• Acwing-----算法提高课第二章搜索(一)

    Flood Fill



    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    const int N = 1010, M = N * N;
    typedef pair<int, int> PII;
    #define x first
    #define y second
    int n, m;
    char g[N][N];
    PII q[M];
    bool st[N][N];
    void bfs(int sx, int sy) {
        int hh = 0, tt = 0;
        q[0] = {sx, sy};
        st[sx][sy] = true;
        while (hh <= tt) {
            PII t = q[hh++];
            for (int i = t.x - 1; i <= t.x + 1; ++i) {
                for (int j = t.y - 1; j <= t.y + 1; ++j) {
                    if (i == t.x && j == t.y) continue;
                    if (i < 0 || i >= n || j < 0 || j >= m) continue;
                    if (g[i][j] == '.' || st[i][j]) continue;
                    q[++tt] = {i, j};
                    st[i][j] =  true;
    int main() {
        cin >> n >> m;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin >> g[i];
        int cnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                if (g[i][j] == 'W' && !st[i][j]) {
                    bfs(i, j);
        cout << cnt << endl;
        return 0;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    const int N = 55, M = N * N;
    typedef pair<int, int> PII;
    #define x first 
    #define y second
    int n, m, g[N][N];
    PII q[M];
    bool st[N][N];
    int bfs(int sx, int sy) {
        int dx[4] = {0, -1, 0, 1}, dy[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
        int hh = 0, tt = 0;
        int area = 0;
        q[0] = {sx, sy};
        st[sx][sy] = true;
        while (hh <= tt) {
            PII t = q[hh++];
            for (int i = 0 ; i< 4; ++i) {
                int a = t.x + dx[i], b = t.y + dy[i];
                if (a < 0 || a >= n || b < 0 || b >= m) continue;
                if (st[a][b]) continue;
                if (g[t.x][t.y] >> i & 1) continue;
                q[++tt] = {a, b};
                st[a][b] = true;
        return area;
    int main() {
        cin >> n >> m;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                cin >> g[i][j];
        int cnt = 0, area = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                if (!st[i][j]) {
                    area = max(area, bfs(i, j));
                    cnt ++;
        cout << cnt << endl;
        cout << area << endl;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    const int  N = 1010, M = N * N;
    typedef pair<int, int> PII;
    #define x first
    #define y second
    int n, h[N][N];
    PII q[M];
    bool st[N][N];
    void bfs(int sx, int sy, bool& has_higher, bool& has_lower) {
        int hh = 0, tt = 0;
        q[0] = {sx, sy};
        st[sx][sy] = true;
        while (hh <= tt) {
            PII t = q[hh++];
            for (int i = t.x - 1; i <= t.x + 1; ++i) {
                for (int j = t.y - 1; j <= t.y + 1; ++j) {
                    if (i == t.x && j == t.y) continue;
                    if (i < 0 || i >= n || j < 0 || j >= n) continue;
                    if (h[i][j] != h[t.x][t.y]) {
                        if (h[i][j] > h[t.x][t.y]) has_higher = true;
                        else has_lower = true;
                    } else if (!st[i][j]) {
                        q[++tt] = {i, j};
                        st[i][j] = true;
    int main() {
        cin >> n;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                cin >> h[i][j];
        int peak = 0, valley = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                if (!st[i][j]) {
                    bool has_higher = false, has_lower = false;
                    bfs(i, j, has_higher, has_lower);
                    if (!has_higher) peak++;
                    if (!has_lower) valley++;
        cout << peak << " " << valley << endl;
        return 0;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    typedef pair<int, int> PII;
    #define x first
    #define y second
    const int N = 1010, M = N * N;
    int n, g[N][N];
    PII q[M], pre[N][N];
    void bfs(int sx, int sy) {
        int dx[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0,}, dy[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
        int hh = 0, tt = 0;
        q[0] = {sx, sy};
        memset(pre, -1, sizeof pre);
        pre[sx][sy] = {0, 0};
        while (hh <= tt) {
            PII t = q[hh++];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                int a = t.x + dx[i], b = t.y + dy[i];
                if (a < 0 || a >= n || b < 0 || b >= n) continue;
                if (g[a][b]) continue;
                if (pre[a][b].x != -1) continue;
                q[++tt] = {a, b};
                pre[a][b] = t;
    int main() {
        cin >> n;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) 
                cin >> g[i][j];
        bfs(n - 1,n - 1);
        PII end(0, 0);
        while (true) {
            cout << end.x << " " << end.y << endl;
            if (end.x == n - 1 && end.y == n - 1) break;
            end = pre[end.x][end.y];
        return 0;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    #define x first
    #define y second
    typedef pair<int, int> PII;
    const int N = 155, M = N * N;
    int n, m, dist[N][N];
    char g[N][N];
    PII q[M];
    int bfs() {
        int dx[8] = {-2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2};
        int dy[8] = {1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1};
        int sx, sy;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                if (g[i][j] == 'K') {
                    sx = i, sy = j;
        int hh = 0, tt = 0;
        q[0] = {sx, sy};
        memset(dist, -1, sizeof dist);
        dist[sx][sy] = 0;
        while (hh <= tt) {
            PII t = q[hh++];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
                int a = t.x + dx[i], b = t.y + dy[i];
                if (a < 0 || a >= n || b < 0 || b >= m) continue;
                if (g[a][b] == '*') continue;
                if (dist[a][b] != -1) continue;
                if (g[a][b] == 'H') return dist[t.x][t.y] + 1;
                dist[a][b] = dist[t.x][t.y] + 1;
                q[++tt] = {a, b};
        return -1;
    int main() {
        cin >> m >> n;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                cin >> g[i];   
        cout << bfs() << endl;
        return 0;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    const int N = 200010;
    int n, k;
    int q[N];
    int dist[N];
    int bfs() {
        memset(dist, -1, sizeof dist);
        dist[n] = 0;
        q[0] = n;
        int hh = 0, tt = 0;
        while (hh <= tt) {
            int t = q[hh++];
            if (t == k) return dist[k];
            if (t + 1 < N && dist[t + 1] == -1) {
                dist[t + 1] = dist[t] + 1;
                q[++tt] = t + 1;
            if (t - 1 >= 0 && dist[t - 1] == -1) {
                dist[t - 1] = dist[t] + 1;
                q[++tt] = t - 1;
            if (t * 2 < N && dist[t * 2] == -1) {
                dist[t * 2] = dist[t] + 1;
                q[++tt] = t * 2;
        return -1;
    int main() {
        cin >> n >> k;
        cout << bfs() << endl;
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/clown9804/p/13714416.html
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