图1 展示了一个基于礼貌和权值策略的URL队列的实现。它的目标是确保(i)每次只有一个连接去访问一台主机 (ii)连续对同一个主机的访问请求之间存在几秒钟的等待时间(有时robots.txt文件会指定这个时间) (iii)具有高优先级的页面将会被优先爬取。
图1 中有两个重要的子模块,前部分的front队列集合F以及后部分的back队列集合B。这两种队列均是FIFO队列。Front队列实现了对权值相关处理,而back队列实现了对礼貌策略的相关处理。在一条URL被添加到队列的过程中,它将会先后穿越front和back队列。首先,权值计算器会给该URL分配一个介于1和F之间的整数权值,该权值是可能基于爬取历史记录而得出的,比如参考该URL所指向的页面内容在最近几次爬取之间改变的频率(关于优先级权值的讨论是一个很大的话题,不展开讨论)。例如,具有很高更新频率的文档将会被赋予一个很高的权值。类似的还有某些明确的特定的应用,比如新闻类的页面可能总是会被赋予很高的权值。在该URL被赋予了权值i之后,它将会被添加到front队列集合中的第i个队列。
图1 URL队列
主机 |
Back 队列 |
standford.edu |
23 |
microsoft.com |
47 |
acm.org |
12 |
图2 主机到Back队列对应关系的辅助表格样例
此外,我们需要维护一个堆,堆里存放着的条目对应每一个back队列,该条目记录着该队列所对应的主机可以再次被连接的最早时间te。请求获取URL的爬虫线程会抽取出堆顶元素,然后一直等到相应te时间。接下来,它会获取到该堆顶元素所对应的back队列j的队首URL u,进而开始进行URL u的抓取。抓取过程完成后,调用线程会检查队列j是否为空。如果为空,它会挑选一个front队列,然后抽取出其队首URL v。Front 队列的选择方法对于更高优先级的队列来说可能并不公平(通常是一个随机的过程),但这样做是确保高优先级的URL可以更快的流入到back队列中来。接下来,我们会检查v,判断v所对应的主机是否已经存在并且已经存有一些URL。如果是这样的话,v 会被添加到该队列里,然后重新返回到front队列,寻找另一个可以插入到空队列 j 的URL。这个过程会一直持续,直到队列 j 再次变为非空。同时,该线程会向堆中插入一条包含最早开始时间 te的新条目,这个时间是根据队列 j 中最新被提取的URL的相关属性所决定的(比如上次何时进行的连接或是上次爬取花费的时间),之后会继续执行这个过程。
/* * minheap.h * * Created on: 2012-2-24 * Author: xiaojay */ #ifndef MINHEAP_H_ #define MINHEAP_H_ #include <sys/time.h> struct node { timeval te; int backpos; public: node() //default constructor { backpos = -1; } }; class minheap { private: int maxheapsize; int currentsize; node * heap; //adjust the head from upon downto bottom void siftdown(int currentPos , int m); //adjust the heap from bottom to upon void siftup(int start); public: //build a min heap minheap(int maxheapsize); ~minheap(); //insert an element void insert(timeval te, int backpos); //remove an element //position of back queue in urlfrontier.h and node.te returns as reference value void removemin(int & backpos , timeval & te); inline int size() {return this->currentsize ;} }; #endif #include"minheap.h" #include<assert.h> //constructor minheap::minheap(int maxheapsize) { assert(maxheapsize>0); this->maxheapsize = maxheapsize; this->currentsize = 0; heap = new node [maxheapsize]; } //destructor minheap::~minheap() { delete [] heap; } //adjust the heap from top to bottom void minheap::siftdown(int currentPos , int m) { int i=currentPos; int j=currentPos*2+1;//i's leftChild timeval temp=heap[i].te; int temppos = heap[i].backpos; while(j<=m) { if(j<m&&timercmp(&heap[j].te,&heap[j+1].te,>)) j++; // j points to minChild if(timercmp(&temp,&heap[j].te,<=)) break; else { heap[i].te=heap[j].te; heap[i].backpos = heap[j].backpos; i=j; j=2*i+1; } } heap[i].te=temp; heap[i].backpos = temppos; } //adjust the heap from bottom to top void minheap::siftup(int start) { int i=start,j=(i-1)/2; timeval temp=heap[i].te; int temppos = heap[i].backpos; while(i>0) { if(timercmp(&heap[j].te,&temp,>)) { heap[i].te=heap[j].te; heap[i].backpos = heap[j].backpos; i=j; j=(i-1)/2; } else break; } heap[i].te=temp; heap[i].backpos = temppos; } //add a node to heap void minheap::insert(timeval te , int backpos) { if(currentsize>=maxheapsize) { return ; } heap[currentsize].te=te; heap[currentsize].backpos = backpos; siftup(currentsize); currentsize++; } //pass value to backpos and te then remove the node void minheap::removemin(int & backpos , timeval & te) { assert(currentsize>=0); backpos = heap[0].backpos; te = heap[0].te; heap[0] = heap[currentsize-1]; currentsize --; siftdown(0, currentsize-1); }
