• [LeetCode] 1379. Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree

    Given two binary trees original and cloned and given a reference to a node target in the original tree.

    The cloned tree is a copy of the original tree.

    Return a reference to the same node in the cloned tree.

    Note that you are not allowed to change any of the two trees or the target node and the answer must be a reference to a node in the cloned tree.

    Follow up: Solve the problem if repeated values on the tree are allowed.

    Example 1:

    Input: tree = [7,4,3,null,null,6,19], target = 3
    Output: 3
    Explanation: In all examples the original and cloned trees are shown. The target node is a green node from the original tree. The answer is the yellow node from the cloned tree.

    Example 2:

    Input: tree = [7], target =  7
    Output: 7

    Example 3:

    Input: tree = [8,null,6,null,5,null,4,null,3,null,2,null,1], target = 4
    Output: 4

    Example 4:

    Input: tree = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], target = 5
    Output: 5

    Example 5:

    Input: tree = [1,2,null,3], target = 2
    Output: 2


    • The number of nodes in the tree is in the range [1, 10^4].
    • The values of the nodes of the tree are unique.
    • target node is a node from the original tree and is not null.


    给你两棵二叉树,原始树 original 和克隆树 cloned,以及一个位于原始树 original 中的目标节点 target。

    其中,克隆树 cloned 是原始树 original 的一个 副本 。

    请找出在树 cloned 中,与 target 相同 的节点,并返回对该节点的引用(在 C/C++ 等有指针的语言中返回 节点指针,其他语言返回节点本身)。


    你 不能 对两棵二叉树,以及 target 节点进行更改。
    只能 返回对克隆树 cloned 中已有的节点的引用。






     1 /**
     2  * Definition for a binary tree node.
     3  * public class TreeNode {
     4  *     int val;
     5  *     TreeNode left;
     6  *     TreeNode right;
     7  *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
     8  * }
     9  */
    11 class Solution {
    12     public final TreeNode getTargetCopy(final TreeNode original, final TreeNode cloned, final TreeNode target) {
    13         // corner case
    14         if (original == null || original == cloned) {
    15             return cloned;
    16         }
    18         // normal case
    19         TreeNode res = getTargetCopy(original.left, cloned.left, target);
    20         if (res != null) {
    21             return res;
    22         }
    23         return getTargetCopy(original.right, cloned.right, target);
    24     }
    25 }


     1 /**
     2  * Definition for a binary tree node.
     3  * function TreeNode(val) {
     4  *     this.val = val;
     5  *     this.left = this.right = null;
     6  * }
     7  */
     8 /**
     9  * @param {TreeNode} original
    10  * @param {TreeNode} cloned
    11  * @param {TreeNode} target
    12  * @return {TreeNode}
    13  */
    15 var getTargetCopy = function (original, cloned, target) {
    16     // corner case
    17     if (original === null || original === target) {
    18         return cloned;
    19     }
    21     // normal case
    22     var res = getTargetCopy(original.left, cloned.left, target);
    23     if (res !== null) {
    24         return res;
    25     }
    26     return getTargetCopy(original.right, cloned.right, target);
    27 };

    LeetCode 题目总结

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnoodle/p/14224696.html
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