax, rdx
    	shr		rdx, 32
    MSRWrite ENDP
    Wmcall PROC
    Wmcall ENDP
    ; Error codes :
        VMX_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS              = 0
        VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED               = 2
    AsmInvept PROC PUBLIC
        invept  rcx, oword ptr [rdx]
        jz @jz
        jc @jc
        xor     rax, rax
        mov     rax, VMX_ERROR_CODE_FAILED
    AsmInvept ENDP


    #pragma once
    #include <ntddk.h>
    #define VPID_TAG			0x1
    typedef struct _VirtualMachineState
    	UINT64 VMXON_REGION;                        // VMXON region
    	UINT64 VMCS_REGION;                         // VMCS region
    	UINT64 EPTP;								// Extended-Page-Table Pointer
    	UINT64 VMM_Stack;							// Stack for VMM in VM-Exit State
    	UINT64 MSRBitMap;							// MSRBitMap Virtual Address
    	UINT64 MSRBitMapPhysical;					// MSRBitMap Physical Address
    } VirtualMachineState, *PVirtualMachineState;
    extern PVirtualMachineState vmState;
    extern int ProcessorCounts;
    #define POOLTAG 0x48564653 // [H]yper[V]isor [F]rom [S]cratch (HVFS)
    #define VMM_STACK_SIZE      0x8000
    #define RPL_MASK                3
    int ipow(int base, int exp) {
    	int result = 1;
    	for (;;)
    		if (exp & 1)
    			result *= base;
    		exp >>= 1;
    		if (!exp)
    		base *= base;
    	return result;
    typedef union SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES
    		USHORT TYPE : 4;              /* 0;  Bit 40-43 */
    		USHORT S : 1;                 /* 4;  Bit 44 */
    		USHORT DPL : 2;               /* 5;  Bit 45-46 */
    		USHORT P : 1;                 /* 7;  Bit 47 */
    		USHORT AVL : 1;               /* 8;  Bit 52 */
    		USHORT L : 1;                 /* 9;  Bit 53 */
    		USHORT DB : 1;                /* 10; Bit 54 */
    		USHORT G : 1;                 /* 11; Bit 55 */
    		USHORT GAP : 4;
    	} Fields;
    typedef struct SEGMENT_SELECTOR
    	ULONG64 BASE;
    enum SEGREGS
    	ES = 0,
    typedef struct _GUEST_REGS
    	ULONG64 rax;                  // 0x00         // NOT VALID FOR SVM
    	ULONG64 rcx;
    	ULONG64 rdx;                  // 0x10
    	ULONG64 rbx;
    	ULONG64 rsp;                  // 0x20         // rsp is not stored here on SVM
    	ULONG64 rbp;
    	ULONG64 rsi;                  // 0x30
    	ULONG64 rdi;
    	ULONG64 r8;                   // 0x40
    	ULONG64 r9;
    	ULONG64 r10;                  // 0x50
    	ULONG64 r11;
    	ULONG64 r12;                  // 0x60
    	ULONG64 r13;
    	ULONG64 r14;                  // 0x70
    	ULONG64 r15;
    typedef union _RFLAGS
    		unsigned Reserved1 : 10;
    		unsigned ID : 1;		// Identification flag
    		unsigned VIP : 1;		// Virtual interrupt pending
    		unsigned VIF : 1;		// Virtual interrupt flag
    		unsigned AC : 1;		// Alignment check
    		unsigned VM : 1;		// Virtual 8086 mode
    		unsigned RF : 1;		// Resume flag
    		unsigned Reserved2 : 1;
    		unsigned NT : 1;		// Nested task flag
    		unsigned IOPL : 2;		// I/O privilege level
    		unsigned OF : 1;
    		unsigned DF : 1;
    		unsigned IF : 1;		// Interrupt flag
    		unsigned TF : 1;		// Task flag
    		unsigned SF : 1;		// Sign flag
    		unsigned ZF : 1;		// Zero flag
    		unsigned Reserved3 : 1;
    		unsigned AF : 1;		// Borrow flag
    		unsigned Reserved4 : 1;
    		unsigned PF : 1;		// Parity flag
    		unsigned Reserved5 : 1;
    		unsigned CF : 1;		// Carry flag [Bit 0]
    		unsigned Reserved6 : 32;
    	ULONG64 Content;
    } RFLAGS;
    typedef struct _SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR
    	UCHAR  BASE1;
    	UCHAR  ATTR0;
    	UCHAR  BASE2;


    #pragma once
    #include <ntddk.h>
    typedef union _IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR{
    	ULONG64 All;
    		ULONG64 Lock : 1;                // [0]
    		ULONG64 EnableSMX : 1;           // [1]
    		ULONG64 EnableVmxon : 1;         // [2]
    		ULONG64 Reserved2 : 5;           // [3-7]
    		ULONG64 EnableLocalSENTER : 7;   // [8-14]
    		ULONG64 EnableGlobalSENTER : 1;  // [15]
    		ULONG64 Reserved3a : 16;         //
    		ULONG64 Reserved3b : 32;         // [16-63]
    	} Fields;
    typedef struct _CPUID{
    	int eax;
    	int ebx;
    	int ecx;
    	int edx;
    typedef union _IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR{
    	ULONG64 All;
    		ULONG32 RevisionIdentifier : 31;   // [0-30]
    		ULONG32 Reserved1 : 1;             // [31]
    		ULONG32 RegionSize : 12;           // [32-43]
    		ULONG32 RegionClear : 1;           // [44]
    		ULONG32 Reserved2 : 3;             // [45-47]
    		ULONG32 SupportedIA64 : 1;         // [48]
    		ULONG32 SupportedDualMoniter : 1;  // [49]
    		ULONG32 MemoryType : 4;            // [50-53]
    		ULONG32 VmExitReport : 1;          // [54]
    		ULONG32 VmxCapabilityHint : 1;     // [55]
    		ULONG32 Reserved3 : 8;             // [56-63]
    	} Fields;
    BOOLEAN Is_VMX_Supported();


    #pragma once
    //					Constants					//
    // MTRR Physical Base MSRs
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0                                          0x00000200
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE1                                          0x00000202
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE2                                          0x00000204
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE3                                          0x00000206
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE4                                          0x00000208
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE5                                          0x0000020A
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE6                                          0x0000020C
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE7                                          0x0000020E
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE8                                          0x00000210
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE9                                          0x00000212
    // MTRR Physical Mask MSRs
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK0                                          0x00000201
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK1                                          0x00000203
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK2                                          0x00000205
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK3                                          0x00000207
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK4                                          0x00000209
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK5                                          0x0000020B
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK6                                          0x0000020D
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK7                                          0x0000020F
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK8                                          0x00000211
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK9                                          0x00000213
    // Memory Types
    #define MEMORY_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE                                      0x00000000
    #define MEMORY_TYPE_WRITE_COMBINING                                  0x00000001
    #define MEMORY_TYPE_WRITE_THROUGH                                    0x00000004
    #define MEMORY_TYPE_WRITE_PROTECTED                                  0x00000005
    #define MEMORY_TYPE_WRITE_BACK                                       0x00000006
    #define MEMORY_TYPE_INVALID                                          0x000000FF
    // Page attributes for internal use
    #define PAGE_ATTRIB_READ											 0x2       
    #define PAGE_ATTRIB_WRITE											 0x4       
    #define PAGE_ATTRIB_EXEC											 0x8       
    // VMX EPT & VPID Capabilities MSR
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP                                        0x0000048C
    // MTRR Def MSR
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE                                           0x000002FF
    // MTRR Capabilities MSR
    #define MSR_IA32_MTRR_CAPABILITIES                                       0x000000FE
    // The number of 512GB PML4 entries in the page table/
    #define VMM_EPT_PML4E_COUNT 512
    // The number of 1GB PDPT entries in the page table per 512GB PML4 entry.
