定义:cursor [cursor变量名称]([参数名称] [参数类型]) IS [SQL语句,可以使用传入参数]
cursor moTypeNames(domain VARCHAR2) IS
select t1.modelname from pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodel t1,pm4h_mo.mdl_domain t2
where t2.domainname=domain
and t1.domainid = t2.domainid;
使用:open [cursor变量名称]([参数])
open moTypeNames(domainName);
2、loop fetch使用
fetch [cursor变量] into [循环变量]
when [cursor变量] %notfound;
fetch domainNames into domainName;
exit when domainNames%notfound;
end loop;
if(条件) then
end if;
v_sql :='select count(*)
from pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodel t1, pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodeltable t2
where t1.modelname='''||moTypeName||''' and t1.modelid=t2.modelid';
5、open cursor后要注意close cursor
declare --存储域名 type t_cur is ref cursor; domainNames t_cur; domainName varchar2(50) :=''; --存储每个域下的网元类型 cursor moTypeNames(domain VARCHAR2) IS select t1.modelname from pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodel t1,pm4h_mo.mdl_domain t2 where t2.domainname=domain and t1.domainid = t2.domainid; moTypeName varchar2(500) :=''; --拼接sql临时变量 v_sql varchar2(500) :=''; --网元实体表名称 tableName varchar2(500) :=''; --每个网元类型实体数 v_count_number number(30) :=0; --总实体数 v_count_sum number(30) :=0; begin --不限制输出长度 dbms_output.enable(null); --查询域名 open domainNames for select domainname from pm4h_mo.mdl_domain; --循环域名 loop fetch domainNames into domainName; exit when domainNames%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(domainName); --查询MoType open moTypeNames(domainName); --循环MoType loop fetch moTypeNames into moTypeName; exit when moTypeNames%notfound; dbms_output.put(moTypeName); --查询是否存在实体表:ElementMoType不存在实体表 v_sql :='select count(*) from pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodel t1, pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodeltable t2 where t1.modelname='''||moTypeName||''' and t1.modelid=t2.modelid'; execute immediate v_sql into v_count_number; if(v_count_number <> 0) then --存在实体表,查询实体表名 v_sql :='select t2.tablename from pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodel t1, pm4h_mo.mdl_resmodeltable t2 where t1.modelname='''||moTypeName||''' and t1.modelid=t2.modelid'; execute immediate v_sql into tableName; --查询实体数量 v_sql := 'select count(*) from pm4h_mo.obj_'||tableName || ' where verendtime is null'; execute immediate v_sql into v_count_number; dbms_output.put_line(':'||v_count_number); --计算实体总量 v_count_sum :=v_count_sum+v_count_number; end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(''); close moTypeNames; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('total:'||v_count_sum); close domainNames; end;