• ZooKeeper实现同步屏障(Barrier)


    在ZK官网https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperTutorial.html ,提供了一个示例实现,但这个例子比较复杂,代码同时包括了Barrier和Queue两种实现,对例子做了修改,仅介绍Barrier的实现。


    1      实现原理



    2      客人落座


    String nodeName = tableSerial + "/" + customerName;

    log.info("{}: 自己坐下来 {}", customerName, nodeName);

    zk.create(nodeName, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

    while (true) {

      synchronized (mutex) {

        // 读出子节点列表,并继续监听

        List<String> list = zk.getChildren(tableSerial, true);

        if (list.size() < tableCapacity) {

          log.info("{}: 当前人数 = {} , 总人数 = {}, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...", customerName,

              list.size(), tableCapacity);


        } else {

          log.info("{}: 人终于够了,开饭...", customerName);

          return true;




    3      客人准备离开


    String nodeName = tableSerial + "/" + customerName;

    log.info("{}: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 {}", customerName, nodeName);

    zk.delete(nodeName, 0);

    while (true) {

      // 读出子节点列表,并继续监听

      List<String> list = zk.getChildren(tableSerial, true);

      if (list.size() > 0) {

        log.info("{}: 还有 {} 人没吃完,你们吃快点...", customerName, list.size());

        synchronized (mutex) {



      } else {

        log.info("{}: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙", customerName);

        return true;



    4      尝试用Stat获取子节点个数



    String nodeName = tableSerial + "/" + customerName;

    log.info("{}: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 {}", customerName, nodeName);

    zk.delete(nodeName, 0);

    while (true) {

      // 使用Stat判断子节点个数

      Stat tableStat = new Stat();

      zk.getData(tableSerial, true, tableStat);

      if (tableStat.getNumChildren() > 0) {

        log.info("{}: 还有 {} 人没吃完,你们吃快点...", customerName, tableStat.getNumChildren());

        synchronized (mutex) {



      } else {

        log.info("{}: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙", customerName);

        return true;



    运行后发现:能够读出子节点个数,但再也无法监听 EventType.NodeChildrenChanged事件,这是ZooKeeper的监听机制决定的。网上搜索到 https://my.oschina.net/u/587108/blog/484203 有介绍,可以自己看一下。简单说就是:


    5      完整源码

    这个例子没有使用main()函数,改为创建一个 testng 测试用例启动。

    5.1   ZooKeeperBarrier.java

    package tech.codestory.zookeeper.barrier;

    import java.io.IOException;

    import java.util.List;

    import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

    import org.apache.zookeeper.*;

    import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.Ids;

    import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat;

    import org.slf4j.profiler.Profiler;

    import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;


     * @author junyongliao

     * @date 2019/8/13

     * @since 1.0.0



    public class ZooKeeperBarrier implements Watcher {

      /** 等待连接建立成功的信号 */

      CountDownLatch connectedSemaphore = new CountDownLatch(1);

      /** ZooKeeper 客户端 static */

      ZooKeeper zk = null;

      /** 子节点发生变化的信号 static */

      Integer mutex;

      /** 避免重复构建餐桌 */

      static Integer tableSerialInitial = Integer.valueOf(1);

      /** 餐桌容量 */

      int tableCapacity;

      /** 餐桌编号 */

      String tableSerial;

      /** 客人姓名 */

      String customerName;


       * 构造函数,用于创建zk客户端,以及记录记录barrier的名称和容量


       * @param address ZooKeeper服务器地址

       * @param tableSerial 餐桌编号

       * @param tableCapacity 餐桌容量

       * @param customerName 客人姓名


      ZooKeeperBarrier(String address, String tableSerial, int tableCapacity, String customerName) {

        this.tableSerial = tableSerial;

        this.tableCapacity = tableCapacity;

        this.customerName = customerName;

        try {

          Profiler profiler = new Profiler(customerName + " 连接到ZooKeeper");


          zk = new ZooKeeper(address, 3000, this);






          mutex = Integer.valueOf(-1);

        } catch (IOException e) {

          log.error("IOException", e);

          zk = null;

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

          log.error("InterruptedException", e);


        synchronized (tableSerialInitial) {

          // 创建 tableSerial 的zNode

          try {

            Stat existsStat = zk.exists(tableSerial, false);

            if (existsStat == null) {

              this.tableSerial = zk.create(tableSerial, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,



          } catch (KeeperException e) {

            log.error("KeeperException", e);

          } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            log.error("InterruptedException", e);





      public void process(WatchedEvent event) {

        if (Event.EventType.None.equals(event.getType())) {

          // 连接状态发生变化

          if (Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected.equals(event.getState())) {

            // 连接建立成功



        } else if (Event.EventType.NodeChildrenChanged.equals(event.getType())) {

          log.info("{} 接收到了通知 : {}", customerName, event.getType());

          // 子节点有变化

          synchronized (mutex) {






       * 客人坐在饭桌上


       * @return 当等到餐桌坐满时返回 true

       * @throws KeeperException

       * @throws InterruptedException


      boolean enter() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {

        String nodeName = tableSerial + "/" + customerName;

        log.info("{}: 自己坐下来 {}", customerName, nodeName);

        // 属于客人自己的节点,如果会话结束没删掉会自动删除

        zk.create(nodeName, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

        while (true) {

          synchronized (mutex) {

            // 读出子节点列表,并继续监听

            List<String> list = zk.getChildren(tableSerial, true);

            if (list.size() < tableCapacity) {

              log.info("{}: 当前人数 = {} , 总人数 = {}, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...", customerName,

                  list.size(), tableCapacity);


            } else {

              log.info("{}: 人终于够了,开饭...", customerName);

              return true;






       * 客人吃完饭了,可以离开


       * @return 所有客人都吃完,再返回true

       * @throws KeeperException

       * @throws InterruptedException


      boolean leave() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {

        String nodeName = tableSerial + "/" + customerName;

        log.info("{}: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 {}", customerName, nodeName);

        zk.delete(nodeName, 0);

        while (true) {

          // 读出子节点列表,并继续监听

          List<String> list = zk.getChildren(tableSerial, true);

          if (list.size() > 0) {

            log.info("{}: 还有 {} 人没吃完,你们吃快点...", customerName, list.size());

            synchronized (mutex) {



          } else {

            log.info("{}: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙", customerName);

            return true;





    5.2   ZooKeeperBarrierTest.java

    package tech.codestory.zookeeper.barrier;

    import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

    import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;

    import org.testng.annotations.Test;

    import java.security.SecureRandom;

    import java.util.Random;

    import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

    import static org.testng.Assert.*;


     * 测试 ZooKeeperBarrier


     * @author code story

     * @date 2019/8/15



    public class ZooKeeperBarrierTest {

      Random random = new SecureRandom();


      public void testBarrierTest() {

        /** 等待连接建立成功的信号 */

        String address = "";

        String barrierName = "/table-" + random.nextInt(10);

        int barrierSize = 4;

        CountDownLatch countDown = new CountDownLatch(barrierSize);

        String[] customerNames = {"张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六"};

        for (int i = 0; i < barrierSize; i++) {

          String customerName = customerNames[i];

          new Thread() {


            public void run() {

              log.info("{}: 准备吃饭", customerName);

              ZooKeeperBarrier barrier =

                  new ZooKeeperBarrier(address, barrierName, barrierSize, customerName);

              try {

                boolean flag = barrier.enter();

                log.info("{}: 坐在了可以容纳 {} 人的饭桌", customerName, barrierSize);

                if (!flag) {

                  log.info("{}: 想坐在饭桌时出错了", customerName);


              } catch (KeeperException e) {

                log.error("KeeperException", e);

              } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                log.error("InterruptedException", e);


              // 假装在吃饭,随机时间


              // 假装吃完了,离开barrier

              try {


              } catch (KeeperException e) {

                log.error("KeeperException", e);

              } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                log.error("InterruptedException", e);





          // 等一会儿再开始下一个进程



        try {



        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

          log.error("InterruptedException", e);



      /** 随机等待 */

      private void randomWait() {

        int r = random.nextInt(100);

        for (int j = 0; j < r; j++) {

          try {


          } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            log.error("InterruptedException", e);





    6      测试日志


    33:34.198 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(36) 张三: 准备吃饭

    33:40.497 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(36) 李四: 准备吃饭

    33:43.333 [DEBUG] ZooKeeperBarrier.log(201)

    + Profiler [张三 连接到ZooKeeper]

    |-- elapsed time                   [开始连接]    71.684 milliseconds.

    |-- elapsed time           [等待连接成功的Event]  9046.279 milliseconds.

    |-- Total               [张三 连接到ZooKeeper]  9118.483 milliseconds.