    #define VMM_EPT_PML3E_COUNT 512
    // Then number of 2MB Page Directory entries in the page table per 1GB PML3 entry.
    #define VMM_EPT_PML2E_COUNT 512
    // Then number of 4096 byte Page Table entries in the page table per 2MB PML2 entry when dynamically split.
    #define VMM_EPT_PML1E_COUNT 512
    // Integer 2MB
    #define SIZE_2_MB ((SIZE_T)(512 * PAGE_SIZE))
    // Offset into the 1st paging structure (4096 byte)
    // Index of the 1st paging structure (4096 byte)
    #define ADDRMASK_EPT_PML1_INDEX(_VAR_) ((_VAR_ & 0x1FF000ULL) >> 12)
    // Index of the 2nd paging structure (2MB)
    #define ADDRMASK_EPT_PML2_INDEX(_VAR_) ((_VAR_ & 0x3FE00000ULL) >> 21)
    // Index of the 3rd paging structure (1GB)
    #define ADDRMASK_EPT_PML3_INDEX(_VAR_) ((_VAR_ & 0x7FC0000000ULL) >> 30)
    // Index of the 4th paging structure (512GB)
    #define ADDRMASK_EPT_PML4_INDEX(_VAR_) ((_VAR_ & 0xFF8000000000ULL) >> 39)
     * Linked list for-each macro for traversing LIST_ENTRY structures.
     * _LISTHEAD_ is a pointer to the struct that the list head belongs to.
     * _LISTHEAD_NAME_ is the name of the variable which contains the list head. Should match the same name as the list entry struct member in the actual record.
     * _TARGET_TYPE_ is the type name of the struct of each item in the list
     * _TARGET_NAME_ is the name which will contain the pointer to the item each iteration
     * Example:
     * FOR_EACH_LIST_ENTRY(ProcessorContext->EptPageTable, DynamicSplitList, VMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT, Split)
     * 		OsFreeNonpagedMemory(Split);
     * }
     * ProcessorContext->EptPageTable->DynamicSplitList is the head of the list.
     * VMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT is the struct of each item in the list.
     * Split is the name of the local variable which will hold the pointer to the item.
    	for (PLIST_ENTRY Entry = _LISTHEAD_->_LISTHEAD_NAME_.Flink; Entry != &_LISTHEAD_->_LISTHEAD_NAME_; Entry = Entry->Flink) { \
      * The braces for the block are messy due to the need to define a local variable in the for loop scope.
      * Therefore, this macro just ends the for each block without messing up code editors trying to detect
      * the block indent level.
    # define FOR_EACH_LIST_ENTRY_END() }
      //	    			Variables 		    	  //
    // Vmx-root lock for changing EPT PML1 Entry and Invalidating TLB
    volatile LONG Pml1ModificationAndInvalidationLock;
    //				Unions & Structs    			//
    typedef union _IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP_REGISTER
    		 * [Bit 0] When set to 1, the processor supports execute-only translations by EPT. This support allows software to
    		 * configure EPT paging-structure entries in which bits 1:0 are clear (indicating that data accesses are not allowed) and
    		 * bit 2 is set (indicating that instruction fetches are allowed).
    		UINT64 ExecuteOnlyPages : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5;
    		 * [Bit 6] Indicates support for a page-walk length of 4.
    		UINT64 PageWalkLength4 : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 1;
    		 * [Bit 8] When set to 1, the logical processor allows software to configure the EPT paging-structure memory type to be
    		 * uncacheable (UC).
    		 * @see Vol3C[24.6.11(Extended-Page-Table Pointer (EPTP))]
    		UINT64 MemoryTypeUncacheable : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved3 : 5;
    		 * [Bit 14] When set to 1, the logical processor allows software to configure the EPT paging-structure memory type to be
    		 * write-back (WB).
    		UINT64 MemoryTypeWriteBack : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved4 : 1;
    		 * [Bit 16] When set to 1, the logical processor allows software to configure a EPT PDE to map a 2-Mbyte page (by setting
    		 * bit 7 in the EPT PDE).
    		UINT64 Pde2MbPages : 1;
    		 * [Bit 17] When set to 1, the logical processor allows software to configure a EPT PDPTE to map a 1-Gbyte page (by setting
    		 * bit 7 in the EPT PDPTE).
    		UINT64 Pdpte1GbPages : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved5 : 2;
    		 * [Bit 20] If bit 20 is read as 1, the INVEPT instruction is supported.
    		 * @see Vol3C[30(VMX INSTRUCTION REFERENCE)]
    		 * @see Vol3C[ that Invalidate Cached Mappings)]
    		UINT64 Invept : 1;
    		 * [Bit 21] When set to 1, accessed and dirty flags for EPT are supported.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 EptAccessedAndDirtyFlags : 1;
    		 * [Bit 22] When set to 1, the processor reports advanced VM-exit information for EPT violations. This reporting is done
    		 * only if this bit is read as 1.
    		 * @see Vol3C[27.2.1(Basic VM-Exit Information)]
    		UINT64 AdvancedVmexitEptViolationsInformation : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved6 : 2;
    		 * [Bit 25] When set to 1, the single-context INVEPT type is supported.
    		 * @see Vol3C[30(VMX INSTRUCTION REFERENCE)]
    		 * @see Vol3C[ that Invalidate Cached Mappings)]
    		UINT64 InveptSingleContext : 1;
    		 * [Bit 26] When set to 1, the all-context INVEPT type is supported.
    		 * @see Vol3C[30(VMX INSTRUCTION REFERENCE)]
    		 * @see Vol3C[ that Invalidate Cached Mappings)]
    		UINT64 InveptAllContexts : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved7 : 5;
    		 * [Bit 32] When set to 1, the INVVPID instruction is supported.
    		UINT64 Invvpid : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved8 : 7;
    		 * [Bit 40] When set to 1, the individual-address INVVPID type is supported.
    		UINT64 InvvpidIndividualAddress : 1;
    		 * [Bit 41] When set to 1, the single-context INVVPID type is supported.
    		UINT64 InvvpidSingleContext : 1;
    		 * [Bit 42] When set to 1, the all-context INVVPID type is supported.
    		UINT64 InvvpidAllContexts : 1;
    		 * [Bit 43] When set to 1, the single-context-retaining-globals INVVPID type is supported.
    		UINT64 InvvpidSingleContextRetainGlobals : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved9 : 20;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    typedef union _PEPT_PML4
    		 * [Bit 0] Read access; indicates whether reads are allowed from the 512-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Write access; indicates whether writes are allowed from the 512-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, execute access; indicates whether
    		 * instruction fetches are allowed from the 512-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		 * If that control is 1, execute access for supervisor-mode linear addresses; indicates whether instruction fetches are
    		 * allowed from supervisor-mode linear addresses in the 512-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, accessed flag for EPT; indicates whether software has accessed the 512-GByte region
    		 * controlled by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] Execute access for user-mode linear addresses. If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control
    		 * is 1, indicates whether instruction fetches are allowed from user-mode linear addresses in the 512-GByte region
    		 * controlled by this entry. If that control is 0, this bit is ignored.
