• PMP Examination Tips (PMBoK Third Edition)

    How to Study PMBoK® ?
    • Most important pages of PMBoK are Page nos. 47,55,60 and 70
    • Remember your success formula from your past academic successes and follow the similar
    study pattern.
    • One must be thorough with process flow diagrams on these pages which show process
    • The first reading should start with Appendix which gives overall idea of PMI and read thru’
    Definitions and Acronyms completely, which will help you to understand the vocabulary of
    Project Management used in the chapters.
    • First reading should be done as per process groups i.e.IPECC (page no 70 vertically).while
    reading cross reference the book. This helps to understand the sub processes grouping in
    • Thorough practice of PERT, CPM, EVM, EMV numerical is a must.
    • Be aware of tools and techniques used in Time, Cost, Quality, and Risk Response Planning.
    Mock Examinations
    • Start mock quizzes only after reading PMBoK® once thoroughly
    • Failure in mock quizzes does not mean you will fail in PMP® examination
    • Mock quizzes should be used as an indicator of depth of your preparation
    • Respect Intellectual Copyrights of the authors by not photocopying or
    circulating the Question Banks thru. Mails etc.
    Question-oriented Tips
    • There are certain questions that contain extra information. This information is irrelevant
    and it does not relate to the correct answer. Beware of such questions and remember it
    isn't necessary to use all the information provided to answer the question.
    • Each question has only one correct answer. You need to select the most correct or the
    one which is close to given situation. Beware of choices that represent true statements
    but are not relevant. Be sure to read all the options before you select any one.
    • While answering the question remember that the first priority should be given to the
    option which is proactive and in favor of the project.Second priority should be given to
    the project stakeholders.
    • Avoid the answers which are in favor of the seller’s organization which could not be
    favorable to the project.
    • Any conflict should be resolved in favor of Project and/or project stakeholders
    • Beware of following words in questions.At Least,At the Most,Not True,Not
    • You need to answer the questions from a PMI® perspective—not from your own
    perspective, which you acquired through experience. Remember that PMI® is trying to
    present an ideal environment for project managers that might be different from your
    own experience.
    • Beware of answer choices that represent generalizations, which may be characterized by
    words such as always , never , must , or completely ; these are often the incorrect
    • Look out for choices that represent special cases. These choices tend to be correct and
    are characterized by words such as often , sometimes , may , generally , and
    perhaps .
    • Beware of answer choices which containing words like primary, overall responsibility
    • Remember the option choice “Discuss with Senior Management” will be incorrect in
    most of the cases. Once the project charter is issued by senior management, project
    manager is responsible for all the decisions
    • The correct questions may not be grammatically correct.
    • Please note that there are hardly any straightforward questions appearing in
    the exam, like asking for a definition or asking the Input/Output for a
    particular process. Instead, these questions will be in a form of a
    scenario/story in which these processes will be integrated. You need to
    study the scenario and concentrate on the PMI KEY WORDS appearing in it
    And figure out what exactly is the question and its correct answer.
    PMI® Concept-oriented Tips
    • The project manager takes an active approach to the job by not waiting until a risk
    materializes and becomes a problem. This is an extremely important concept that might
    affect many questions on an exam. The project manager does not escalate problems to
    upper management or to the customer before fully analyzing them and identifying
    options. When answering a question related to what the project manager should do in a
    specific situation, you should rephrase the question to: What is the first thing the
    project manager will do given such a situation and given his or her proactive nature?
    • Assume that lessons learned and historical databases are available. This might not be
    true in a real life situation.
    • PMI® does not approve adding extra functionality without benefits or gold plating.
    • Project managers have all kinds of soft and hard skills.
    • The Work Breakdown Structures (WBSs) are wonderful tools.
    • Roles and responsibilities need to be properly defined.
    General Tips
    • You should memorize all formulas, especially the Earned Value and PERT.
    • Practice eliminating the completely implausible options first.
    • There is no penalty for guessing; thus, do not leave any question blank.
    • There will always be those situations where you have no idea what the question is
    asking. Use educated guessing to select the most appropriate option. Remember, you
    have only 80 seconds for each question. If you do not know the answer of a question,
    mark it and move on and revisit it later if you have time.
    • Answer the questions based on the PMBOK® concepts first, and then consider
    your experience. If they are in conflict, the PMBOK® wins.
    • Remember your rough work should be fare particularly for Numericals.There could be
    multiple questions on the same numerical for CPM & EVM
    • Do not mark the answers for review selected purely by educated guess .Generally first
    instinct is right.
    • Use review option judiciously.You should not control because you can control.Remember
    control also costs.There is also a possibility that you may change correct answers during
    review and go below the Golden Figure
    Who recognizes the PMP® certification?
    Major companies and government agencies worldwide recognize the PMP® certification. Several
    Fortune 1000 companies demand that all of their employees or subcontractors that are engaged
    in project management activities should be PMP®. In other words, the PMP® certification has
    become a market differentiator; companies that do not have PMP® certification programs are at
    a competitive disadvantage.
    Share Your Tips
    Did you find these tips and techniques helpful? What other tips would you offer your peers who
    are preparing to sit for the PMP® exam?
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cody/p/1503033.html
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