• 谷歌宣称全面集成Android搜索(翻译的不好不要鄙视,只为追求技术)

          谷歌将继续透露更多Android移动操作系统的细节在本月(2008年10月)初公布的美国T - Mobile G1,第一个Android版本的手机。被发表在官的谷歌移动博客,Android软件工程师安迪·斯塔尔说,Android的使命是“组织全世界的信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益” ,其中包括整合网络服务公司的签字搜索工具作为一个平台的全功能:每一个Androdi搜索的应用将包括一个搜索菜单选项,有些(如地图) ,支持输入搜索,其他(如Android市场)具有搜索按钮,还有的(如homescreen )提供搜索工具。斯塔尔说,在G1也将在手机键盘的底部拥有一个专门的搜索键。

          Android搜索服务还将依据用户的输入提供建议,继续在每个按键后完善可能的名单。 在G1上,谷歌网络搜索将使用谷歌推荐技术来提供相关的建议,而其他应用软件,象YouTube或Gmail会在建议的基础上查询过去的搜索。谷歌指出它将共享API ,文档,示例代码和相关工具给第三方开发商,使他们的应用更好的来执行基本搜索服务。



    Google touts platform-wide Android search integration

    October 2, 2008 — 9:46am ET | By Jason Ankeny

    Google is continuing to reveal more details on its Android mobile operating system in advance of this month's release of the T-Mobile USA G1, the first Android-powered handset. Writing on the Official Google Mobile Blog, Android software engineer Andy Stadler reports that Android's mission is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," which includes integrating the web services giant's signature search tools as a platform-wide feature: Every searchable Android application will include a Search menu option, with some (such as Maps) supporting type-to-search, others (like Android Market) featuring Search buttons and still others (like the homescreen) offering Search widgets. Stadler adds that the G1 will also include a dedicated Search key on the bottom row of the handset keyboard.

    Android search services will also offer users suggestions as they type, continuing to refine the list of possibilities with each keystroke. On the G1, Google web searches will use Google Suggest technology to offer relevant suggestions, while other apps like YouTube or Gmail will suggest queries based on past searches. Users may also share search capabilities with each other. Google notes that it has shared an API, documentation, sample code and related tools with third-party developers to enable their applications to implement basic search services as well.

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