• ZOJ_3950_How Many Nines 解题报告及如何对程序进行测试修改

    The 17th Zhejiang University Programming Contest Sponsored by TuSimple


      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 int main()
      5 {
      6     long month[13]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
      7     long month_leap[13]={0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
      8     long tmonth[13],tmonth_leap[13];
      9     long t,i,j,k,l,s,g,y1,m1,d1,y2,m2,d2,run1,run2,ans=0;
     10     long ge[10000]={0},line[10000];
     11     tmonth[0]=0;
     12     tmonth_leap[0]=0;
     13     for (i=1;i<12;i++)
     14     {
     15         tmonth[i]=tmonth[i-1]+month[i];
     16         tmonth_leap[i]=tmonth_leap[i-1]+month_leap[i];
     17     }
     18     //between 2000-01-01 and 9999-12-31
     19     //the number of "9" in a year(do in advance)
     20     for (i=2;i<=9;i++)
     21         for (j=0;j<=9;j++)
     22             for (k=0;k<=9;k++)
     23                 for (l=0;l<=9;l++)
     24                 {
     25                     s=i*1000+j*100+k*10+l;
     26                     //the number of 9 in "ijkl"
     27                     g=((i==9)+(j==9)+(k==9)+(l==9));
     28                     //year(days in a year)
     29                     //+month(3*12,except February)
     30                     //+day(September)
     31                     if (s%4==0 && (s%100!=0 || s%400==0))
     32                         ge[s]=366*g+36+30;
     33                     else
     34                         ge[s]=365*g+35+30;
     35                 }
     36     //line[i]:the number of "9" in year 2000~i
     37     line[1999]=0;
     38     for (i=2000;i<=9999;i++)
     39         line[i]=line[i-1]+ge[i];
     40     scanf("%ld",&t);
     41     for (l=1;l<=t;l++)
     42     {
     43         scanf("%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld",&y1,&m1,&d1,&y2,&m2,&d2);
     44         //year [y1,y2)      "[":included "(":not included
     45         ans=line[y2-1]-line[y1-1];
     47         //1 delete y1.1.1~y1.m1.(d1-1)
     48         g=(y1%10==9)+(y1/10%10==9)+(y1/100%10==9)+(y1/1000%10==9);
     49         //judge if loop year or not
     50         if (y1%4==0 && (y1%100!=0 || y1%400==0))
     51             run1=1;
     52         else
     53             run1=0;
     54         //year(days in year y1)
     55         if (run1==1)
     56             ans-=g*tmonth_leap[m1-1];
     57         else
     58             ans-=g*tmonth[m1-1];
     59         ans-=(d1-1)*g;
     61         //month
     62         ans-=(m1-1)*3;
     63         if (d1>=30)
     64             ans-=3;
     65         else if (d1>=20)
     66             ans-=2;
     67         else if (d1>=10)
     68             ans-=1;
     69         //February
     70         if (run1==0 && m1>2)
     71             ans++;
     72         //month
     73         if (m1>9)
     74             ans-=30;
     75         else if (m1==9)
     76             ans-=(d1-1);
     78         //2 add y2.1.1~y2.m2.d2
     79         g=(y2%10==9)+(y2/10%10==9)+(y2/100%10==9)+(y2/1000%10==9);
     80         if (y2%4==0 && (y2%100!=0 || y2%400==0))
     81             run2=1;
     82         else
     83             run2=0;
     84         if (run2==1)
     85             ans+=g*tmonth_leap[m2-1];
     86         else
     87             ans+=g*tmonth[m2-1];
     88         ans+=d2*g;
     90         ans+=(m2-1)*3;
     91         if (d2>=29)
     92             ans+=3;
     93         else if (d2>=19)
     94             ans+=2;
     95         else if (d2>=9)
     96             ans+=1;
     97         if (run2==0 && m2>2)
     98             ans--;
    100         if (m2>9)
    101             ans+=30;
    102         else if (m2==9)
    103             ans+=d2;
    105         printf("%ld
    106     }
    107     return 0;
    108 }