    		UINT64 UserModeExecute : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved3 : 1;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Physical address of 4-KByte aligned EPT page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved4 : 16;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    } EPT_PML4, *PEPT_PML4;
    // See Table 28-1. 
    typedef union _EPT_PML4E {
    	ULONG64 All;
    	struct {
    		UINT64 Read : 1; // bit 0
    		UINT64 Write : 1; // bit 1
    		UINT64 Execute : 1; // bit 2
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5; // bit 7:3 (Must be Zero)
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1; // bit 8
    		UINT64 Ignored1 : 1; // bit 9
    		UINT64 ExecuteForUserMode : 1; // bit 10
    		UINT64 Ignored2 : 1; // bit 11
    		UINT64 PhysicalAddress : 36; // bit (N-1):12 or Page-Frame-Number
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 4; // bit 51:N
    		UINT64 Ignored3 : 12; // bit 63:52
    // See Table 28-3
    typedef union _EPT_PDPTE {
    	ULONG64 All;
    	struct {
    		UINT64 Read : 1; // bit 0
    		UINT64 Write : 1; // bit 1
    		UINT64 Execute : 1; // bit 2
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5; // bit 7:3 (Must be Zero)
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1; // bit 8
    		UINT64 Ignored1 : 1; // bit 9
    		UINT64 ExecuteForUserMode : 1; // bit 10
    		UINT64 Ignored2 : 1; // bit 11
    		UINT64 PhysicalAddress : 36; // bit (N-1):12 or Page-Frame-Number
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 4; // bit 51:N
    		UINT64 Ignored3 : 12; // bit 63:52
    // See Table 28-5
    typedef union _EPT_PDE {
    	ULONG64 All;
    	struct {
    		UINT64 Read : 1; // bit 0
    		UINT64 Write : 1; // bit 1
    		UINT64 Execute : 1; // bit 2
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5; // bit 7:3 (Must be Zero)
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1; // bit 8
    		UINT64 Ignored1 : 1; // bit 9
    		UINT64 ExecuteForUserMode : 1; // bit 10
    		UINT64 Ignored2 : 1; // bit 11
    		UINT64 PhysicalAddress : 36; // bit (N-1):12 or Page-Frame-Number
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 4; // bit 51:N
    		UINT64 Ignored3 : 12; // bit 63:52
    // See Table 28-6
    typedef union _EPT_PTE {
    	ULONG64 All;
    	struct {
    		UINT64 Read : 1; // bit 0
    		UINT64 Write : 1; // bit 1
    		UINT64 Execute : 1; // bit 2
    		UINT64 EPTMemoryType : 3; // bit 5:3 (EPT Memory type)
    		UINT64 IgnorePAT : 1; // bit 6
    		UINT64 Ignored1 : 1; // bit 7
    		UINT64 AccessedFlag : 1; // bit 8	
    		UINT64 DirtyFlag : 1; // bit 9
    		UINT64 ExecuteForUserMode : 1; // bit 10
    		UINT64 Ignored2 : 1; // bit 11
    		UINT64 PhysicalAddress : 36; // bit (N-1):12 or Page-Frame-Number
    		UINT64 Reserved : 4; // bit 51:N
    		UINT64 Ignored3 : 11; // bit 62:52
    		UINT64 SuppressVE : 1; // bit 63
    typedef union _EPDPTE_1GB
    		 * [Bit 0] Read access; indicates whether reads are allowed from the 1-GByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Write access; indicates whether writes are allowed from the 1-GByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, execute access; indicates whether
    		 * instruction fetches are allowed from the 1-GByte page controlled by this entry.
    		 * If that control is 1, execute access for supervisor-mode linear addresses; indicates whether instruction fetches are
    		 * allowed from supervisor-mode linear addresses in the 1-GByte page controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bits 5:3] EPT memory type for this 1-GByte page.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 MemoryType : 3;
    		 * [Bit 6] Ignore PAT memory type for this 1-GByte page.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 IgnorePat : 1;
    		 * [Bit 7] Must be 1 (otherwise, this entry references an EPT page directory).
    		UINT64 LargePage : 1;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, accessed flag for EPT; indicates whether software has accessed the 1-GByte page
    		 * referenced by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1;
    		 * [Bit 9] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, dirty flag for EPT; indicates whether software has written to the 1-GByte page referenced
    		 * by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Dirty : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] Execute access for user-mode linear addresses. If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control
    		 * is 1, indicates whether instruction fetches are allowed from user-mode linear addresses in the 1-GByte page controlled
    		 * by this entry. If that control is 0, this bit is ignored.
    		UINT64 UserModeExecute : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 19;
    		 * [Bits 47:30] Physical address of 4-KByte aligned EPT page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 18;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 15;
    		 * [Bit 63] Suppress \#VE. If the "EPT-violation \#VE" VM-execution control is 1, EPT violations caused by accesses to this
    		 * page are convertible to virtualization exceptions only if this bit is 0. If "EPT-violation \#VE" VMexecution control is
    		 * 0, this bit is ignored.
    		 * @see Vol3C[ EPT Violations)]
    		UINT64 SuppressVe : 1;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    typedef union _EPDPTE
    		 * [Bit 0] Read access; indicates whether reads are allowed from the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Write access; indicates whether writes are allowed from the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, execute access; indicates whether
    		 * instruction fetches are allowed from the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		 * If that control is 1, execute access for supervisor-mode linear addresses; indicates whether instruction fetches are
    		 * allowed from supervisor-mode linear addresses in the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, accessed flag for EPT; indicates whether software has accessed the 1-GByte region
    		 * controlled by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] Execute access for user-mode linear addresses. If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control
    		 * is 1, indicates whether instruction fetches are allowed from user-mode linear addresses in the 1-GByte region controlled
    		 * by this entry. If that control is 0, this bit is ignored.
    		UINT64 UserModeExecute : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved3 : 1;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Physical address of 4-KByte aligned EPT page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved4 : 16;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    typedef union _EPDE_2MB
    		 * [Bit 0] Read access; indicates whether reads are allowed from the 2-MByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Write access; indicates whether writes are allowed from the 2-MByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, execute access; indicates whether
    		 * instruction fetches are allowed from the 2-MByte page controlled by this entry.
    		 * If that control is 1, execute access for supervisor-mode linear addresses; indicates whether instruction fetches are
    		 * allowed from supervisor-mode linear addresses in the 2-MByte page controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bits 5:3] EPT memory type for this 2-MByte page.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 MemoryType : 3;
    		 * [Bit 6] Ignore PAT memory type for this 2-MByte page.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 IgnorePat : 1;
    		 * [Bit 7] Must be 1 (otherwise, this entry references an EPT page table).
    		UINT64 LargePage : 1;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, accessed flag for EPT; indicates whether software has accessed the 2-MByte page
    		 * referenced by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1;
    		 * [Bit 9] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, dirty flag for EPT; indicates whether software has written to the 2-MByte page referenced
    		 * by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Dirty : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] Execute access for user-mode linear addresses. If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control
    		 * is 1, indicates whether instruction fetches are allowed from user-mode linear addresses in the 2-MByte page controlled
    		 * by this entry. If that control is 0, this bit is ignored.
