• Pascal Hexagrammum Mysticum 的深度探索





    Hexagrammum Mysticum






    keyword:hexagon(六角形、六边形),  6点15边,  45对边交点(opposite edge meet),
    Hexagrammum  Mysticum(六角迷魂图),  射影几何,   Pascal定理, Pascal线, 
      Steiner点,   Plucker线,   Kirkman点,   Cailey线,  Salmon点。Brianchon点。
    disjoint hexagon(不交六角形),  Desargues定理,Desargues构型,  dual(对偶),
    Peterson图, S5,S6,S7置换对称, reciprocity(互反性), projective cube(投影立方)

       本文依据John, Adam, Steve三人所写网页[1]改编得到。John指John Conway, 一个已经出名的几何学家。

    Adam 指Adam Marcus, 他也将会出名, Steve是一个自己据称永远不会出名的家伙。本文是他们三人对Pascal




       六角迷魂图原文为 Hexagrammum Mysticum。这是Pascal自己起的一个专业术语。中文尚找不到译名。我暂且把它译为六角迷魂图。亦有将它和Pascal定理等同的。如[2],但我见过的全部射影几何书中都有 Pascal定理,而没有看到有本文所包括的Hexagrammum  Mysticum的丰富内容.

    Note:most pictures in this document were generated in Mathematica and finished in Illustrator. The Mysticum and Salmon cube pictures were generated in Geometer's Sketchpad and finished in Illustrator. Some of these pictures are excerpted from pictures in the forth comingThe Triangle Book by J.H. Conway and S . Sigur.


    Mysticum(迷魂图,即图15)Salmon立方体(图28,29)两个插图则由几何画板(Geometer's Sketchpad)制作,经Illustrator加工完毕。书中有关迷魂图和Salmon立方的图片取自J.H. Conway和S. Sigur即将出版的新著The Triangle Book

    为帮助理解,译者也会随处加入一些原理性凝视,如edge meet 的确切意思,Steiner点Kirkman点怎样产生等,并添加了不少幅图(见图1b, 2, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5, 6a, 6b, 7, 8b, 12a, 12b, 15b, 15c, 15d, 15e, 15f, 15g, 15h,16, 17, 26b, 26c, 26d。26e)。译者提供的插图大都加在原文插图之后,hexagon的6个顶点都均匀分布与圆锥曲线(圆.椭圆,双曲线)上。当中包括子图较多且显得十分对称美观,目的是使读者获得很多其它的感性认识,而原文的插图大都为单个特殊样例,所用hexagon顶点都均匀分布与圆锥曲线上。复杂点的图看起来就像一团乱麻,自然,均匀分布顶点的hexagon有时也会遇到不理想的问题,这在遇到问题时将会进行说明。又插图与小节的编号亦为译者所加。原文插图均无编号。而小节标题但不加编号。

    This is an expanded version of the original web pages. It includes new material on the S5, S6 and S7 symmetries of the Hexagrammum Mysticum. This material is more difficult but is well worth the effort to understand. It makes the properties of the whole figure easy to understand,probably for the first time. If permutation symmetries are not to your taste, then you can skip these and focus on the famous points and lines.

    本文是早期原始网页的一个扩充版本号。 它包括有关Hexagrammum Mysticum的S5、S6和S7对称的新材料。 这些材料阅读起来相当困难,但全然值得我们发奋一下去弄懂。 它使整个图的性质变成易于理解,特别对于第一次接触到这类材料的读者。假设您对这类置换对称没有口味。可跳过它们而专门考察那些著名的点和线。

    1.Hexagon and Pascal Line (六角形与Pascal线

    A long time ago and when he was very young Pascal showed that, if six points are chosen on a conic, the three pairs of opposite edges meet in collinear points. This line has been called the Pascal line ever since.




    图1. 以上是内接在 椭圆内的1个hexagon(六角形),圆点内数字从1開始按逆时针连接次序为123456,但它们能够随意排列,见下说明。

    图1b  以上是一个内接于双曲线(黑色)上六点123456的六角形(绿色粗线。从1開始顺时针读出六点), 2根相交的细绿线为其渐近线

    以上两个六角形指示的数字都是123456。但排列的时针方向不同。而下图共同拥有60个顺时针不同排列的 hexagon(六角形),第1个也是123456,是各边不交的六角形(叫简单六角形,其余排列的六角形边与边之间都有相交(叫简单六角形),在我们以下将要考察的全部结论实际就是适用这样的能够有边边相交的随意六角形。虽然原作者没有指明这一点,并且都以简单六角形作为说明用的图

    图2 上图画出了内接在同一圆锥曲线(椭圆)上6点的不同Hexagon(六角形),图下数字为六角形的编号与标志(index),后者是123456六个数字的一个置换,一共60个

    图3a  内接于椭圆的六角形123456的Pascal线(红线)

    Opposite edges are extended, meeting in three points on one Pascal line. In the picture one of the edge meets is off the page.

