[1457] Sona
- 时间限制: 5000 ms 内存限制: 65535 K
- 问题描述
Sona, Maven of the Strings. Of cause, she can play the zither.
Sona can't speak but she can make fancy music. Her music can attack, heal, encourage and enchant.
There're an ancient score(乐谱). But because it's too long, Sona can't play it in a short moment. So Sona decide to just play a part of it and revise it.
A score is composed of notes. There are 109 kinds of notes and a score has105 notes at most.
To diversify Sona's own score, she have to select several parts of it. The energy of each part is calculated like that:
Count the number of times that each notes appear. Sum each of the number of times' cube together. And the sum is the energy.
You should help Sona to calculate out the energy of each part.
- 输入
This problem contains several cases. And this problem provides 2 seconds to run.
The first line of each case is an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5), indicates the number of notes.
Then N numbers followed. Each number is a kind of note. (1 ≤ NOTE ≤ 10^9)
Next line is an integer Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 10^5), indicates the number of parts.
Next Q parts followed. Each part contains 2 integers Li and Ri, indicates the left side of the part and the right side of the part. - 输出
For each part, you should output the energy of that part.
- 样例输入
8 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 4 1 8 3 8 5 6 5 5
- 样例输出
128 72 2 1
- 提示
- 来源
莫队算法本质是在暴力上进行了改良,离线保存所有的查询,然后以一定的顺序进行排序,然后通过区间的变化来得到答案,减少了区间移动幅度过大带来的时间复杂度。至于用什么排序,一般采用的排序方法就是把长度为N的区间分为block=sqrt(n)份,然后把所有区间[L,R]以 L/block 为第一基准,以R为第二基准进行二级排序。然后要注意区间是先扩大还是先缩小,不同的题目处理不同。
这道题的话,是要计算一个区间内每种数出现次数的立方和,那么转移的话,假设一个区间是[L,R],如果向左转移,用ans保存区间的答案,cnt[i]记录第 i 种数出现的次数,那么假设向左转移新加进区间的数字是a,由于a新加进区间,cnt[a]++,ans=ans-(cnt[a]-1)^3+(cnt[a])^3。数字移除区间反之。
#pragma comprint(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #include<cstdio> #include<string> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<stack> #include<queue> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> #include<algorithm> #define LL __int64 #define FIN freopen("in.txt","r",stdin) using namespace std; const int MAXN=100000+5; int block; struct node { int l,r,id; int b; void init() { b=l/block; } bool operator<(const node A)const { if(b==A.b) return r<A.r; return b<A.b; } }po[MAXN]; int n,Q; int a[MAXN],b[MAXN]; LL cnt[MAXN],ans[MAXN],lastans; LL calc(LL x) { return x*x*x; } void update(int pos,int x) { lastans-=calc(cnt[a[pos]]); lastans+=calc(cnt[a[pos]]+=x); } int main() { //FIN; while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) { memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); b[i]=a[i]; } sort(b+1,b+n+1); int sz=unique(b+1,b+n+1)-b; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { a[i]=lower_bound(b+1,b+sz+1,a[i])-b; } //离散化 scanf("%d",&Q); block=sqrt(n+0.5); //分块 for(int i=0;i<Q;i++) { int x,y; scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); po[i].l=x; po[i].r=y; po[i].id=i; po[i].init(); } sort(po,po+Q); int lastl=2,lastr=1; lastans=0; memset(cnt,0,sizeof(cnt)); for(int i=0;i<Q;i++) { while(lastl>po[i].l) update(--lastl,1); //更行区间,本题要先扩大区间,不然会出现负值,虽然不一定会错,但是先扩大区间显然更优 while(lastr<po[i].r) update(++lastr,1); while(lastl<po[i].l) update(lastl++,-1); while(lastr>po[i].r) update(lastr--,-1); ans[po[i].id]=lastans; } for (int i=0;i<Q;i++) printf("%I64d ",ans[i]); } return 0; }