    		UINT64 UserModeExecute : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 10;
    		 * [Bits 47:21] Physical address of 4-KByte aligned EPT page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 27;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 15;
    		 * [Bit 63] Suppress \#VE. If the "EPT-violation \#VE" VM-execution control is 1, EPT violations caused by accesses to this
    		 * page are convertible to virtualization exceptions only if this bit is 0. If "EPT-violation \#VE" VMexecution control is
    		 * 0, this bit is ignored.
    		 * @see Vol3C[ EPT Violations)]
    		UINT64 SuppressVe : 1;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    } EPDE_2MB, *PEPDE_2MB;
    typedef union _EPDE
    		 * [Bit 0] Read access; indicates whether reads are allowed from the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Write access; indicates whether writes are allowed from the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, execute access; indicates whether
    		 * instruction fetches are allowed from the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry.
    		 * If that control is 1, execute access for supervisor-mode linear addresses; indicates whether instruction fetches are
    		 * allowed from supervisor-mode linear addresses in the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, accessed flag for EPT; indicates whether software has accessed the 2-MByte region
    		 * controlled by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] Execute access for user-mode linear addresses. If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control
    		 * is 1, indicates whether instruction fetches are allowed from user-mode linear addresses in the 2-MByte region controlled
    		 * by this entry. If that control is 0, this bit is ignored.
    		UINT64 UserModeExecute : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved3 : 1;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Physical address of 4-KByte aligned EPT page table referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved4 : 16;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    } EPDE, *PEPDE;
    typedef union _EPTE
    		 * [Bit 0] Read access; indicates whether reads are allowed from the 4-KByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Write access; indicates whether writes are allowed from the 4-KByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, execute access; indicates whether
    		 * instruction fetches are allowed from the 4-KByte page controlled by this entry.
    		 * If that control is 1, execute access for supervisor-mode linear addresses; indicates whether instruction fetches are
    		 * allowed from supervisor-mode linear addresses in the 4-KByte page controlled by this entry.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bits 5:3] EPT memory type for this 4-KByte page.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 MemoryType : 3;
    		 * [Bit 6] Ignore PAT memory type for this 4-KByte page.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 IgnorePat : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 1;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, accessed flag for EPT; indicates whether software has accessed the 4-KByte page
    		 * referenced by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Accessed : 1;
    		 * [Bit 9] If bit 6 of EPTP is 1, dirty flag for EPT; indicates whether software has written to the 4-KByte page referenced
    		 * by this entry. Ignored if bit 6 of EPTP is 0.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 Dirty : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] Execute access for user-mode linear addresses. If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control
    		 * is 1, indicates whether instruction fetches are allowed from user-mode linear addresses in the 4-KByte page controlled
    		 * by this entry. If that control is 0, this bit is ignored.
    		UINT64 UserModeExecute : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 1;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Physical address of the 4-KByte page referenced by this entry.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved3 : 15;
    		 * [Bit 63] Suppress \#VE. If the "EPT-violation \#VE" VM-execution control is 1, EPT violations caused by accesses to this
    		 * page are convertible to virtualization exceptions only if this bit is 0. If "EPT-violation \#VE" VMexecution control is
    		 * 0, this bit is ignored.
    		 * @see Vol3C[ EPT Violations)]
    		UINT64 SuppressVe : 1;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    } EPTE, *PEPTE;
    //				      typedefs         			 //
    //			     Structs Cont.                	//
    typedef struct _VMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE
    	 * 28.2.2 Describes 512 contiguous 512GB memory regions each with 512 1GB regions.
    	 * Describes exactly 512 contiguous 1GB memory regions within a our singular 512GB PML4 region.
    	 * For each 1GB PML3 entry, create 512 2MB entries to map identity.
    	 * NOTE: We are using 2MB pages as the smallest paging size in our map, so we do not manage individiual 4096 byte pages.
    	 * Therefore, we do not allocate any PML1 (4096 byte) paging structures.
    	 * List of all allocated dynamic splits. Used to free dynamic entries at the end of execution.
    	 * A dynamic split is a 2MB page that's been split into 512 4096 size pages.
    	 * This is used only on request when a specific page's protections need to be split.
    	LIST_ENTRY DynamicSplitList;
    typedef union _EPTP
    		 * [Bits 2:0] EPT paging-structure memory type:
    		 * - 0 = Uncacheable (UC)
    		 * - 6 = Write-back (WB)
    		 * Other values are reserved.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 MemoryType : 3;
    		 * [Bits 5:3] This value is 1 less than the EPT page-walk length.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.6(EPT and memory Typing)]
    		UINT64 PageWalkLength : 3;
    		 * [Bit 6] Setting this control to 1 enables accessed and dirty flags for EPT.
    		 * @see Vol3C[28.2.4(Accessed and Dirty Flags for EPT)]
    		UINT64 EnableAccessAndDirtyFlags : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 5;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Bits N-1:12 of the physical address of the 4-KByte aligned EPT PML4 table.
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 16;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    } EPTP, *PEPTP;
    typedef union _IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE_REGISTER
    		 * [Bits 2:0] Default Memory Type.
    		UINT64 DefaultMemoryType : 3;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 7;
    		 * [Bit 10] Fixed Range MTRR Enable.
    		UINT64 FixedRangeMtrrEnable : 1;
    		 * [Bit 11] MTRR Enable.
    		UINT64 MtrrEnable : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 52;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    typedef struct INVEPT_DESC
    	EPTP ept_pointer;
    	UINT64  reserved;
    enum invept_t
    	single_context = 0x00000001,
    	all_contexts = 0x00000002,
    		 * @brief VCNT (variable range registers count) field
    		 * [Bits 7:0] Indicates the number of variable ranges implemented on the processor.
    		UINT64 VariableRangeCount : 8;
    		 * @brief FIX (fixed range registers supported) flag
    		 * [Bit 8] Fixed range MTRRs (MSR_IA32_MTRR_FIX64K_00000 through MSR_IA32_MTRR_FIX4K_0F8000) are supported when set; no fixed range
    		 * registers are supported when clear.
    		UINT64 FixedRangeSupported : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 1;
    		 * @brief WC (write combining) flag
    		 * [Bit 10] The write-combining (WC) memory type is supported when set; the WC type is not supported when clear.
    		UINT64 WcSupported : 1;
    		 * @brief SMRR (System-Management Range Register) flag
    		 * [Bit 11] The system-management range register (SMRR) interface is supported when bit 11 is set; the SMRR interface is
    		 * not supported when clear.
    		UINT64 SmrrSupported : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 52;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    // MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE(0-9)
    typedef union _IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE_REGISTER
    		 * [Bits 7:0] Specifies the memory type for the range.
    		UINT64 Type : 8;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 4;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Specifies the base address of the address range. This 24-bit value, in the case where MAXPHYADDR is 36
    		 * bits, is extended by 12 bits at the low end to form the base address (this automatically aligns the address on a 4-KByte
    		 * boundary).
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 16;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    // MSR_IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK(0-9).
    typedef union _IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK_REGISTER
    		 * [Bits 7:0] Specifies the memory type for the range.
    		UINT64 Type : 8;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 3;
    		 * [Bit 11] Enables the register pair when set; disables register pair when clear.
    		UINT64 Valid : 1;
    		 * [Bits 47:12] Specifies a mask (24 bits if the maximum physical address size is 36 bits, 28 bits if the maximum physical
    		 * address size is 40 bits). The mask determines the range of the region being mapped, according to the following
    		 * relationships:
    		 * - Address_Within_Range AND PhysMask = PhysBase AND PhysMask
    		 * - This value is extended by 12 bits at the low end to form the mask value.
    		 * - The width of the PhysMask field depends on the maximum physical address size supported by the processor.
    		 * CPUID.80000008H reports the maximum physical address size supported by the processor. If CPUID.80000008H is not
    		 * available, software may assume that the processor supports a 36-bit physical address size.
    		 * @see Vol3A[11.11.3(Example Base and Mask Calculations)]
    		UINT64 PageFrameNumber : 36;
    		UINT64 Reserved2 : 16;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    typedef struct _INVEPT_DESCRIPTOR
    	UINT64 EptPointer;
    	UINT64 Reserved; // Must be zero.
    typedef struct _MTRR_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR
    	SIZE_T PhysicalBaseAddress;
    	SIZE_T PhysicalEndAddress;
    	UCHAR MemoryType;
    typedef struct _EPT_STATE
    	LIST_ENTRY HookedPagesList;										// A list of the details about hooked pages
    	MTRR_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR MemoryRanges[9];							// Physical memory ranges described by the BIOS in the MTRRs. Used to build the EPT identity mapping.
    	ULONG NumberOfEnabledMemoryRanges;								// Number of memory ranges specified in MemoryRanges
    	EPTP   EptPointer;												// Extended-Page-Table Pointer 
    	PVMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE EptPageTable;							    // Page table entries for EPT operation
    typedef struct _VMM_EPT_DYNAMIC_SPLIT
    	 * The 4096 byte page table entries that correspond to the split 2MB table entry.
    	 * The pointer to the 2MB entry in the page table which this split is servicing.
    		PEPT_PML2_ENTRY Entry;
    		PEPT_PML2_POINTER Pointer;
    	 * Linked list entries for each dynamic split
    	LIST_ENTRY DynamicSplitList;
    		 * [Bit 0] Set if the access causing the EPT violation was a data read.
    		UINT64 ReadAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 1] Set if the access causing the EPT violation was a data write.
    		UINT64 WriteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 2] Set if the access causing the EPT violation was an instruction fetch.
    		UINT64 ExecuteAccess : 1;
    		 * [Bit 3] The logical-AND of bit 0 in the EPT paging-structure entries used to translate the guest-physical address of the
    		 * access causing the EPT violation (indicates whether the guest-physical address was readable).
    		UINT64 EptReadable : 1;
    		 * [Bit 4] The logical-AND of bit 1 in the EPT paging-structure entries used to translate the guest-physical address of the
    		 * access causing the EPT violation (indicates whether the guest-physical address was writeable).
    		UINT64 EptWriteable : 1;
    		 * [Bit 5] The logical-AND of bit 2 in the EPT paging-structure entries used to translate the guest-physical address of the
    		 * access causing the EPT violation.
    		 * If the "mode-based execute control for EPT" VM-execution control is 0, this indicates whether the guest-physical address
    		 * was executable. If that control is 1, this indicates whether the guest-physical address was executable for
    		 * supervisor-mode linear addresses.
    		UINT64 EptExecutable : 1;
    		 * [Bit 6] If the "mode-based execute control" VM-execution control is 0, the value of this bit is undefined. If that
    		 * control is 1, this bit is the logical-AND of bit 10 in the EPT paging-structures entries used to translate the
    		 * guest-physical address of the access causing the EPT violation. In this case, it indicates whether the guest-physical
    		 * address was executable for user-mode linear addresses.
    		UINT64 EptExecutableForUserMode : 1;
    		 * [Bit 7] Set if the guest linear-address field is valid. The guest linear-address field is valid for all EPT violations
    		 * except those resulting from an attempt to load the guest PDPTEs as part of the execution of the MOV CR instruction.
    		UINT64 ValidGuestLinearAddress : 1;
    		 * [Bit 8] If bit 7 is 1:
    		 * - Set if the access causing the EPT violation is to a guest-physical address that is the translation of a linear
    		 * address.
    		 * - Clear if the access causing the EPT violation is to a paging-structure entry as part of a page walk or the update of
    		 * an accessed or dirty bit.
    		 * Reserved if bit 7 is 0 (cleared to 0).
    		UINT64 CausedByTranslation : 1;
    		 * [Bit 9] This bit is 0 if the linear address is a supervisor-mode linear address and 1 if it is a user-mode linear
    		 * address. Otherwise, this bit is undefined.
    		 * @remarks If bit 7 is 1, bit 8 is 1, and the processor supports advanced VM-exit information for EPT violations. (If
    		 *          CR0.PG = 0, the translation of every linear address is a user-mode linear address and thus this bit will be 1.)
    		UINT64 UserModeLinearAddress : 1;
    		 * [Bit 10] This bit is 0 if paging translates the linear address to a read-only page and 1 if it translates to a
    		 * read/write page. Otherwise, this bit is undefined
    		 * @remarks If bit 7 is 1, bit 8 is 1, and the processor supports advanced VM-exit information for EPT violations. (If
    		 *          CR0.PG = 0, every linear address is read/write and thus this bit will be 1.)
    		UINT64 ReadableWritablePage : 1;
    		 * [Bit 11] This bit is 0 if paging translates the linear address to an executable page and 1 if it translates to an
    		 * execute-disable page. Otherwise, this bit is undefined.
    		 * @remarks If bit 7 is 1, bit 8 is 1, and the processor supports advanced VM-exit information for EPT violations. (If
    		 *          CR0.PG = 0, CR4.PAE = 0, or MSR_IA32_EFER.NXE = 0, every linear address is executable and thus this bit will be 0.)
    		UINT64 ExecuteDisablePage : 1;
    		 * [Bit 12] NMI unblocking due to IRET.
    		UINT64 NmiUnblocking : 1;
    		UINT64 Reserved1 : 51;
    	UINT64 Flags;
    // Structure for each hooked instance
    typedef struct _EPT_HOOKED_PAGE_DETAIL
    	 * Linked list entires for each page hook.
    	LIST_ENTRY PageHookList;
    	* The virtual address from the caller prespective view (cr3)
    	UINT64 VirtualAddress;
    	 * The base address of the page. Used to find this structure in the list of page hooks
    	 * when a hook is hit.
    	SIZE_T PhysicalBaseAddress;
    	* The base address of the page with fake contents. Used to swap page with fake contents
    	* when a hook is hit.
    	SIZE_T PhysicalBaseAddressOfFakePageContents;
    	 * The page entry in the page tables that this page is targetting.
    	PEPT_PML1_ENTRY EntryAddress;
    	 * The original page entry. Will be copied back when the hook is removed
    	 * from the page.
    	EPT_PML1_ENTRY OriginalEntry;
    	 * The original page entry. Will be copied back when the hook is remove from the page.
    	EPT_PML1_ENTRY ChangedEntry;
    	* The buffer of the trampoline function which is used in the inline hook.