    33:43.346 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(110) 张三: 自己坐下来 /table-2/张三

    33:43.353 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(118) 张三: 当前人数 = 1 , 总人数 = 4, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...

    33:49.515 [DEBUG] ZooKeeperBarrier.log(201)

    + Profiler [李四 连接到ZooKeeper]

    |-- elapsed time                   [开始连接]     4.365 milliseconds.

    |-- elapsed time           [等待连接成功的Event]  9011.503 milliseconds.

    |-- Total               [李四 连接到ZooKeeper]  9015.873 milliseconds.

    33:49.520 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(110) 李四: 自己坐下来 /table-2/李四

    33:49.528 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 张三 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:49.528 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(118) 李四: 当前人数 = 2 , 总人数 = 4, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...

    33:49.532 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(118) 张三: 当前人数 = 2 , 总人数 = 4, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...

    33:50.107 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(36) 王五: 准备吃饭

    33:50.307 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(36) 赵六: 准备吃饭

    33:59.122 [DEBUG] ZooKeeperBarrier.log(201)

    + Profiler [王五 连接到ZooKeeper]

    |-- elapsed time                   [开始连接]     4.956 milliseconds.

    |-- elapsed time           [等待连接成功的Event]  9008.505 milliseconds.

    |-- Total               [王五 连接到ZooKeeper]  9013.468 milliseconds.

    33:59.125 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(110) 王五: 自己坐下来 /table-2/王五

    33:59.128 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 张三 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.132 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 李四 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.133 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(118) 李四: 当前人数 = 3 , 总人数 = 4, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...

    33:59.135 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(118) 王五: 当前人数 = 3 , 总人数 = 4, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...

    33:59.136 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(118) 张三: 当前人数 = 3 , 总人数 = 4, 人还不够: 吃饭不积极,一定有问题...

    33:59.335 [DEBUG] ZooKeeperBarrier.log(201)

    + Profiler [赵六 连接到ZooKeeper]

    |-- elapsed time                   [开始连接]    10.184 milliseconds.

    |-- elapsed time           [等待连接成功的Event]  9014.981 milliseconds.

    |-- Total               [赵六 连接到ZooKeeper]  9025.175 milliseconds.

    33:59.339 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(110) 赵六: 自己坐下来 /table-2/赵六

    33:59.343 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 张三 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.345 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(122) 赵六: 人终于够了,开饭...

    33:59.346 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(41) 赵六: 坐在了可以容纳 4 人的饭桌

    33:59.346 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 王五 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.346 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 李四 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.348 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(122) 王五: 人终于够了,开饭...

    33:59.348 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(41) 王五: 坐在了可以容纳 4 人的饭桌

    33:59.350 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(122) 李四: 人终于够了,开饭...

    33:59.350 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(41) 李四: 坐在了可以容纳 4 人的饭桌

    33:59.352 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.enter(122) 张三: 人终于够了,开饭...

    33:59.352 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.run(41) 张三: 坐在了可以容纳 4 人的饭桌

    33:59.646 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(138) 赵六: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 /table-2/赵六

    33:59.650 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 赵六 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.651 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 张三 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.652 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(144) 赵六: 还有 3 人没吃完,你们吃快点...

    33:59.652 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 李四 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.652 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 王五 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    33:59.654 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(144) 赵六: 还有 3 人没吃完,你们吃快点...

    34:04.356 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(138) 王五: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 /table-2/王五

    34:04.361 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 赵六 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    34:04.363 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(144) 王五: 还有 2 人没吃完,你们吃快点...

    34:04.363 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(144) 赵六: 还有 2 人没吃完,你们吃快点...

    34:05.958 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(138) 张三: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 /table-2/张三

    34:05.963 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 王五 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    34:05.961 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(138) 李四: 已经吃完,准备离席,删除节点 /table-2/李四

    34:05.967 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(144) 张三: 还有 1 人没吃完,你们吃快点...

    34:05.968 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 赵六 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    34:05.971 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.process(93) 张三 接收到了通知 : NodeChildrenChanged

    34:05.973 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(149) 赵六: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙

    34:05.981 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(149) 王五: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙

    34:05.982 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(149) 张三: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙

    34:05.983 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrier.leave(149) 李四: 所有人都吃完了,准备散伙

    34:05.985 [INFO] ZooKeeperBarrierTest.testBarrierTest(72) 这一桌吃完了,散伙

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codestory/p/11362701.html
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