• How to write a good user story

    Introduction to User Stories

    User stories are first-class citizen for Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP), A user story is a very high-level definition of a requirement, just include enough information so that developers can estimate the time to implement it.

    A good way to think about a user story is just a placeholder for remaindering the developer should have conservation with your customer.

    How to write a user story?

    You can follow below steps:

    1. As a [Actor], I can/want [feature] because/so that


    As a dinner, I want have a lunch because I am hungry.

    As a project Leader, I want make a plan.

    As a user, I can manage my schedule.

    2. Use index cards

    Write an easy to understand user story title on Index card, the card can be a paper or electronic card in your project system.


    Title: Admin can add new user

    Description: As a admin, he can add a new user.

    3. Make it testable with acceptance stories

    If use stories are short – how are we suppose to know all the different acceptance criteria? just write out any of your acceptance tests using this template:

    Scenario 1: Title
    Given [context]
    And [some more context]…
    When [event]
    Then [outcome]
    And [another outcome]…

    For example:

    Scenario 1: Account balance is negative
    Given the account’s balance is below 0
    And their is not a scheduled direct deposit that day
    When the account owner attempts to withdraw money
    Then the bank will deny it
    And send the account owner a nasty letter.

    What contents in the story?

    It includes 3 C:

    • Card
    • Conversation
    • Confirm

    What features a good story should have?

    A good user story should have 6 features, INVEST:

    • Independent
    • Negotiable
    • Valuable
    • Estimatable
    • Small
    • Testable
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