    	PCHAR Trampoline;
    	 * This field shows whether the hook contains a hidden hook for execution or not
    	BOOLEAN IsExecutionHook;
    //                    Enums		    			//
    typedef enum _INVEPT_TYPE
    	INVEPT_SINGLE_CONTEXT = 0x00000001,
    	INVEPT_ALL_CONTEXTS = 0x00000002
    //				    Functions					//
    // Check for EPT Features
    BOOLEAN EptCheckFeatures();
    // Build MTRR Map
    BOOLEAN EptBuildMtrrMap();
    // Hook in VMX Root Mode (A pre-allocated buffer should be available)
    BOOLEAN EptPerformPageHook(PVOID TargetAddress, PVOID HookFunction, PVOID* OrigFunction, BOOLEAN UnsetRead, BOOLEAN UnsetWrite, BOOLEAN UnsetExecute);
    // Hook in VMX Non Root Mode
    // Initialize EPT Table based on Processor Index
    BOOLEAN EptLogicalProcessorInitialize();
    // Handle EPT Violation
    BOOLEAN EptHandleEptViolation(ULONG ExitQualification, UINT64 GuestPhysicalAddr);
    // Get the PML1 Entry of a special address
    PEPT_PML1_ENTRY EptGetPml1Entry(PVMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE EptPageTable, SIZE_T PhysicalAddress);
    // Handle vm-exits for Monitor Trap Flag to restore previous state
    VOID EptHandleMonitorTrapFlag(PEPT_HOOKED_PAGE_DETAIL HookedEntry);
    // Handle Ept Misconfigurations
    VOID EptHandleMisconfiguration(UINT64 GuestAddress);
    // This function set the specific PML1 entry in a spinlock protected area then	invalidate the TLB , this function should be called from vmx root-mode
    VOID EptSetPML1AndInvalidateTLB(PEPT_PML1_ENTRY EntryAddress, EPT_PML1_ENTRY EntryValue, INVEPT_TYPE InvalidationType);
    // Handle hooked pages in Vmx-root mode
    BOOLEAN EptHandleHookedPage(EPT_HOOKED_PAGE_DETAIL* HookedEntryDetails, VMX_EXIT_QUALIFICATION_EPT_VIOLATION ViolationQualification, SIZE_T PhysicalAddress);
    // Remove a special hook from the hooked pages lists
    BOOLEAN EptPageUnHookSinglePage(SIZE_T PhysicalAddress);
    // Remove all hooks from the hooked pages lists
    VOID EptPageUnHookAllPages();


    #pragma once
    #include <ntddk.h>
    #define MSR_APIC_BASE                       0x01B
    #define MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL            0x03A
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC                  0x480
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS          0x481
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS         0x482
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS              0x483
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS             0x484
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC                   0x485
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0             0x486
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1             0x487
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0             0x488
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1             0x489
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM              0x48A
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2        0x48B
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP           0x48C
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS     0x48D
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS    0x48E
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_EXIT_CTLS         0x48F
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_ENTRY_CTLS        0x490
    #define MSR_IA32_VMX_VMFUNC                 0x491
    #define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS                0x174
    #define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP               0x175
    #define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP               0x176
    #define MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTL                   0x1D9
    #define MSR_LSTAR                           0xC0000082
    #define MSR_FS_BASE                         0xC0000100
    #define MSR_GS_BASE                         0xC0000101
    #define MSR_SHADOW_GS_BASE                  0xC0000102
    typedef union _MSR
    		ULONG Low;
    		ULONG High;
    	ULONG64 Content;
    } MSR, *PMSR;


    #pragma once
    #include <ntddk.h>
    #include "Ept.h"
    //					Constants					//
    // VMCS Region Size
    #define VMCS_SIZE   4096
    // VMXON Region Size
    #define VMXON_SIZE   4096
    // PIN-Based Execution
    // CPU-Based Controls
    #define CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_INTR_PENDING        0x00000004
    #define CPU_BASED_USE_TSC_OFFSETING           0x00000008
    #define CPU_BASED_HLT_EXITING                 0x00000080
    #define CPU_BASED_INVLPG_EXITING              0x00000200
    #define CPU_BASED_MWAIT_EXITING               0x00000400
    #define CPU_BASED_RDPMC_EXITING               0x00000800
    #define CPU_BASED_RDTSC_EXITING               0x00001000
    #define CPU_BASED_CR3_LOAD_EXITING            0x00008000
    #define CPU_BASED_CR3_STORE_EXITING           0x00010000
    #define CPU_BASED_CR8_LOAD_EXITING            0x00080000
    #define CPU_BASED_CR8_STORE_EXITING           0x00100000
    #define CPU_BASED_TPR_SHADOW                  0x00200000
    #define CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_NMI_PENDING         0x00400000
    #define CPU_BASED_MOV_DR_EXITING              0x00800000
    #define CPU_BASED_UNCOND_IO_EXITING           0x01000000
    #define CPU_BASED_ACTIVATE_IO_BITMAP          0x02000000
    #define CPU_BASED_MONITOR_TRAP_FLAG           0x08000000
    #define CPU_BASED_ACTIVATE_MSR_BITMAP         0x10000000
    #define CPU_BASED_MONITOR_EXITING             0x20000000
    #define CPU_BASED_PAUSE_EXITING               0x40000000
    // Secondary CPU-Based Controls
    #define CPU_BASED_CTL2_ENABLE_EPT						0x2
    #define CPU_BASED_CTL2_RDTSCP							0x8
    #define CPU_BASED_CTL2_ENABLE_VPID						0x20
    #define CPU_BASED_CTL2_ENABLE_INVPCID					0x1000
    #define CPU_BASED_CTL2_ENABLE_VMFUNC					0x2000
    #define CPU_BASED_CTL2_ENABLE_XSAVE_XRSTORS				0x100000
    // VM-exit Control Bits 
    #define VM_EXIT_IA32E_MODE              0x00000200
    #define VM_EXIT_ACK_INTR_ON_EXIT        0x00008000
    #define VM_EXIT_SAVE_GUEST_PAT          0x00040000
    #define VM_EXIT_LOAD_HOST_PAT           0x00080000
    // VM-entry Control Bits 
    #define VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE             0x00000200
