• hdu2482 字典树+spfa



    下面说思路,做这个题首先我们要把起点和终点的坐标求出来,每次点击地图我都是记录当前现则框的坐上角坐标,最后确定图之后再加上给的x,y转换后的实际位置,这样就的到了精准的位置,然后建图,题目让求的是换车次数,而题目给的是路径,所以我们要把每个路径都拆成任意边,比如 a -> b - > c 要拆成 a - b ,a - c ,b - c这三条,然后在起点和终点根据限制加进来,因为距离都是1可以最短路也可以广搜,(广搜速度会快点),我写的是最短路,这个无所谓,还有一个关键的地方就是hash车站地点,一开始我用的map果断超时了,因为map的操作是设计到排序的,所以超时了,(然后就没有去优化map,其实可以用vector,或者别的不设计到排序的容器,自己STL会的不是很多所以就没尝试去用)最后我是直接写了一个字典树,虽然有点麻烦,但没难度,所以就用字典树去hash名字吧,具体看代码。

    #define N_node 5500
    #define N_edge 100000
    #define INF 1000000000
    using namespace std;
    typedef struct
       int to ,next ,cost;
    typedef struct
       double x ,y;
    typedef struct Tree
       Tree *next[26];
       int v;
    Tree root;
    STAR E[N_edge];
    NODE node[N_node];
    int list[N_node] ,tot;
    int s_x[N_node];
    double dir[4][2] = {0 ,0 ,0 ,0.5 ,0.5 ,0 ,0.5 ,0.5};
    void add(int a ,int b ,int c)
       E[++tot].to = b;
       E[tot].cost = c;
       E[tot].next = list[a];
       list[a] = tot;
       E[++tot].to = a;
       E[tot].cost = c;
       E[tot].next = list[b];
       list[b] = tot;
    double Get_dis(NODE a ,NODE b)
       double x = (a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x);
       double y = (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y);
       return sqrt(x + y);
    NODE Get_se(char str[] ,double x ,double y)
       NODE ans;
       ans.x = ans.y = 0;
       double now = 10240;
       for(int i = 0 ;i < 8 ;i ++)
          ans.x += now * dir[str[i] - '0'][0];
          ans.y += now * dir[str[i] - '0'][1];
          now /= 2;
       ans.x += 10240 / pow(4.0 ,7.0) * x;
       ans.y += 10240 / pow(4.0 ,7.0) * y;
       return ans;
    void spfa(int s ,int n)
       int mark[N_node] = {0};
       for(int i = 0 ;i <= n ;i ++)
       s_x[i] = INF;
       mark[s] = 1 ,s_x[s] = 0;
          int xin ,tou;
          tou = q.front();
          mark[tou] = 0;
          for(int k = list[tou] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
             xin = E[k].to;
             if(s_x[xin] > s_x[tou] + E[k].cost)
                s_x[xin] = s_x[tou] + E[k].cost;
                   mark[xin] = 1;
       return ;
    void Buid_Tree(char *str ,int now)
       int len = strlen(str);
       Tree *p = &root ,*q;
       for(int i = 0 ;i < len ;i ++)
          int id = str[i] - 'a';
          if(p -> next[id] == NULL)
             q = (Tree *)malloc(sizeof(root));
             //q -> v;
             for(int j = 0 ;j < 26 ;j ++)
             q -> next[j] = NULL;
             p -> next[id] = q;
             p = p -> next[id];
          p = p -> next[id];
       p -> v = now;
    int Find(char *str)
       int len = strlen(str);
       Tree *p = &root;
       for(int i = 0 ;i < len ;i ++)
          int id = str[i] - 'a';
          p = p -> next[id];
       return p -> v;
    int main ()
       int t ,n ,m ,k ,i ,j;
       double x ,y;
       char str[50];
       NODE s ,e;
       scanf("%d" ,&t);
          scanf("%s %lf %lf" ,str ,&x ,&y);
          s = Get_se(str ,x ,y);
          scanf("%s %lf %lf" ,str ,&x ,&y);
          e = Get_se(str ,x ,y);
          int nowid = 2;
          scanf("%d" ,&n);
          for(i = 0 ;i < 26 ;i ++)
          root.next[i] = NULL;
          for(i = 1 ;i <= n ;i ++)
             scanf("%s %lf %lf" ,str ,&node[i+2].x ,&node[i+2].y);
             Buid_Tree(str ,++nowid);
          scanf("%d" ,&m);
          char tmp[33][22];
          memset(list ,0 ,sizeof(list)) ,tot = 1;
             scanf("%d" ,&k);
             for(i = 1 ;i <= k ;i ++)
             scanf("%s" ,tmp[i]);
             for(i = 1 ;i <= k ;i ++)
             for(j = i + 1 ;j <= k ;j ++)
             add(Find(tmp[i]) ,Find(tmp[j]) ,1);
          if(Get_dis(s ,e) <= 2000)
             puts("walk there");
          for(i = 3 ;i <= nowid ;i ++)
             if(Get_dis(s ,node[i]) <= 1000) add(1 ,i ,1);
             if(Get_dis(e ,node[i]) <= 1000) add(2 ,i ,1);
          spfa(1 ,nowid);
          s_x[2] == INF ? puts("take a taxi") : printf("%d
    " ,s_x[2] - 2);
       return 0;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/csnd/p/12062950.html
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