• 微软发布的淘宝?Windows Live Expo中文版Beta发布,现有若干邀请,需要请留邮箱 无为而为

    近日打开邮箱发现一个Windows Live Expo中文版Beta的邀请函:


    我们诚邀您试用Windows Live Expo 中国Beta测试版(http://cn.expo.live.com)! “Beta”就是还没有最终完成的意思,这个阶段主要进行测试,为产品向公众发布作准备。

    立刻点击下面的“立即加入”链接,赶快加入我们(当然,你必须首先有一个.Net Passport账户)。如果您想更详细的了解Expo,请仔细阅读以下信息。


    Expo是Microsoft为满足日益发展的社交网络市场需求而推出的一款全新产品。通过将社交网络整合到分类广告的概念中,Windows Live Expo将传统的分类广告服务提升到一个新的水平。



    • 与信任的人建立联系、实现交换——你可以选择熟悉的人,例如和Messenger上的朋友以及你的同事交易物品
    • 您可以定位查找附近或者某个特定范围内的信息
    • 便捷、及时、免费的交易

    通过整合Microsoft的Messenger, Spaces等各项产品,Expo让用户使用更加方便,也提供更多的广告发布机会。


    目前,Expo 中国仅仅是测试版本,这意味着只有收到邀请的人才能成为我们的用户。而您正是我们诚挚邀请的对象。您对Expo 中国测试版的使用将会帮助我们改进和完善Expo。



    您只要点击Expo 中国站点页脚上的“反馈”链接,就可以看到我们的反馈表。





    Windows Live Expo项目组

    Dear customer,

    Thank you for showing interest in Windows Live Expo. You are now invited to the Expo China Beta (http://cn.expo.live.com)! 'Beta' is just our geek speak for 'not quite finished yet' and this stage is all about testing and getting ready for a full public release.

    To start right away, click the Join Now link below. (A .Net Passport account is required). For more information, please read on.


    Join Now

    What is Expo
    This new product is a unique offering from Microsoft to answer the need of the social networking marketplaces phenomenon. We are taking the traditional classifieds service to the next level with our new 'ultimate social marketplace' Windows Live Expo.

    Expo is not just about selling stuff, it's so much more. Expo is a dynamic social listing service that allows members to find and sell items, discover information, and meet other parties in their area - all for free!

    Expo enhances your ability to: 

    • Connect with those you trust - your messenger buddies and your coworkers
    • Locate items in your neighbourhood or across the country
    • List easily, instantly, and most importantly for free!

    Expo integrates with Windows Live Messenger, Spaces to make it easy for you to list and find more opportunities to advertise.

      We have already released Windows Live Expo in the US. The Expo team now needs your help in using and testing the service in China. Expo needs both listings and feedback from you, our beta testers, before we go out to the public.

      For the time being, Expo for China is only a beta, which means its membership by invitations only. As one of the lucky ones, you are invited to join the beta now. We ask that you do the following to help us improve and promote Expo.

      What to do

      1. Use, use, use
      We need your help to start building up the database of listings. So you need to post listings on the site. Preferably they are for real. But if you don't have a lot to sell or buy, there is a category in the section.  If you are just testing, please post your listing in there. You also need to try searching and checking out other people's listings.

      2. Submit feedback
      By using it, you surely will find bugs, issues or come up with suggestions. That's what the beta release is all about. Send us feedback about your experience, your thoughts, and bugs via the Feedback form. You can get to this form by clicking the Feedback link on the footer of Expo site.

      3. Be Expo's ambassador
      We ask not only you but also your friends and family to use Expo. You have been given a quota that enables you to invite them to the beta. Just click the "Invite Friends" link in the left navigation bar on Expo. Please help us spread the word by inviting as many people to Expo as you can. Once you use up your quota, you can request for more. We have given you 10 invitations to send. Once you run out of them, please don't hesitate to ask us for more by clicking "Request for more" at http://ideas.live.com (after signin).

      Now let's get started. Got DVD's to sell, your car, furniture even unwanted concert tickets? Maybe you've got kittens to give away to friends or work colleagues, maybe you've got a bicycle you want to post, maybe you need a new drummer for the band. Well Expo is waiting for you. Just click on the Join Now button above and post your first listing!

      Thanks for trying this new service and helping the Expo team to improve it!
      Windows Live Expo Team



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    • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cleo/p/WindowsLiveExpoBeta.html
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