    图3a显示前面图1中的不规则六角形123456 的三组对边延长后的3个交点均落在一红色Pascal线上(译注这就证实了Pascal定理)。但当中对边1-2与4-5差点儿平行,故它们的交点在非常远非常远的地方,已超出屏幕范围之外,在屏幕上已看不到,看到的仅仅有2个交点在此红线上。在以下的图3b中则三点全能看到,在图3d中。我们看到很多Pascal线通过三个对边交点(edge meet),但也有 三点中仅仅能看到2点,或 三点都不能看到,不看到的点都是无穷远点,假设3点都是在无穷。则Pascal线就是一无穷远直线

    But the hexagon vertices can be connected in a different order, producing a different hexagon. Each hexagon can be considered a permutation of its six vertices, which gives the order vertices are connected.Each Pascal line can be indexed by this permutation. The group structure of these permutations give relations among corresponding Pascal lines.

    但六角形的顶点(vertices)能够按不同的顺序连接。生成不同的六角形,如图2所看到的。每一个六角形能够看成它的六个顶点的一种不同排列 或置换permutation)。由它确定顶点的连接次序,因而也确定了Pascal线。


    图3b  以上是内接双曲线的六角形123564(粗绿线) 的Pascal线(红线, 仅仅画交点间部分),对边12-45交点是L, 23-56交点M, 34-65交点N,它们在一直线上。


    图3c 内接于椭圆的30个Hexagon的Pascal 线(60个中的前30个),红线上若仅仅有2点,则第三点在无穷远。若不见红线则三交点均在无穷远。


    图3d 内接于椭圆的30个Hexagon的Pascal 线(60个中的后30个)。


    图4 顶点位置同样但排列不同的6个六角形的pascal直线 

    This picture shows hexagons made from permutations of the same six points. Note that in the third and fourth images different permutations give the same Pascal line.The red number tells the order in which the points are connected.

    本图4显示由相同六个点的不同排列的6个六角形。 图形下边红色数字指出了这样的点的不同连接次序。注意在第3和第4个图由不同置换产生了同一条Pascal线,这是由于这两个数字实际代表了以下将要说明的等价置换

    2.Equivalent permutations (等价置换)

    Early on it was noticed that there are many hexagons that can be created from the same points. Most but not all have a different Pascal line. In fact here are 12 equivalent permutations for each hexagon, six because cyclic permutations give the same hexagon doubled by the fact that forwards and backwards permutations give the same hexagon. Hence there are 6!/12 = 60 different hexagons and 60 different Pascal lines.


    所以。每一个六角形都有12种等价的置换。因此。尽管123456六个点,从123456到654321,一共同拥有6!=720 种不同的排列,即形成 6!=720 种不同的置换,但一共仅仅有6! /12 = 60种不等价的置换。产生60个不同六角形和60条不同Pascal线。图2画的就是60个不等价置换所相应的六角形3c、3d则是60个不等价置换六角形的pascal线。


    3.The Pascal structure  (Pascal结构)

    The six points are joined by lines,called edges (there are 6 choose 2 = 15 of these),which meet at edge meets(45 of these). The edge meets form, 3 at a time, 60 Pascal lines.The Pascal lines form, 3 at a time, 20 Steiner points, which, 4 at a time, lie on 15 Plucker lines.

    用直线将6个顶点两两连接起来,都叫。6中取2共15条边。与其对边相交,15边共在45个地方形成对边交点(opposite edge meet)。

     当中每点通过4条Pascal线译注:这可由图3c、3d验证,每条Pascal线通过3点。一共60条Pascal线(译注:这可由图6b验证),而每3条Pascal线形成1Stener,共20个Steiner点,而每一个Steiner点通过3Plucker线。每条Plucker有4 Steiner点,一共同拥有15条Plucker线。这些点和线的概念和相互关系、生成方法以下将会具体讨论,以下先来弄清顶点、边和对边,以及为什么60个六角形共45个对边交点? 先看6点有多少边。


    a:六边形有6个顶点           b:每一点可与其它5点相连           c:故一共同拥有6*5 / 2 = 15边

    图5a  六个顶点连接成6*5 / 2 = 15边

    (也可这样统计:1向23456连共5红线,2向3456连共4蓝线。3向456连共3绿线,4向56连共2淡绿线。5仅向6连仅1黑线,所以总共同拥有5+4+3+2+1=15条,如上c 图所看到的)

     图5b  6个顶点连接成6*5 / 2 = 15边

    连接6个顶点中相邻2顶点的线有6条,而连接随意2个顶点的线有C(6, 2)= 15条(图4),这些线都叫(edge)。这15条边的名称为: 

