• 如何在V890上安装配置rsc(转)


    0) need to install Solaris at first from serial console
    1) then install RSC package:
    #/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d rsc2.2.3_package_s9.zip
    3) config rsc console
    #/usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc/rsc-config
    setup V890 net mgt port
    network IP:
    4) redirect console
    from ok
    ok> setenv diag-out-console true (default – false)
    ok> setenv input-device rsc-console (default keyboard)
    ok> setenv output-device rsc-console (default screen)
    or from solaris
    #eeprom diag-out-console=true
    #eeprom input-device=rsc-console
    #eeprom output-device=rsc-console
    #init 6

    then you have 2 RSC console ports:
    1) net mgt port
    using crossover cable from laptop to V890
    2) serial port
    using RJ45 network cable with DB25/DE9 adaptor

    switch RSC console and system
    1) from system to console
    2) from console to system


    Remote System Control (RSC) V2.2.3 for Solaris/SPARC Installation Guide
    • Download the RSC software from www.sun.com download center and FTP over to the server in, for example, directory /var/rsc. The current version of Remote System Control V2.2.3. For Solaris 9 and later, the file to download is rsc2.2.3_packages_s9.zip. For Solaris 8 and earlier the file is rsc2.2.3_packages_s8.zip. This version provides support for the following platforms: Enterprise 250, Sun Fire 280R, Sun Fire V880, Sun Fire V480, Sun Fire V890, Sun Fire V490.
    • Login as root, type the following command to extract the Sun packages from the zip file:
    # cd /var/rsc
    # /usr/bin/unzip rsc2.2.3_packages_s9.zip
    (for Solaris 9 and later)
    # /usr/bin/unzip rsc2.2.3_packages_s8.zip
    (for Solaris 8 and earlier)
    • Type the following command to install the Solaris packages using the pkgadd command:
    # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d .
    You should install the base Solaris packages and the localization packages for any locales supported on your system.
    • When you have completed the installation, you will find the RSC user manual user_guide.pdf in PDF format in the directory /opt/rsc/doc/en/pdf.
    • Run the Server Configuration Script. After you have responded to all configurations setting prompts and confirmed your choices, the configuration procedure updates the RSC flash PROM. After setting up RSC as you specified, the configuration procedure prompts you for the password for the user account, if you chose to create a user account. Then it prompts you to repeat the password. Finally, the procedure asks if you want to reset RSC. A reset is required before Ethernet configuration takes effect. This completes RSC server software configuration.
    # /usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc/rsc-config
    Continue with RSC setup (y|n): y
    Set RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]: y
    Server Hostname [sunstan]:
    Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]:
    Enable RSC Ethernet Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
    RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: config
    RSC IP Address []:
    RSC IP Netmask []:
    RSC IP Gateway []:
    Enable RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]:
    Enable RSC Modem Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]:
    Enable RSC Serial Port Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]:
    Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]:
    Username []: rscroot
    User Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]:
    Verifying Selections
    General Setup
    Set RSC date now = y
    Server Hostname = sunstan
    Set Customer Info = n
    Is this correct (y|n): y
    Ethernet Setup
    IP Mode = config
    IP Address =
    IP Netmask =
    IP Gateway =
    Is this correct (y|n): y
    Alert Setup
    - Alerts disabled
    Is this correct (y|n): y
    Modem Setup
    - Modem disabled, ppp disabled
    Is this correct (y|n): y
    Serial Port Setup
    - Serial port disabled
    Is this correct (y|n): y
    User Setup
    User Name = rscroot
    User Permissions = cuar
    Is this correct (y|n): y
    This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y
    Updating flash, this takes a few minutes
    Download completed successfully
    Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): DONE
    Setting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE
    Setting up server hostname: DONE
    Setting up ethernet interface: DONE
    Disabling RSC alert engine: DONE
    Disabling modem interface: DONE
    Disabling serial port interface: DONE
    Adding user to RSC:
    A valid password is between 6 and 8 characters, has at least
    two alphabetic characters, and at least one numeric or special
    character. The password must differ from the user's login name
    and any reverse or circular shift of that login name.
    Setting User Password Now ...
    Re-enter Password:
    User has been added to RSC
    Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):
    Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? y
    Setting up RSC date: DONE
    RSC has been successfully setup
    • Redirect the Console to RSC. After RSC software is installed and configured, the system console is still available as on any normal Sun machine. To enable RSC as the system console device instead, you must access the server console, shut down the system, and type the following commands at the ok prompt:
    # init 0
    ok diag-console rsc
    ok setenv input-device rsc-console
    ok setenv output-device rsc-console
    ok reset-all
    Note – For Sun Enterprise 250 servers, use the following commands at the ok prompt: diag-output-to rsc, setenv input-device rsc, setenv outputdevice rsc. Also, use diag-output-to ttya in the next example below.
    At any time, you can use the following command to remove RSC as the default console:
    ok diag-console ttya
    If your server has a keyboard and monitor, you also need to type the following commands after removing RSC as the default console:
    ok setenv input-device keyboard
    ok setenv output-device screen
    • After the server reset, you can login through RSC console. Use Telnet connect to IP
    RSC version 2.2.3 (sunstan)
    Please login: rscroot
    Please Enter password:
    rsc> console
    sunstan console login: root
    Last login: Wed Oct 29 11:55:00 on console
    Oct 30 09:23:49 sunstan login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console
    Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
    You have new mail.
    • Type ~. to exit to the rsc> prompt, then logout command to exit.
    sunstan console login: rsc>
    rsc> logout

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