• Jquery定位插件,固定元素在页面某个位置,不随滚动条滚动


    (function ($) {
        "use strict";
        $.fn.pin = function (options) {
            var scrollY = 0, elements = [], disabled = false, $window = $(window);
            options = options || {};
            var recalculateLimits = function () {
                for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var $this = elements[i];
                    if (options.minWidth && $window.width() <= options.minWidth) {
                        if ($this.parent().is(".pin-wrapper")) { $this.unwrap(); }
                        $this.css({  "", left: "", top: "", position: "" });
                        if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
                        disabled = true;
                    } else {
                        disabled = false;
                    var $container = options.containerSelector ? $this.closest(options.containerSelector) : $(document.body);
                    var offset = $this.offset();
                    var containerOffset = $container.offset();
                    var parentOffset = $this.offsetParent().offset();
                    if (!$this.parent().is(".pin-wrapper")) {
                        $this.wrap("<div class='pin-wrapper'>");
                    var pad = $.extend({
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0
                    }, options.padding || {});
                    $this.data("pin", {
                        pad: pad,
                        from: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) - pad.top,
                        to: containerOffset.top + $container.height() - $this.outerHeight() - pad.bottom,
                        end: containerOffset.top + $container.height(),
                        parentTop: parentOffset.top
                    $this.css({  $this.outerWidth() });
                    $this.parent().css("height", $this.outerHeight());
            var onScroll = function () {
                if (disabled) { return; }
                scrollY = $window.scrollTop();
                var elmts = [];
                for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var $this = $(elements[i]),
                        data = $this.data("pin");
                    if (!data) { // Removed element
                    var from = data.from - data.pad.bottom,
                        to = data.to - data.pad.top;
                    if (from + $this.outerHeight() > data.end) {
                        $this.css('position', '');
                    if (from < scrollY && to > scrollY) {
                        !($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({
                            left: $this.offset().left,
                            top: data.pad.top
                        }).css("position", "fixed");
                        if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
                    } else if (scrollY >= to) {
                            left: "",
                            top: to - data.parentTop + data.pad.top
                        }).css("position", "absolute");
                        if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); }
                    } else {
                        $this.css({ position: "", top: "", left: "" });
                        if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); }
                elements = elmts;
            var update = function () { recalculateLimits(); onScroll(); };
            this.each(function () {
                var $this = $(this),
                    data = $(this).data('pin') || {};
                if (data && data.update) { return; }
                $("img", this).one("load", recalculateLimits);
                data.update = update;
                $(this).data('pin', data);
            $window.resize(function () { recalculateLimits(); });
            return this;



    注意如页面有动态生成的HTML,请在HTML生成之后调用 pin()

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnhxz/p/3952304.html
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