• wpf demo (gif , multithredading,httpwatch)


    the demo with GIF animation ,multithreading,and use httpwatch to get the url of flv file


    c# wpf httpwatch

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    the demo includes:

    gif animation in wpf

    multithreading in wpf

    use httpwatch to get the url of flv file 

    1.gif animation in wpf

    the first problem is how to show gif aninamation in wpf ?

    here I use a library called "GifImageLib". :) this is a prefect work! it works fine !

    2.multithreading in wpf

    the multithreading in wpf called "Dispatcher" . After I searched in msdn.I wrote the code for multithreading.


     this is BackgroundWorker demo.

       _backgroundWorker.DoWork+=new DoWorkEventHandler(DoWork);

    you can coding your work which needed long time.

     _backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(FinsihWork);

    you can coding which you needed after the long time task.

    3.use httpwatch to get the url of flv file

    you can get the free httpwatch version from httpwatch.com . and you only need add com preference(httpwatch) to project

    the code I using c#




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/conan77/p/1502656.html
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