      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstring>
      3 #include <string>
      4 #include <vector>
      5 #include <queue>
      6 #include <cstdio>
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <math.h>
      9 #include <algorithm>
     10 #include <queue>
     11 #include <iomanip>
     12 #include <map>
     13 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
     14 #define MAXN 1005
     15 #define Mod 99999999
     16 using namespace std;
     17 int num[10005];
     18 int count9(int n)
     19 {
     20     int cnt=0;
     21     while(n!=0)
     22     {
     23         if(n%10==9)
     24             cnt++;
     25         n/=10;
     26     }
     27     return cnt;
     28 }
     29 bool isleap(int y)
     30 {
     31     if((y%4==0&&y%100!=0)||y%400==0)
     32         return true;
     33     return false;
     34 }
     35 void Init()
     36 {
     37     int sum=0;
     38     for(int i=2000; i<=9999; ++i)
     39     {
     40         if(isleap(i))
     41             sum=count9(i)*366;
     42         else
     43             sum=count9(i)*365;
     44         sum+=30;
     45         sum+=11*3;
     46         if(isleap(i))
     47             sum+=3;
     48         else
     49             sum+=2;
     50         num[i]=sum;
     51     }
     52 }
     53 int mon1[]= {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
     54 int mon2[]= {0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
     55 int main()
     56 {
     57     FILE *in=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\in.txt","r");
     58     FILE *out=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\out_standard.txt","w");
     59     Init();
     60     int t;
     61     //scanf("%d",&t);
     62     fscanf(in,"%d",&t);
     63     while(t--)
     64     {
     65         int y1,m1,d1,y2,m2,d2;
     66         int ans=0;
     67         //scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&y1,&m1,&d1,&y2,&m2,&d2);
     68         fscanf(in,"%d%d%d%d%d%d",&y1,&m1,&d1,&y2,&m2,&d2);
     69         if(y1==y2)
     70         {
     71             int days=0;
     72             for(int i=m1+1; i<m2; ++i)
     73             {
     74                 if(i==2&&isleap(y1))
     75                     ans+=3;
     76                 else if(i==2&&!isleap(y1))
     77                     ans+=2;
     78                 else if(i==9)
     79                     ans+=33;
     80                 else
     81                     ans+=3;
     82                 if(!isleap(y1))
     83                     days+=mon1[i];
     84                 else
     85                     days+=mon2[i];
     86             }
     87             if(m1==m2)
     88             {
     89                 for(int i=d1; i<=d2; ++i)
     90                 {
     91                     ans+=count9(i);
     92                     days++;
     93                     if(m1==9)
     94                         ans++;
     95                 }
     96                 ans=ans+days*count9(y1);
     97                 //printf("%d
     98                 fprintf(out,"%d
     99             }
    100             else
    101             {
    102                 if(!isleap(y1))
    103                 {
    104                     for(int i=d1; i<=mon1[m1]; ++i)
    105                     {
    106                         ans+=count9(i);
    107                         days++;
    108                         if(m1==9)
    109                             ans++;
    110                     }
    111                 }
    112                 else
    113                 {
    114                     for(int i=d1; i<=mon2[m1]; ++i)
    115                     {
    116                         ans+=count9(i);
    117                         days++;
    118                         if(m1==9)
    119                             ans++;
    120                     }
    121                 }
    122                 for(int i=1; i<=d2; ++i)
    123                 {
    124                     ans+=count9(i);
    125                     days++;
    126                     if(m2==9)
    127                         ans++;
    128                 }
    129                 ans=ans+days*count9(y1);
    130                 //printf("%d
    131                 fprintf(out,"%d
    132             }
    133         }
    134         else
    135         {
    136             for(int i=y1+1; i<y2; ++i)
    137                 ans+=num[i];
    138             int days1=0,days2=0;
    139             for(int i=m1+1; i<=12; ++i)
    140             {
    141                 if(i==2&&isleap(y1))
    142                     ans+=3;
    143                 else if(i==2&&!isleap(y1))
    144                     ans+=2;
    145                 else if(i==9)
    146                     ans+=33;
    147                 else
    148                     ans+=3;
    149                 if(!isleap(y1))
    150                     days1+=mon1[i];
    151                 else
    152                     days1+=mon2[i];
    153             }
    154             if(!isleap(y1))
    155             {
    156                 for(int i=d1; i<=mon1[m1]; ++i)
    157                 {
    158                     ans+=count9(i);
    159                     days1++;
    160                     if(m1==9)
    161                         ans++;
    162                 }
    163             }
    164             else
    165             {
    166                 for(int i=d1; i<=mon2[m1]; ++i)
    167                 {
    168                     ans+=count9(i);
    169                     days1++;
    170                     if(m1==9)
    171                         ans++;
    172                 }
    173             }
    174             ans=ans+days1*count9(y1);
    176             for(int i=1; i<m2; ++i)
    177             {
    178                 if(i==2&&isleap(y2))
    179                     ans+=3;
    180                 else if(i==2&&!isleap(y2))
    181                     ans+=2;
    182                 else if(i==9)
    183                     ans+=33;
    184                 else
    185                     ans+=3;
    186                 if(!isleap(y2))
    187                     days2+=mon1[i];
    188                 else
    189                     days2+=mon2[i];
    190             }
    191             for(int i=1; i<=d2; ++i)
    192             {
    193                 ans+=count9(i);
    194                 days2++;
    195                 if(m2==9)
    196                     ans++;
    197             }
    198             ans=ans+days2*count9(y2);
    199             //printf("%d
    200             fprintf(out,"%d
    201         }
    202     }
    204     fclose(in);
    205     fclose(out);
    206     return 0;
    207 }


