• Design Pattern

        /// <summary>
        /// using this pattern, the concrete element such as Family or Team is supposed to be stable, 
        /// and the count of the total elements should be stable as well.
        /// Concrete visitor such as CompeteNotice or FeeCharge, may be extendable. For instance, we
        /// can add a GroupPrincalChagingNotice easily in the future.
        /// </summary>
        class VisitorPattern
            public static void Main()
                List<IGroup> groups = new List<IGroup>();
                groups.Add(new Team("火箭"));
                groups.Add(new Team("太阳战队"));
                groups.Add(new Family("幸福之家"));
                groups.Add(new Workroom("逍遥派"));
                IVisitor visitor = new CompeteNotice();
                foreach (var group in groups)
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------{0} to {1}----------------", visitor.VisitorName, group.GroupName);
            #region Visitor
            interface IVisitor
                string VisitorName { get; }
                void VisitFamily(Family family);
                void VisitTeam(Team team);
                void VisitWorkroom(Workroom workroom);
            class CompeteNotice : IVisitor
                public string VisitorName
                    get { return "比赛通知"; }
                //Just EMail to parents
                public void VisitFamily(Family family)
                    foreach (var person in family.Persons)
                        if (person.IsParent)
                            Console.WriteLine("send email to {0} with mobile {1}", person.EMail, person.EMail);
                //EMail to every member and Send SMS to the Princal
                public void VisitTeam(Team team)
                    foreach (var person in team.Persons)
                        Console.WriteLine("send email to {0} with EMail {1}", person.EMail, person.EMail);
                        if (person.IsPrincipal)
                            Console.WriteLine("send SMS to {0} with mobile {1}", person.EMail, person.Mobilephone);
                //EMail and Send SMS to the Princal
                public void VisitWorkroom(Workroom workroom)
                    foreach (var person in workroom.Persons)
                        if (person.IsPrincipal)
                            Console.WriteLine("send email to {0} with EMail {1}", person.EMail, person.EMail);
                            Console.WriteLine("send SMS to {0} with mobile {1}", person.EMail, person.Mobilephone);
            class FeeCharge : IVisitor
                private decimal _totalFees = 1000;
                private decimal _overheadFees = 5;
                //charge parents for both _totalFees and _overheadFees
                public void VisitFamily(Family family)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                //charge each one for _totalFees and charge principal for _overheadFees
                public void VisitTeam(Team team)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                //charge principal for both _totalFees and _overheadFees
                public void VisitWorkroom(Workroom workroom)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                public string VisitorName
                    get { return "收取费用"; }
            //class PrincipalChanging : IVisitor 
            #region Element
            interface IGroup
                string GroupName { get; }
                Person[] Persons { get; }
                void Accept(IVisitor visitor);
            class Family : IGroup
                private string _name;
                public Family(string name)
                    _name = name;
                public string GroupName
                    get { return _name; }
                public Person[] Persons
                    get { return GetTestData(); }
                public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
            class Team : IGroup
                private string _name;
                public Team(string name)
                    _name = name;
                public string GroupName
                    get { return _name; }
                public Person[] Persons
                    get { return GetTestData(); }
                public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
            class Workroom : IGroup
                private string _name;
                public Workroom(string name)
                    _name = name;
                public string GroupName
                    get { return _name; }
                public Person[] Persons
                    get { return GetTestData(); }
                public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
            #region non-essential statements
            static Person[] GetTestData()
                var persons = new Person[]
                   new Person(){ Name="Jim1", EMail="Jim1@hotmail.com", BankAccout="62218888888888881", Mobilephone="138666666661", IsParent=false, IsPrincipal=false},
                   new Person(){ Name="Jim2", EMail="Jim2@hotmail.com", BankAccout="62218888888888882", Mobilephone="138666666662", IsParent=true, IsPrincipal=true},
                   new Person(){ Name="Jim3", EMail="Jim3@hotmail.com", BankAccout="62218888888888883", Mobilephone="138666666663", IsParent=true, IsPrincipal=false},
                return persons;
            class Person
                public string Name { get; set; }
                public string Mobilephone { get; set; }
                public string BankAccout { get; set; }
                public string EMail { get; set; }
                public bool IsParent { get; set; }
                public bool IsPrincipal { get; set; }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnbwang/p/3660022.html
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