urlFrontier 实现:
/* * urlfrontier.h * * Created on: 2012-3-2 * Author: xiaojay */ #ifndef URLFRONTIER_H_ #define URLFRONTIER_H_ #include <queue> #include <map> #include <string> #include "url.h" #include "minheap.h" #include "../config.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> class urlfrontier { private: /*frontQueue maintains urls which have higher priority cound route to back queue more quickly. frontQueue[i] contains all urls whose priority is i.*/ queue<url *> * frontQueue; /* backQueue[i] contains urls whose have the same hostname */ queue<url *> * backQueue; int maxF,maxB;//the max number of frontQueue and backQueue map<string,int> hostmap; minheap * heap; //route urls from frontQueue to backQueue bool router(); int size; public: //constructor //parameters: nf->maxF, nb->maxB urlfrontier (int nf , int nb); //destructor ~urlfrontier(); //add a url void pushurl(url * u) ; //get a url url * popurl(); void displayState(); int getsize(){return this->size;} }; #endif /* URLFRONTIER_H_ */ #include "urlfrontier.h" //constructor urlfrontier::urlfrontier( int nf , int nb) { this->maxF = nf; this->maxB = nb; this->size = 0; frontQueue = new queue<url *>[maxF]; backQueue = new queue<url *>[maxB]; heap = new minheap(nb); } //destructor urlfrontier::~urlfrontier() { delete [] frontQueue; delete [] backQueue; delete heap; } //add url void urlfrontier::pushurl(url * u) { if(!u->isValid()) return ; int priority = u->getPriority(); if(priority>=maxF|| priority<0) return ; frontQueue[priority].push(u); size++; //router(); } //route urls from frontQueue to backQueue bool urlfrontier ::router() { int pos = maxF; int size = 0; /*MAX_URLS_ONCE limits the max number of urls moved , to ignore much expenses*/ int limit = MAX_URLS_ONCE; while(pos>0&&limit>0) { limit--; pos--; size = frontQueue[pos].size(); if (size==0) continue; while(!frontQueue[pos].empty()&&size>0) { size--; url * u = frontQueue[pos].front(); if(hostmap.count(u->getHost())) { int backpos = hostmap[u->getHost()]; backQueue[backpos].push(u); frontQueue[pos].pop(); } else { //find empty pos ; int posB = 0; while(posB<maxB&&!backQueue[posB].empty()) posB++; if(posB==maxB) { frontQueue[pos].pop(); frontQueue[pos].push(u); continue; } //update the hostmap hostmap.insert(map<string,int>::value_type(u->getHost(),posB)); backQueue[posB].push(u); //update heap timeval now ; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); heap->insert(now,posB); frontQueue[pos].pop(); } } } return true; } //get a url url * urlfrontier::popurl() { if(heap->size()<=0) { router(); } if(heap->size()<=0) return NULL; int backpos; timeval te; heap->removemin(backpos,te); url * u = backQueue[backpos].front(); u->setTe(te); if(u==NULL) return NULL; backQueue[backpos].pop(); if(backQueue[backpos].empty()) { router();//route urls from frontqueue to backqueue hostmap.erase(u->getHost()); } else { //the time between two request is 5 seconds te.tv_sec += 5; heap->insert(te,backpos); } size --; return u ; }
(美)Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schütze. Introduction to information retrieval: 信息检索导论[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2010