    1-2 1-3  1-4  1-5  1-6 2-3  2-4  2-5  2-6 3-4  3-5  3-6 4-5  4-6  5-6

    表1.  6个顶点形成15条边 

    我们也可从边的数目反过来判断顶点数目:15条边每条边都有2个端点。故15条边一共应有15*2 = 30个端点。但组成全然六边形时,每5个端点重合在一个顶点上(图5a之c),故总共是15*2 / 5 =6个顶点。

    以下我们进一步来考察这15条边有多少个对边交点(oppsite edge meet)?(非常遗憾原文有很多地方没有突出‘对边’的意思edge meet前面不加形容词'oposite',这easy被误解)。 15条边随意取2条能够求1交点,总共可求C(15, 2)=105个交点。

    但这并不意味这105个交点都是对边交点。由于,当中有的是邻边的交点,如1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6五条边都是与点1相连的边,故这五条边(在不同hehaxgon中)永远都互为邻边,它们的交点不是对边交点,而是邻边交点。或六角形的一个顶点1。

    共同拥有C(5, 2)=10个交点都是六角形的顶点1。类似地,点2,3,4,5,6也各自是10对邻边的交点,故共同拥有6X10=60条边的交点是邻边交点,而不相邻位置的边都有可能是对边,它们这时的交点才是对边交点。所以有且仅仅有105-60=45个交点才干成为对边交点。如12与45是图1六角形的对边。也是图2第1, 3, 22, 24, 25, 27个六角形的对边。而12与34在图2的60个六角形中是第13,15,19,21个六角形的一双对边。

    数字45也能够这样得到:15 x6 /2=45、这里乘6表示在讨论迷魂图时15条边在6个不同顶点下都用,除2表示2根边形成一个交点。


    ................        .............................

    12 34 5 6 12 35 4 6 12 36 4 5 12 45 3 6 12 46 3 5 12 56 3 4

    13 24 5 6 13 25 4 6 13 26 4 5 13 45 2 6 13 46 2 5 13 56 2 4

    14 23 5 6 14 25 3 6 14 26 3 5 14 32 5 6 14 35 2 6 14 56 2 3

    15 23 4 6 15 24 3 6 15 26 3 4 15 34 2 6 15 36 2 4 15 46 2 3

    16 23 4 5 16 24 3 5 16 25 3 4 16 34 2 5 16 35 2 4 16 45 2 3

    23 45 1 6 23 46 1 5 23 56 1 4 2435 1 6  24 36 1 5 24 56 1 3

    25 34 1 6 25 36 1 4 25 46 1 3 26 34 1 5 26 35 1 4 26 45 1 3

    34 56 1 2 35 46 1 2 36 45 1 2

     表2. 由15条边(edge)形成的45个对边交点(edge meet)。这里,数字代表点,





    图6a.  园上6点123456(小方形内的数字)可相互连成15条边。31个红点为15条边形成的45个对边交点的部分。红点以下的数字为编号,1号在左边,最大为43。不见的点可能在无穷,也可能是重合点。它们是在不同六角形中形成。方框内数字154326代表了图2中的第60个六角形(hexagon),这是最后画出来的六角形,它覆盖了全部先画的六角形。



    1-2 5-3 4 6。1-2 5-4 3 6,1-2 6-3 4 5,1-2 6-4 3 5

    它们分别为图2中第13,15,19,21个六角形。 而圆心是重合点(3-重点),每点由4线通过,所以有12条线通过。这在图8a中看不清,但在图3c与图3d中能够一一数出来。

    图6b.  同上。把60个6角形的Pascal线叠加在一起的迷魂图,这里没有画出不论什么点,但统计了交点,无穷也算,反复也算。共60x3=180点。由此图能够看出每点通过4线,并数出一共同拥有54条pascal线(为了方便,可仅仅统计端点在上面的一半的27条:最高3点由7线通过,次高3点由10线通过,第3高4点由14线通过但当中2线通过中间点已由前面算过,左右2端2线将由下方统计,所以也仅仅10点。上半三层一共加起来为27点),还有6条在无穷远,每条线通过3点,假设仅仅见2点,则第3点在无穷远。

    4.Reciprocal structure of Pascal structure(Pascal结构的互反结构)

    There is also a reciprocal structure built from points,called Kirkman points, which is maximally related to the Pascal configurations.

    和Pascal线相反,我们也能够从点開始建立一种互反结构(reciprocal structure)。叫Kirkman点,它与Pascal构形有非常大的相关性。

    There is a dual structure built by dualizing the Pascal lines in the conic. These points are called Brianchon points and this configuration is as elaborate as the Pascal one but only incident with a small part of it.

