• MSF for CMMI Process Improvement项目体验: Work Items : Requirement (更新版) 无为而为



    l         Customer RequirementScenario, quality of service

    l         Product RequirementSafety, security, functional, operational, and interface



    总体感觉采集客户需求的时候,文字格式化的工作不是非常严,比RUP的模版要简单得多,但是微软提出Storyboard Scenarios,这是图形化的需求表示,Storyboard Scenarios包含Generate ScreenshotsCreate Screen Flow Diagram。我使用的微软一些软件来看,微软自己应该也是按照这样的流程来做的,因为我在一些软件没有正式发布出来时候,看到很多Screenshots,那些Screenshots是使用VISIO之类的软件制作出来的。而且制作Screenshots好处也是显而易见的,用户可以有感性的认识,对需求采集很有帮助。Screen Flow Diagram是对流程的认识,有了这几步骤,用户的可视化的需求基本完整了,那些非可视的需求可以在quality of service重点说明。





    l         Product ManagerCapture Product Vision



    l         Business AnalystCreate a Scenario

    l         Solution ArchitectCreate a Quality of Service

    l         Project ManagerPlan Project

    l         Solution ArchitectCreate Solution Architecture

    l         Business AnalystCreate Product Requirements

    l         Project ManagerPlan an Iteration



    l         Solution ArchitectAnalysis

    l         DeveloperImplement a Development Task

    l         DeveloperFix a Bug

    l         TesterTest a Customer Requirement

    l         TesterVerify a Product Requirement




    CMMI包含若干PAProcess Area),每个PA包含若干Goal,每个Goal包含若干Practices,微软通过Work streams and Activities来实现这些Practices。具体清单:


    CMMI 涉及到需求的PA2个:

    1.         Requirements DevelopmentCMMI Process Area

    1)        Develop Customer Requirements(CMMI Goal)

    u       Elicit Needs(CMMI Practices)

    l         User Experience ArchitectDevelop Lifestyle SnapshotWork streams and Activities

    l         Business AnalystBrainstorm Scenarios

    l         Business AnalystBrainstorm Quality of Service Requirements

    l         TesterConduct Exploratory Testing

    u       Develop the Customer Requirements

    l         Business AnalystBrainstorm Scenarios

    l         Business AnalystBrainstorm Quality of Service Requirements

    2)        Develop Product Requirements

    u       Establish Product and Product-Component Requirements 

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Functional Requirements

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Security Requirements

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Safety Requirements

    u       Allocate Product-Component Requirements 

    l         Solution ArchitectAllocate Product Component Requirements

    u       Identify Interface Requirements

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Interface Requirements

    3)        Analyze and Validate Requirements

    u       Establish Operational Concepts and Scenarios

    l         User Experience ArchitectDevelop Lifestyle Snapshot

    l         Business AnalystWrite Quality of Service Requirements

    l         Business AnalystWrite Scenarios

    l         User Experience ArchitectStoryboard Scenarios

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Operational Requirements

    u       Establish a Definition of Required Functionality 

    l         Solution ArchitectDevelop a Domain Model

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Functional Requirements 

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Interface Requirements 

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Security Requirements 

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Safety Requirements 

    l         Solution ArchitectDefine Operational Requirements  

    u       Analyze Requirements 

    l         User Experience ArchitectDevelop a User Interface Flow Model

    l         Solution ArchitectDevelop a Domain Model

    u       Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance 

    l         Business AnalystPrioritize Quality of Service Requirements

    l         Business AnalystPrioritize Scenarios

    l         User Experience ArchitectDevelop a User Interface Flow Model

    l         Solution ArchitectDevelop a Domain Model

    l         Project ManagerSelect Iteration Backlog

    u       Validate Requirements With Comprehensive Methods

    l         Solution ArchitectValidate Quality of Service Requirements

    l         User Experience ArchitectValidate Scenarios

    l         Subject Matter ExpertValidate Requirements

    2.         Requirements Management

    n         Manage Requirements

    u       Obtain an Understanding of Requirements 

    l         Business AnalystBrainstorm Scenarios

    l         Business AnalystBrainstorm Quality of Service Requirements

    u       Obtain Commitment to Requirements 

    l         Project ManagerObtain Iteration Commitments

    l         Project ManagerObtain Project Commitments

    u       Manage Requirements Changes 

    l         Business AnalystAnalyze Change Request

    l         Release ManagerTrack Change Requests

    u       Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements 

    u       Identify Inconsistencies Between Project Work and Requirements

    l         AuditorIdentify Inconsistencies

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cleo/p/MSF_CMMI_Requirement.html
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