• (copy) Shell Script to Check Linux System Health

    source: http://linoxide.com/linux-shell-script/shell-script-check-linux-system-health/

    This article introduces a shell script to perform linux system health check.

    This script collects system information and status like hostname, kernel version, uptime, cpu / memory / disk usage.
    Script uses:
    hostname, uptime, who, mpstat, lscpu, ps, top, df, free, bc commands to get system information
    and cut, grep, awk and sed for text processing.

    The output of the script is a text file which will be generated in the current directory.

    A variable is set to provide email address to which script can send report file.

    Apart from system status, the script will check a predefined threshold for cpu load and filesystem size.

    Remember : Make sure you have all the above commands working, to output all results correctly.

      1 #!/bin/bash 
      2 EMAIL=''
      3 function sysstat {
      4 echo -e "
      5 #####################################################################
      6     Health Check Report (CPU,Process,Disk Usage, Memory)
      7 #####################################################################
     10 Hostname         : `hostname`
     11 Kernel Version   : `uname -r`
     12 Uptime           : `uptime | sed 's/.*up ([^,]*), .*/1/'`
     13 Last Reboot Time : `who -b | awk '{print $3,$4}'`
     17 *********************************************************************
     18 CPU Load - > Threshold < 1 Normal > 1 Caution , > 2 Unhealthy 
     19 *********************************************************************
     20 "
     21 MPSTAT=`which mpstat`
     22 MPSTAT=$?
     23 if [ $MPSTAT != 0 ]
     24 then
     25     echo "Please install mpstat!"
     26     echo "On Debian based systems:"
     27     echo "sudo apt-get install sysstat"
     28     echo "On RHEL based systems:"
     29     echo "yum install sysstat"
     30 else
     31 echo -e ""
     32 LSCPU=`which lscpu`
     33 LSCPU=$?
     34 if [ $LSCPU != 0 ]
     35 then
     36     RESULT=$RESULT" lscpu required to producre acqurate reults"
     37 else
     38 cpus=`lscpu | grep -e "^CPU(s):" | cut -f2 -d: | awk '{print $1}'`
     39 i=0
     40 while [ $i -lt $cpus ]
     41 do
     42     echo "CPU$i : `mpstat -P ALL | awk -v var=$i '{ if ($3 == var ) print $4 }' `"
     43     let i=$i+1
     44 done
     45 fi
     46 echo -e "
     47 Load Average   : `uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{ print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d,`
     49 Heath Status : `uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{ print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d, | awk '{if ($1 > 2) print "Unhealthy"; else if ($1 > 1) print "Caution"; else print "Normal"}'`
     50 "
     51 fi
     52 echo -e "
     53 *********************************************************************
     54                              Process
     55 *********************************************************************
     57 => Top memory using processs/application
     60 `ps aux | awk '{print $2, $4, $6, $11}' | sort -k3rn | head -n 10`
     62 => Top CPU using process/application
     63 `top b -n1 | head -17 | tail -11`
     65 *********************************************************************
     66 Disk Usage - > Threshold < 90 Normal > 90% Caution > 95 Unhealthy
     67 *********************************************************************
     68 "
     69 df -Pkh | grep -v 'Filesystem' > /tmp/df.status
     70 while read DISK
     71 do
     72     LINE=`echo $DISK | awk '{print $1,"	",$6,"	",$5," used","	",$4," free space"}'`
     73     echo -e $LINE 
     74     echo 
     75 done < /tmp/df.status
     76 echo -e "
     78 Heath Status"
     79 echo
     80 while read DISK
     81 do
     82     USAGE=`echo $DISK | awk '{print $5}' | cut -f1 -d%`
     83     if [ $USAGE -ge 95 ] 
     84     then
     85         STATUS='Unhealty'
     86     elif [ $USAGE -ge 90 ]
     87     then
     88         STATUS='Caution'
     89     else
     90         STATUS='Normal'
     91     fi
     93         LINE=`echo $DISK | awk '{print $1,"	",$6}'`
     94         echo -ne $LINE "		" $STATUS
     95         echo 
     96 done < /tmp/df.status
     97 rm /tmp/df.status
     98 TOTALMEM=`free -m | head -2 | tail -1| awk '{print $2}'`
     99 TOTALBC=`echo "scale=2;if($TOTALMEM<1024 && $TOTALMEM > 0) print 0;$TOTALMEM/1024"| bc -l`
    100 USEDMEM=`free -m | head -2 | tail -1| awk '{print $3}'`
    101 USEDBC=`echo "scale=2;if($USEDMEM<1024 && $USEDMEM > 0) print 0;$USEDMEM/1024"|bc -l`
    102 FREEMEM=`free -m | head -2 | tail -1| awk '{print $4}'`
    103 FREEBC=`echo "scale=2;if($FREEMEM<1024 && $FREEMEM > 0) print 0;$FREEMEM/1024"|bc -l`
    104 TOTALSWAP=`free -m | tail -1| awk '{print $2}'`
    105 TOTALSBC=`echo "scale=2;if($TOTALSWAP<1024 && $TOTALSWAP > 0) print 0;$TOTALSWAP/1024"| bc -l`
    106 USEDSWAP=`free -m | tail -1| awk '{print $3}'`
    107 USEDSBC=`echo "scale=2;if($USEDSWAP<1024 && $USEDSWAP > 0) print 0;$USEDSWAP/1024"|bc -l`
    108 FREESWAP=`free -m |  tail -1| awk '{print $4}'`
    109 FREESBC=`echo "scale=2;if($FREESWAP<1024 && $FREESWAP > 0) print 0;$FREESWAP/1024"|bc -l`
    111 echo -e "
    112 *********************************************************************
    113              Memory 
    114 *********************************************************************
    116 => Physical Memory
    118 Total	Used	Free	%Free
    120 ${TOTALBC}GB	${USEDBC}GB 	${FREEBC}GB	$(($FREEMEM * 100 / $TOTALMEM  ))%
    122 => Swap Memory
    124 Total	Used	Free	%Free
    127 "
    128 }
    129 FILENAME="health-`hostname`-`date +%y%m%d`-`date +%H%M`.txt"
    130 sysstat > $FILENAME
    131 echo -e "Reported file $FILENAME generated in current directory." $RESULT
    132 if [ "$EMAIL" != '' ] 
    133 then
    134     STATUS=`which mail`
    135     if [ "$?" != 0 ] 
    136     then
    137         echo "The program 'mail' is currently not installed."
    138     else
    139         cat $FILENAME | mail -s "$FILENAME" $EMAIL
    140     fi
    141 fi
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnblogist/p/6023382.html
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