• HDU 4734 F(x)


    Time Limit: 500ms
    Memory Limit: 32768KB
    This problem will be judged on HDU. Original ID: 4734
    64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
    For a decimal number x with n digits (AnAn-1An-2 ... A2A1), we define its weight as F(x) = An * 2n-1 + An-1 * 2n-2 + ... + A2 * 2 + A1 * 1. Now you are given two numbers A and B, please calculate how many numbers are there between 0 and B, inclusive, whose weight is no more than F(A).


    The first line has a number T (T <= 10000) , indicating the number of test cases.
    For each test case, there are two numbers A and B (0 <= A,B < 109)


    For every case,you should output "Case #t: " at first, without quotes. The t is the case number starting from 1. Then output the answer.

    Sample Input

    0 100
    1 10
    5 100

    Sample Output

    Case #1: 1
    Case #2: 2
    Case #3: 13


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 int dp[10][200010],pos[10];
     4 int F(int x) {
     5     int b = 1,ret = 0;
     6     while(x) {
     7         ret += x%10*b;
     8         x /= 10;
     9         b <<= 1;
    10     }
    11     return ret;
    12 }
    13 int dfs(int len,int now,bool flag) {
    14     if(len < 0) return now >= 0;
    15     if(now < 0) return 0;
    16     if(!flag && dp[len][now] != -1) return dp[len][now];
    17     int d = flag?pos[len]:9,ret = 0;
    18     for(int i = 0; i <= d; ++i)
    19         ret += dfs(len-1,now-i*(1<<len),flag&&i==d);
    20     if(!flag) dp[len][now] = ret;
    21     return ret;
    22 }
    23 int calc(int a,int b) {
    24     int cnt = 0;
    25     while(b) {
    26         pos[cnt++] = b%10;
    27         b /= 10;
    28     }
    29     return dfs(cnt-1,F(a),true);
    30 }
    31 int main() {
    32     int kase,a,b;
    33     scanf("%d",&kase);
    34     memset(dp,-1,sizeof dp);
    35     for(int cs = 1; cs <= kase; ++cs) {
    36         scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
    37         printf("Case #%d: %d
    38     }
    39     return 0;
    40 }
    View Code
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