• [LeetCode] Gas Station, Solution

    There are N gas stations along a circular route, where the amount of gas at station i is gas[i].

    You have a car with an unlimited gas tank and it costs cost[i] of gas to travel from station i to its next station (i+1). You begin the journey with an empty tank at one of the gas stations.

    Return the starting gas station's index if you can travel around the circuit once, otherwise return -1.

    The solution is guaranteed to be unique.





    diff[i] = gas[i] – cost[i]  0<=i <n


    1. 能否在环上绕一圈?

    2. 如果能,这个起点在哪里?

    第一个问题,很简单,我对diff数组做个加和就好了,leftGas = ∑diff[i], 如果最后leftGas是正值,那么肯定存在这么一个起始点。如果是负值,那说明,油的损耗大于油的供给,不可能有解。得到第一个问题的答案只需要O(n)。


    假设,我们从环上取一个区间[i, j], j>i, 然后对于这个区间的diff加和,定义

    sum[i,j] = ∑diff[k] where i<=k<j

    如果sum[i,j]小于0,那么这个起点肯定不会在[i,j]这个区间里,跟第一个问题的原理一样。举个例子,假设i是[0,n]的解,那么我们知道 任意sum[k,i-1] (0<=k<i-1) 肯定是小于0的,否则解就应该是k。同理,sum[i,n]一定是大于0的,否则,解就不应该是i,而是i和n之间的某个点。所以第二题的答案,其实就是在0到n之间,找到第一个连续子序列(这个子序列的结尾必然是n)大于0的。



       1:  class Solution {
       2:  public:
       3:      int canCompleteCircuit(vector<int> &gas, vector<int> &cost) {
       4:          vector<int> diff(gas.size());
       5:          for(int i =0; i< gas.size(); ++i)
       6:          {
       7:              diff[i] = gas[i] - cost[i];
       8:          }
      10:          int leftGas=0, sum =0, startnode=0;
      11:          for(int i =0; i<gas.size(); ++i)
      12:          {
      13:              leftGas += diff[i];
      14:              sum += diff[i];
      15:              if(sum <0) //只要小于0就不可能是解
      16:              {
      17:                  startnode = i+1;
      18:                  sum=0;
      19:              }
      20:          }
      21:          if(leftGas <0)
      22:              return -1;
      23:          else
      24:              return startnode;
      25:      }
      26:  };

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