    #define VM_ENTRY_SMM                    0x00000400
    #define VM_ENTRY_DEACT_DUAL_MONITOR     0x00000800
    #define VM_ENTRY_LOAD_GUEST_PAT         0x00004000
    // VM-exit Reasons
    #define EXIT_REASON_EXCEPTION_NMI					 0
    #define EXIT_REASON_TRIPLE_FAULT					 2
    #define EXIT_REASON_INIT							 3
    #define EXIT_REASON_SIPI							 4
    #define EXIT_REASON_IO_SMI							 5
    #define EXIT_REASON_OTHER_SMI						 6
    #define EXIT_REASON_TASK_SWITCH						 9
    #define EXIT_REASON_CPUID							 10
    #define EXIT_REASON_GETSEC							 11
    #define EXIT_REASON_HLT								 12
    #define EXIT_REASON_INVD							 13
    #define EXIT_REASON_INVLPG							 14
    #define EXIT_REASON_RDPMC							 15
    #define EXIT_REASON_RDTSC							 16
    #define EXIT_REASON_RSM								 17
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMCALL							 18
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMCLEAR							 19
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMLAUNCH						 20
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMPTRLD							 21
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMPTRST							 22
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMREAD							 23
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMRESUME						 24
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMWRITE							 25
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMXOFF							 26
    #define EXIT_REASON_VMXON							 27
    #define EXIT_REASON_CR_ACCESS						 28
    #define EXIT_REASON_DR_ACCESS						 29
    #define EXIT_REASON_IO_INSTRUCTION					 30
    #define EXIT_REASON_MSR_READ						 31
    #define EXIT_REASON_MSR_WRITE						 32
    #define EXIT_REASON_MSR_LOADING						 34
    #define EXIT_REASON_APIC_ACCESS						 44
    #define EXIT_REASON_ACCESS_LDTR_OR_TR				 47
    #define EXIT_REASON_EPT_VIOLATION					 48
    #define EXIT_REASON_EPT_MISCONFIG					 49
    #define EXIT_REASON_INVEPT							 50
    #define EXIT_REASON_RDTSCP							 51
    #define EXIT_REASON_INVVPID						     53
    #define EXIT_REASON_WBINVD						     54
    #define EXIT_REASON_XSETBV						     55
    #define EXIT_REASON_APIC_WRITE					     56
    #define EXIT_REASON_RDRAND						     57
    #define EXIT_REASON_INVPCID						     58
    #define EXIT_REASON_RDSEED						     61
    #define EXIT_REASON_PML_FULL					     62
    #define EXIT_REASON_XSAVES						     63
    #define EXIT_REASON_XRSTORS						     64
    #define EXIT_REASON_PCOMMIT						     65
    // CPUID RCX(s) - Based on Hyper-V
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_INTERFACE                  0x40000001
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_VERSION                    0x40000002
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_FEATURES                   0x40000003
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_ENLIGHTMENT_INFO           0x40000004
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_IMPLEMENT_LIMITS           0x40000005
    #define HYPERV_HYPERVISOR_PRESENT_BIT           0x80000000
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_MIN                        0x40000005
    #define HYPERV_CPUID_MAX                        0x4000ffff
    // Exit Qualifications for MOV for Control Register Access
    #define TYPE_MOV_TO_CR              0
    #define TYPE_MOV_FROM_CR            1
    #define TYPE_CLTS                   2
    #define TYPE_LMSW                   3
    // Stack size
    #define VMM_STACK_SIZE      0x8000
    //					Enums						//
    typedef enum _VMCS_FIELDS {
    	VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ID = 0x00000000,
    	EPTP_INDEX = 0x00000004,
    #define GUEST_SEG_SELECTOR(sel) (GUEST_ES_SELECTOR + (sel) * 2) /* ES ... GS */
    	GUEST_ES_SELECTOR = 0x00000800,
    	GUEST_CS_SELECTOR = 0x00000802,
    	GUEST_SS_SELECTOR = 0x00000804,
    	GUEST_DS_SELECTOR = 0x00000806,
    	GUEST_FS_SELECTOR = 0x00000808,
    	GUEST_GS_SELECTOR = 0x0000080a,
    	GUEST_LDTR_SELECTOR = 0x0000080c,
    	GUEST_TR_SELECTOR = 0x0000080e,
    	GUEST_INTR_STATUS = 0x00000810,
    	GUEST_PML_INDEX = 0x00000812,
    	HOST_ES_SELECTOR = 0x00000c00,
    	HOST_CS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c02,
    	HOST_SS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c04,
    	HOST_DS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c06,
    	HOST_FS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c08,
    	HOST_GS_SELECTOR = 0x00000c0a,
    	HOST_TR_SELECTOR = 0x00000c0c,
    	IO_BITMAP_A = 0x00002000,
    	IO_BITMAP_B = 0x00002002,
    	MSR_BITMAP = 0x00002004,
    	VM_EXIT_MSR_STORE_ADDR = 0x00002006,
    	VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_ADDR = 0x00002008,
    	VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_ADDR = 0x0000200a,
    	PML_ADDRESS = 0x0000200e,
    	TSC_OFFSET = 0x00002010,
    	VIRTUAL_APIC_PAGE_ADDR = 0x00002012,
    	APIC_ACCESS_ADDR = 0x00002014,
    	PI_DESC_ADDR = 0x00002016,
    	VM_FUNCTION_CONTROL = 0x00002018,
    	EPT_POINTER = 0x0000201a,
    	EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0 = 0x0000201c,
    #define EOI_EXIT_BITMAP(n) (EOI_EXIT_BITMAP0 + (n) * 2) /* n = 0...3 */
    	EPTP_LIST_ADDR = 0x00002024,
    	VMREAD_BITMAP = 0x00002026,
    	VMWRITE_BITMAP = 0x00002028,
    	VIRT_EXCEPTION_INFO = 0x0000202a,
    	XSS_EXIT_BITMAP = 0x0000202c,
    	TSC_MULTIPLIER = 0x00002032,
    	GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS = 0x00002400,
    	VMCS_LINK_POINTER = 0x00002800,
    	VMCS_LINK_POINTER_HIGH = 0x00002801,
    	GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL = 0x00002802,
    	GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL_HIGH = 0x00002803,
    	GUEST_PAT = 0x00002804,
    	GUEST_EFER = 0x00002806,
    	GUEST_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL = 0x00002808,
    	GUEST_PDPTE0 = 0x0000280a,
    #define GUEST_PDPTE(n) (GUEST_PDPTE0 + (n) * 2) /* n = 0...3 */
    	GUEST_BNDCFGS = 0x00002812,
    	HOST_PAT = 0x00002c00,
    	HOST_EFER = 0x00002c02,
    	HOST_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL = 0x00002c04,
    	PIN_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL = 0x00004000,
    	CPU_BASED_VM_EXEC_CONTROL = 0x00004002,
    	EXCEPTION_BITMAP = 0x00004004,
    	PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MASK = 0x00004006,
    	PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_CODE_MATCH = 0x00004008,
