用习惯了c#之Exception的StackTrace,在程序出异常crash时候能够以其定位出问题的模块及行号,用回Delphi 2009,发现没有这东西。
Delphi 2009中,StackTrace是如此定义的,与它一起的还有几个var:
Exception = class(TObject) private ... protected ... public ... property StackTrace: string read GetStackTrace; property StackInfo: Pointer read FStackInfo; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} class var // Hook this function to return an opaque data structure that contains stack information // for the given exception information record. This function will be called when the // exception is about to be raised or if this is an external exception such as an // Access Violation, called soon after the object is created. GetExceptionStackInfoProc: function (P: PExceptionRecord): Pointer; // This function is called to return a string representation of the above opaque // data structure GetStackInfoStringProc: function (Info: Pointer): string; // This function is called when the destructor is called to clean up any data associated // with the given opaque data structure. CleanUpStackInfoProc: procedure (Info: Pointer); // Use this function to raise an exception instance from within an exception handler and // you want to "acquire" the active exception and chain it to the new exception and preserve // the context. This will cause the FInnerException field to get set with the exception // in currently in play. // You should only call this procedure from within an except block where the this new // exception is expected to be handled elsewhere. class procedure RaiseOuterException(E: Exception); static; // Provide another method that does the same thing as RaiseOuterException, but uses the // C++ vernacular of "throw" class procedure ThrowOuterException(E: Exception); static; {$ENDIF} end;
unit StackTrace; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, JclDebug; implementation function GetExceptionStackInfoProc(P: PExceptionRecord): Pointer; var LLines: TStringList; LText: String; LResult: PChar; begin LLines := TStringList.Create; try JclLastExceptStackListToStrings(LLines, True, True, True, True); LText := LLines.Text; LResult := StrAlloc(Length(LText)); StrCopy(LResult, PChar(LText)); Result := LResult; finally LLines.Free; end; end; function GetStackInfoStringProc(Info: Pointer): string; begin Result := string(PChar(Info)); end; procedure CleanUpStackInfoProc(Info: Pointer); begin StrDispose(PChar(Info)); end; initialization // Start the Jcl exception tracking and register our Exception // stack trace provider. if JclStartExceptionTracking then begin Exception.GetExceptionStackInfoProc := GetExceptionStackInfoProc; Exception.GetStackInfoStringProc := GetStackInfoStringProc; Exception.CleanUpStackInfoProc := CleanUpStackInfoProc; end; finalization // Stop Jcl exception tracking and unregister our provider. if JclExceptionTrackingActive then begin Exception.GetExceptionStackInfoProc := nil; Exception.GetStackInfoStringProc := nil; Exception.CleanUpStackInfoProc := nil; JclStopExceptionTracking; end; end.
function GetExceptionStackInfoProc(P: PExceptionRecord): Pointer; var LLines: TStringList; LText: String; LResult: PChar; jcl_sil: TJclStackInfoList; begin LLines := TStringList.Create; try jcl_sil := TJclStackInfoList.Create(True, 7, p.ExceptAddr, False, nil, nil); try jcl_sil.AddToStrings(LLines, true, true, true, true); finally FreeAndNil(jcl_sil); end; LText := LLines.Text; LResult := StrAlloc(Length(LText)); StrCopy(LResult, PChar(LText)); Result := LResult; finally LLines.Free; end; end;
注意事项:用JEDI求堆栈信息,须设置Delphi工程属性之Linking->Map file值为Detailed,它是基于解析map文件生成数据: