from random import random def printIntro(): print("这个程序模拟两个选手A和B的排球竞技比赛") print("程序运行需要A和B的能力值(以0到1之间的小数表示)") def getInputs(): a = eval(input("请输入选手A的能力值(0-1): ")) b = eval(input("请输入选手B的能力值(0-1): ")) n = eval(input("模拟比赛的场次: ")) return a, b, n def simNGames(n, probA, probB): winsA, winsB = 0, 0 for i in range(n): scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB) if scoreA > scoreB: winsA += 1 else: winsB += 1 return winsA, winsB def gameOver(a,b): return a==15 or b==15 def simOneGame(probA, probB): scoreA, scoreB = 0, 0 serving = "A" while not gameOver(scoreA, scoreB): if serving == "A": if random() < probA: scoreA += 1 else: serving="B" else: if random() < probB: scoreB += 1 else: serving="A" return scoreA, scoreB def printSummary(winsA, winsB): n = winsA + winsB print("竞技分析开始,共模拟{}场比赛".format(n)) print("选手A获胜{}场比赛,占比{:0.1%}".format(winsA, winsA/n)) print("选手B获胜{}场比赛,占比{:0.1%}".format(winsB, winsB/n)) print("2019310143016 卢佳纯") def main(): printIntro() probA, probB, n = getInputs() winsA, winsB = simNGames(n, probA, probB) printSummary(winsA, winsB) print("排球竞技比赛赛制规定:") print("1.前4局比赛采用25分制,每个队只有赢得至少25分,并同时超过对方2分时,才胜1局;") print("2.正式比赛采用5局3胜制,决胜局的比赛采用15分制,一队先得8分后,两队交换场区,按原位置顺序继续比赛到结束;") print("3.在决胜局(第五局)之比赛,先获15分并领先对方2分为胜;") main()
def GameOver(N,scoreA,scoreB): if N<=4: return(scoreA>=25 and scoreB>=25 and abs(scoreA-scoreB)>=2) else: return(scoreA>=15 and abs(scoreA-scoreB)>=2) or (scoreB>=15 and abs(scoreA-scoreB)>=2) ai=[] bi=[] try: for scoreA,scoreB in ((1,25),(1,26),(25,25),(16,17),(28,30)): if GameOver(scoreA,scoreB): ai.append(scoreA) bi.append(scoreB) except: print('Error') print(ai) print(bi) #对simOneGame(proA,proB)函数进行测试 from random import random try: probA,probB=0.5,0.5 scoreA,scoreB=0,0 serving = "A" if serving == "A": if random() < probA: scoreA += 1 else: serving="B" else: if random() < probB: scoreB += 1 else: serving="A" print(scoreA) print(scoreB) except: print('Error') #对simNGames(n, probA, probB) try: n,scoreA,scoreB=1,1,21 winsA, winsB = 0, 0 scoreA_ls=[] scoreB_ls=[] for i in range(n): scoreA_ls.append(scoreA) scoreB_ls.append(scoreB) if scoreA > scoreB: winsA += 1 else: winsB += 1 print(winsA, winsB) print(scoreA_ls,scoreB_ls) except: print('Error')
import requests def getHTMLText(url): try: for i in range(0,20): r = requests.get(url, timeout=30) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = 'utf-8' return r.status_code,r.text,r.content,len(r.text),len(r.content) except: return "" url = 'http://www.baidu.com.cn/' print(getHTMLText(url))
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>菜鸟教程(runoob.com)</title> </head> <body> <b>第一个html页面————来自学号2019310143016</b><br><br> <p id="first">制作者的基本信息:</p> </body> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>班级</td> <td>姓名</td> <td>年级</td> </tr> <tr> <td>信计1班</td> <td>纯牛奶</td> <td>19级</td> </tr> </table> </html>
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import bs4 import pandas as pd info = []#用来存放爬取信息 url ="http://www.zuihaodaxue.com/Greater_China_ranking2017_0.html" try: r=requests.get(url,timeout=100) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding=r.apparent_encoding soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,"html.parser") for tr in soup.find("tbody").children: if isinstance(tr,bs4.element.Tag): tds=tr.find_all("td") info.append([tds[0].string,tds[1].string,tds[3].string]) print("{0:^10} {1:{3}^10} {2:^10}".format("排名","学校名称","总分",chr(12288))) for i in range(50): print("{0:^10} {1:{3}^10} {2:^10}".format(info[i][0],info[i][1],info[i][2],chr(12288))) name = ["排名","学校名称","总分"] test = pd.DataFrame(columns=name,data=info) test.to_csv(r"C:code_python est1.csv") print("保存成功") except Exception as e : print(e)