    	CR3_TARGET_COUNT = 0x0000400a,
    	VM_EXIT_CONTROLS = 0x0000400c,
    	VM_EXIT_MSR_STORE_COUNT = 0x0000400e,
    	VM_EXIT_MSR_LOAD_COUNT = 0x00004010,
    	VM_ENTRY_CONTROLS = 0x00004012,
    	VM_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT = 0x00004014,
    	VM_ENTRY_INTR_INFO = 0x00004016,
    	VM_ENTRY_INSTRUCTION_LEN = 0x0000401a,
    	TPR_THRESHOLD = 0x0000401c,
    	SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL = 0x0000401e,
    	PLE_GAP = 0x00004020,
    	PLE_WINDOW = 0x00004022,
    	VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR = 0x00004400,
    	VM_EXIT_REASON = 0x00004402,
    	VM_EXIT_INTR_INFO = 0x00004404,
    	VM_EXIT_INTR_ERROR_CODE = 0x00004406,
    	IDT_VECTORING_INFO = 0x00004408,
    	IDT_VECTORING_ERROR_CODE = 0x0000440a,
    	VM_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_LEN = 0x0000440c,
    	VMX_INSTRUCTION_INFO = 0x0000440e,
    #define GUEST_SEG_LIMIT(sel) (GUEST_ES_LIMIT + (sel) * 2) /* ES ... GS */
    	GUEST_ES_LIMIT = 0x00004800,
    	GUEST_CS_LIMIT = 0x00004802,
    	GUEST_SS_LIMIT = 0x00004804,
    	GUEST_DS_LIMIT = 0x00004806,
    	GUEST_FS_LIMIT = 0x00004808,
    	GUEST_GS_LIMIT = 0x0000480a,
    	GUEST_LDTR_LIMIT = 0x0000480c,
    	GUEST_TR_LIMIT = 0x0000480e,
    	GUEST_GDTR_LIMIT = 0x00004810,
    	GUEST_IDTR_LIMIT = 0x00004812,
    #define GUEST_SEG_AR_BYTES(sel) (GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES + (sel) * 2) /* ES ... GS */
    	GUEST_ES_AR_BYTES = 0x00004814,
    	GUEST_CS_AR_BYTES = 0x00004816,
    	GUEST_SS_AR_BYTES = 0x00004818,
    	GUEST_DS_AR_BYTES = 0x0000481a,
    	GUEST_FS_AR_BYTES = 0x0000481c,
    	GUEST_GS_AR_BYTES = 0x0000481e,
    	GUEST_LDTR_AR_BYTES = 0x00004820,
    	GUEST_TR_AR_BYTES = 0x00004822,
    	GUEST_ACTIVITY_STATE = 0x00004826,
    	GUEST_SMBASE = 0x00004828,
    	GUEST_SYSENTER_CS = 0x0000482a,
    	GUEST_PREEMPTION_TIMER = 0x0000482e,
    	HOST_SYSENTER_CS = 0x00004c00,
    	CR0_GUEST_HOST_MASK = 0x00006000,
    	CR4_GUEST_HOST_MASK = 0x00006002,
    	CR0_READ_SHADOW = 0x00006004,
    	CR4_READ_SHADOW = 0x00006006,
    	CR3_TARGET_VALUE0 = 0x00006008,
    	CR3_TARGET_VALUE1 = 0x0000600a,
    	CR3_TARGET_VALUE2 = 0x0000600c,
    	CR3_TARGET_VALUE3 = 0x0000600e,
    	EXIT_QUALIFICATION = 0x00006400,
    	GUEST_LINEAR_ADDRESS = 0x0000640a,
    	GUEST_CR0 = 0x00006800,
    	GUEST_CR3 = 0x00006802,
    	GUEST_CR4 = 0x00006804,
    #define GUEST_SEG_BASE(sel) (GUEST_ES_BASE + (sel) * 2) /* ES ... GS */
    	GUEST_ES_BASE = 0x00006806,
    	GUEST_CS_BASE = 0x00006808,
    	GUEST_SS_BASE = 0x0000680a,
    	GUEST_DS_BASE = 0x0000680c,
    	GUEST_FS_BASE = 0x0000680e,
    	GUEST_GS_BASE = 0x00006810,
    	GUEST_LDTR_BASE = 0x00006812,
    	GUEST_TR_BASE = 0x00006814,
    	GUEST_GDTR_BASE = 0x00006816,
    	GUEST_IDTR_BASE = 0x00006818,
    	GUEST_DR7 = 0x0000681a,
    	GUEST_RSP = 0x0000681c,
    	GUEST_RIP = 0x0000681e,
    	GUEST_RFLAGS = 0x00006820,
    	GUEST_SYSENTER_ESP = 0x00006824,
    	GUEST_SYSENTER_EIP = 0x00006826,
    	HOST_CR0 = 0x00006c00,
    	HOST_CR3 = 0x00006c02,
    	HOST_CR4 = 0x00006c04,
    	HOST_FS_BASE = 0x00006c06,
    	HOST_GS_BASE = 0x00006c08,
    	HOST_TR_BASE = 0x00006c0a,
    	HOST_GDTR_BASE = 0x00006c0c,
    	HOST_IDTR_BASE = 0x00006c0e,
    	HOST_SYSENTER_ESP = 0x00006c10,
    	HOST_SYSENTER_EIP = 0x00006c12,
    	HOST_RSP = 0x00006c14,
    	HOST_RIP = 0x00006c16,
    //			 Structures & Unions				//
    typedef struct _VMX_VMXOFF_STATE
    	BOOLEAN IsVmxoffExecuted;					// Shows whether the VMXOFF executed or not
    	UINT64  GuestRip;							// Rip address of guest to return
    	UINT64  GuestRsp;							// Rsp address of guest to return
    typedef struct _VIRTUAL_MACHINE_STATE
    	BOOLEAN IsOnVmxRootMode;										// Detects whether the current logical core is on Executing on VMX Root Mode
    	BOOLEAN IncrementRip;											// Checks whether it has to redo the previous instruction or not (it used mainly in Ept routines)
    	BOOLEAN HasLaunched;											// Indicate whether the core is virtualized or not
    	UINT64 VmxonRegionPhysicalAddress;								// Vmxon region physical address
    	UINT64 VmxonRegionVirtualAddress;							    // VMXON region virtual address
    	UINT64 VmcsRegionPhysicalAddress;								// VMCS region physical address
    	UINT64 VmcsRegionVirtualAddress;								// VMCS region virtual address
    	UINT64 VmmStack;												// Stack for VMM in VM-Exit State
    	UINT64 MsrBitmapVirtualAddress;									// Msr Bitmap Virtual Address
    	UINT64 MsrBitmapPhysicalAddress;								// Msr Bitmap Physical Address
    	VMX_VMXOFF_STATE VmxoffState;									// Shows the vmxoff state of the guest
    	PEPT_HOOKED_PAGE_DETAIL MtfEptHookRestorePoint;                 // It shows the detail of the hooked paged that should be restore in MTF vm-exit
    		ULONG64 Flags;
    			ULONG64 SizeOfAccess : 3;
    			ULONG64 AccessType : 1;
    			ULONG64 StringInstruction : 1;
    			ULONG64 RepPrefixed : 1;
    			ULONG64 OperandEncoding : 1;
    			ULONG64 Reserved1 : 9;
    			ULONG64 PortNumber : 16;
    typedef union _MOV_CR_QUALIFICATION
    	ULONG_PTR All;
    		ULONG ControlRegister : 4;
    		ULONG AccessType : 2;
    		ULONG LMSWOperandType : 1;
    		ULONG Reserved1 : 1;
    		ULONG Register : 4;
    		ULONG Reserved2 : 4;
    		ULONG LMSWSourceData : 16;
    		ULONG Reserved3;
    	} Fields;
    //					Functions					//
    // Initialize VMX Operation
    BOOLEAN VmxInitializer();
    // Terminate VMX Operation
    BOOLEAN VmxTerminate();
    // Allocate VMX Regions
    BOOLEAN VmxAllocateVmxonRegion(VIRTUAL_MACHINE_STATE* CurrentGuestState);
    BOOLEAN VmxAllocateVmcsRegion(VIRTUAL_MACHINE_STATE* CurrentGuestState);
    BOOLEAN VmxAllocateVmmStack(INT ProcessorID);
    BOOLEAN VmxAllocateMsrBitmap(INT ProcessorID);
    // VMX Instructions
    VOID VmxVmptrst();
    VOID VmxVmresume();
    VOID VmxVmxoff();
    BOOLEAN VmxLoadVmcs(VIRTUAL_MACHINE_STATE* CurrentGuestState);
    BOOLEAN VmxClearVmcsState(VIRTUAL_MACHINE_STATE* CurrentGuestState);
    // Virtualize an already running machine 
    BOOLEAN VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem(PVOID GuestStack);
    // Configure VMCS
    BOOLEAN VmxSetupVmcs(VIRTUAL_MACHINE_STATE* CurrentGuestState, PVOID GuestStack);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/csnd/p/16675598.html
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