      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 int main()
      5 {
      6     FILE *in=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\in.txt","r");
      7     FILE *out=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\out.txt","w");
      8     long month[13]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
      9     long month_leap[13]={0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
     10     long tmonth[13],tmonth_leap[13];
     11     long t,i,j,k,l,s,g,y1,m1,d1,y2,m2,d2,run1,run2,ans=0;
     12     long ge[10000]={0},line[10000];
     13     tmonth[0]=0;
     14     tmonth_leap[0]=0;
     15     for (i=1;i<12;i++)
     16     {
     17         tmonth[i]=tmonth[i-1]+month[i];
     18         tmonth_leap[i]=tmonth_leap[i-1]+month_leap[i];
     19     }
     20     //2000-01-01 and 9999-12-31
     21     for (i=2;i<=9;i++)
     22         for (j=0;j<=9;j++)
     23             for (k=0;k<=9;k++)
     24                 for (l=0;l<=9;l++)
     25                 {
     26                     s=i*1000+j*100+k*10+l;
     27                     g=((i==9)+(j==9)+(k==9)+(l==9));
     28                     if (s%4==0 && (s%100!=0 || s%400==0))
     29                         ge[s]=366*g+36+30;
     30                     else
     31                         ge[s]=365*g+35+30;
     32                 }
     33     line[1999]=0;
     34     for (i=2000;i<=9999;i++)
     35         line[i]=line[i-1]+ge[i];
     36     //scanf("%ld",&t);
     37     fscanf(in,"%ld",&t);
     38     for (l=1;l<=t;l++)
     39     {
     40         //scanf("%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld",&y1,&m1,&d1,&y2,&m2,&d2);
     41         fscanf(in,"%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld",&y1,&m1,&d1,&y2,&m2,&d2);
     42         ans=line[y2-1]-line[y1-1];
     44         g=(y1%10==9)+(y1/10%10==9)+(y1/100%10==9)+(y1/1000%10==9);
     45         if (y1%4==0 && (y1%100!=0 || y1%400==0))
     46             run1=1;
     47         else
     48             run1=0;
     49         if (run1==1)
     50             ans-=g*tmonth_leap[m1-1];
     51         else
     52             ans-=g*tmonth[m1-1];
     53         ans-=(d1-1)*g;
     55         ans-=(m1-1)*3;
     56         if (d1>=30)
     57             ans-=3;
     58         else if (d1>=20)
     59             ans-=2;
     60         else if (d1>=10)
     61             ans-=1;
     62         if (run1==0 && m1>2)
     63             ans++;
     65         if (m1>9)
     66             ans-=30;
     67         else if (m1==9)
     68             ans-=(d1-1);
     71         g=(y2%10==9)+(y2/10%10==9)+(y2/100%10==9)+(y2/1000%10==9);
     72         if (y2%4==0 && (y2%100!=0 || y2%400==0))
     73             run2=1;
     74         else
     75             run2=0;
     76         if (run2==1)
     77             ans+=g*tmonth_leap[m2-1];
     78         else
     79             ans+=g*tmonth[m2-1];
     80         ans+=d2*g;
     82         ans+=(m2-1)*3;
     83         if (d2>=29)
     84             ans+=3;
     85         else if (d2>=19)
     86             ans+=2;
     87         else if (d2>=9)
     88             ans+=1;
     89         if (run2==0 && m2>2)
     90             ans--;
     92         if (m2>9)
     93             ans+=30;
     94         else if (m2==9)
     95             ans+=d1;
     97         //printf("%ld
     98         fprintf(out,"%ld
     99     }
    101     fclose(in);
    102     fclose(out);
    103     return 0;
    104 }
    105 /*
    106 9999 1 19 9999 12 21
    107 */


