• [SPM2017] Hw1: The outcome of my project [Deadline: 23:59:59, Mar.1, 2017]

    3014218071 王漢超

    A project is a collection of coordinated work activities conducted within a specific time frame that utilizes resources to achieve specified objectives.


    • Briefly describe a project from your personal life that you have recently completed. State the nature of the project, the initial objectives, and planned the starting and ending dates and the actual starting and ending dates of the project. List any resources used (money, tools, materials, labor).
    • List and compare the outcome of your project to the initial objectives.

    A: My project is called "Stellarium-Arietatus"(星际迷航), an openGL game. 

    ■ Detiles

    Description: This project is a game with the background as the protagonist roaming in the solar system, of which purpose is to introduce the infomation of planets in the solar system. And game player have to travel in the solar system by controlling the fly-vehicle and following the order of eight planets, and will end the game by arriving the gate of Pluto; (Each arriving point of a planet has a picture and text information show.)

    Nature: An openGL game running on windows OS and programmed by c++;

    Initial Objectives: 

    a skybox with a texture, which can move with the camera and always rotate smoothly
    a model of the solar system and the gate of Plute
    a background light and a sun light and some textures
    using mouse and keyboard to control the position moving and the camera angle
    a pause function to pause and to learn some infomation
    a particle system to present the small stars

    Plan Dates: From Dec.20, 2016 to Jan.4, 2017;

    Actual Dates: From Dec.25, 2016 to Jan.4, 2017;


    money: 5 RMB

    tools: 3D Builder, Visual Studio 2015, etc.

    materials: a PC, a book about the universe and a book about openGL programming, the solar system data (including the planets information: revolution period, rotation period, average orbit radius...) and the 3D-model and textures of the solar system

    labor: 2 students, my classmate Gu and I;

    ■ List of the Outcome and Comparision

    outcome  comparision
    a skybox with a dark backgrounds with small star 90%
    a model of the solar system and the gate of Plute 100%
    two lights and some textures 90%
    using mouse and keyboard to control 100%
    the pause function 100%
    not have particle system 0%

    Game endiing frame:

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cragoncanth/p/6481251.html
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