• 为iPhone走出加加


    当他们的父母在面临经济不景气时候削减他们的消费,美国的青少年仍然在购买iPhone手机。这是根据Piper Jaffray两年一度的少年调查中公布的结果。
        据派珀的调查,在过去几个星期一些美国学校共769名学生, 8 %的青少年已经拥有iPhone手机,而这个比例在今年春天是6%。同时有22 %的学生表示,他们将在未来6个月购买iPhone,而这个比例在今年春天9%。
        Back-of-the-envelope计算表明,学生们比他们的父母拥有iPhone的数量更多。部分原因可能是因为iPhone的决策已进入了更多的教室 ,老师已开始把设备纳入其课程。

    另一个原因是:十几岁的孩子一直采用的无线服务,如短信和无线音乐。据统计这是iPhone的最主要特点。我感到惊讶的是,孩子们哪来得那么多钱花费在无线服务(每月花费在iPhone手机上平均约90美元) 。

    Teens: Going Gaga for the iPhone

    Posted by: Olga Kharif on October 08

    While their parents are slashing their spending in the face of the economic downturn, U.S. teens are buying iPhones. That’s according to Piper Jaffray, which released results of its bi-annual teen survey yesterday.

    According to Piper’s survey of 769 students conducted in several U.S. schools in the past few weeks, 8% of teens already own iPhones, up from 6% this spring. And 22% of the students say they will buy an iPhone in the next six months, up from 9% this spring.

    Back-of-the-envelope calculations show that students are adopting the iPhone in greater numbers than their parents. Partly, that may be because the iPhone has been making its way into more classrooms, where teachers have begun incorporating the device into their curriculum.

    Another reason: Teens have long been first adopters of wireless services, such as SMS and wireless music. iPhone’s cutting-edge image appeals to this demographics. I am surprised, though, that kids have so much money at their disposal to spend on wireless services (around $90 a month for an iPhone, on average).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crmhf/p/3823218.html
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