     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <stdlib.h>
     3 #include <time.h>
     4 #define num 100
     6 int main()
     7 {
     8     FILE *out=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\in.txt","w");
     9     long month[13]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
    10     long month_leap[13]={0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
    11     long y1,m1,d1,y2,m2,d2,i,t;
    12     srand(time(NULL));
    13     fprintf(out,"%ld
    14     for (i=1;i<=num;i++)
    15     {
    16         y1=2000+rand()%8000;
    17         y2=2000+rand()%8000;
    18         if (y1>y2)
    19         {
    20             t=y1;
    21             y1=y2;
    22             y2=t;
    23         }
    24         m1=rand()%12+1;
    25         m2=rand()%12+1;
    26         if (y1==y2 && m1>m2)
    27         {
    28             t=m1;
    29             m1=m2;
    30             m2=t;
    31         }
    32         if (y1%4==0 && (y1%100!=0 || y1%400==0))
    33             d1=rand()%month_leap[m1]+1;
    34         else
    35             d1=rand()%month[m1]+1;
    36         if (y2%4==0 && (y2%200!=0 || y2%400==0))
    37             d2=rand()%month_leap[m2]+1;
    38         else
    39             d2=rand()%month[m2]+1;
    40         if (y1==y2 && m1==y2 && d1>d2)
    41         {
    42             t=d1;
    43             d1=d2;
    44             d2=t;
    45         }
    46         fprintf(out,"%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld
    47     }
    48     fclose(out);
    49     system("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\test_c\bin\Debug\test_c.exe");
    50     system("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\The_17th_Zhejiang_University_Programming_Contest_Sponsored_by_TuSimple\c_sumbit\bin\Debug\c_sumbit.exe");
    51     system("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\Judge_Correct\bin\Debug\Judge_Correct.exe");
    53     return 0;
    54 }


     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <stdlib.h>
     4 int main()
     5 {
     6     FILE *in1=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\out.txt","r");
     7     FILE *in2=fopen("C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\out_standard.txt","r");
     9     long x,y,ans=0;
    11     while (fscanf(in1,"%ld",&x)!=EOF && fscanf(in2,"%ld",&y)!=EOF)
    12     {
    13         ans++;
    14         if (x!=y)
    15         {
    16             printf("Line %ld !",ans);
    17             printf("Wrong
    18             fclose(in1);
    19             fclose(in2);
    20             return 0;
    21         }
    22     }
    23     if (fscanf(in1,"%ld",&x)!=EOF || fscanf(in2,"%ld",&y)!=EOF)
    24     {
    25         printf("Wrong
    26         fclose(in1);
    27         fclose(in2);
    28         return 0;
    29     }
    30     printf("Correct
    31     fclose(in1);
    32     fclose(in2);
    33     return 0;
    34 }



    Line 5 !






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cmyg/p/6697109.html
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