• webots自学笔记(九)弹簧与阻尼添加

            原创文章,来自博客园,_阿龙clliu http://www.cnblogs.com/clliu/,转载请注明原文章出处。         



       Springs and Dampers

          The springConstant field specifies the value of the spring constant (or spring stiffness), usually denoted as K. The springConstant must be positive or zero. If the springConstant is zero (the default), no spring torque/force will be applied to the servo. If the springConstant is greater than zero, then a spring force will be computed and applied to the servo in addition to the other forces (i.e., motor force, damping force). The spring force is calculated according to Hooke's law: F = -Kx, where K is the springConstant and x is the current servo position as represented by the position field. Therefore, the spring force is computed so as to be proportional to the current servo position, and to move the servo back to its initial position. When designing a robot model that uses springs, it is important to remember that the spring's resting position for each servo will correspond to the initial position of the servo.

          The dampingConstant field specifies the value of the servo damping constant. The value of dampingConstant must be positive or zero. If dampingConstant is zero (the default), no damping torque/force will be added to the servo. If dampingConstant is greater than zero, a damping torque/force will be applied to the servo in addition to the other forces (i.e., motor force, spring force). This damping torque/force is proportional to the effective servo velocity: F = -Bv, where B is the damping constant, and v = dx/dt is the effective servo velocity computed by the physics simulator.





           这个设置起来也不是很复杂,需要设置充当弹簧的那个电机设置type为线性(linear),伺服轴要做对,GIF中的黑色线。设置maxfirce = 0,springConstant > 0 就可以,这个springConstant 就是弹簧的劲度系数k。




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/clliu/p/7182242.html
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