    在圆锥曲线上也可建立Pascal线的对偶化结构(dualizing structure),叫Brianchon点。这样的构形和Pascal构形一样精心制作,但与它有关联的不多。

    This web-page is devoted to all of these.


     5. Brianchon and duality(Brianchon与对偶

    A Brianchon point is the dual in the conic of a Pascal line. Pascal lines,from an inscribed hexagon, with their incident points are mirrored by an equivalent Structure of Brianchon points, from a circumscribed hexagon, and their incident lines. With a small exception the Brianchon and Pascal configurations are independent. The whole of the Pascal structure was named by Pascal the Hexagrammum MysticumJohn Conway has named its dual as the the Hexagrammum Reciprocum. The following picture shows the relation of the two. Note that the two structures are independent of each other with the sole exception that each Steiner point is on the dual in the conic of another Steiner point.This picture gives too much information at first read, but should be consulted frequently.


    Brianchon构形和Pascal构形是相互独立的。整个Pascal结构被Pascal自己命名为Hexagrammum Mysticum六角迷魂图)。John Conway则把它的对偶命名为Hexagrammum Reciprocum六角互反图)。

    下图显示二者的联系。 注意,这二个结构是相互独立的,仅有一个例外,即每一个Steiner点在其对偶中也是在圆锥曲线中的还有一Steiner点(但图中为线,到底是什么,待研究这张图对初次阅读来说,提供的信息是太多了。我觉得不应该要求大家一次就看懂。但应常到此处来咨询。

    图8a 与Pascal定理相关的点和线的关系。【译注】本文实际将讨论的主要是此图右下部分6个元素的关系:包含
    Pascal-Kirkman, Steiner-Cayley, Pascal-Steiner, Steiner-Plucker,Kirkman-Cayley, Cayley-Salmon


    图8b 极性互反的对偶关系(但左半边的5种红字点线为译者所加,它们似可用对偶原理产生)

    Figure: Incidence relations in the Mysticum and Reciprocum. Each vertical or horizontal line indicates that the indicated point and line are incident.Capital P and L designate Points and Lines. The red and blue numbers tell how many of each object there are.The black numbers tell how many of one are incident with the other.For example there are 4 Pascal lines going through each edge-meet and that there are edge-meets on each Pascal line.  This picture was assembled by John Conway from the information in the appendix of Salmon's Conics.




    红数字和蓝数字指示了那里有多少对象。 黑数字代表与它关联的对象的数目。

    比如每一个对边交点有4条Pascal线通过它,且在每条Pascal线上有5个对边交点。这一图由John Conway从Salmon的Conics一书的附录中收集得到。【译注】最左列的三个P与L左右边都没有注明蓝数字,似乎说明至今业界尚未有人去探索过。

    6Disjoint hexagons,Kirkman points, reciprocal structure, and Desargues configurations:


    Hexagons are disjoint if they share no side in common. Three hexagons are disjoint to a given hexagon. For example 135264, 351426, and 136425 are disjoint to 123456.The Pascal lines determined by disjoint hexagons concur at a Kirkman point. Hence each Kirkman point can be indexed by the given hexagon.



    比如123456的三个不交的六角形为135264, 351426和136425。见图2。 被一六角形确定的三个不交六角形的Pascal线交于一共公点,叫Kirkman


    【注】1. 一个六角形用去6边。还有9边,不交的三个三角形就是用这9边组成。这在图2中非常easy发现。


    Kirkman points thus correspond 1-1 to Pascal lines. Just as 3 Pascal lines determine a Kirkman point, so 3 Kirkman points lie on a Pascal line.The three Kirkmen points on a Pascal line are the ones whose permutations are disjoint to that of the Pascal line. This is an example of what Hesse called "a certain reciprocity."




    Figure:The Pascal lines from 3 hexagons disjoint to 123456 concur at Kirkman point123456.

    图9  与123456不交的3个六角形的Pascal线共同交于Kirkman点123456。

    The disjointness relation forms a closed group of 10 permutations that give a Desargues configuration of 10 Pascal lines and 10 Kirkman point, 3 points per line and 3 lines per point.


    Figure:10 Pascal lines and 10 Kirkman points form a Desargues configuration of a particular color, red in this case.

    图10  10条Pascal线和10个Kirkman点形成一种特殊颜色的Desargues构型,这里全用了红色,而以下图12a由译者给出的那个Desargues构型的10个点和10条线本身又可用10种不同颜色来表示。

    Veronese discovered that the Pascal lines divide into 6 groups of 10 lines, each forming a Desargues configuration with their 10 corresponding Kirkman points. We give each of the 6 Desargues configurations a color. John Conway has discovered that this color symmetry is the secret to understanding the Hexagrammum Mysticum, the full figure of 60 Pascal lines, 60 Kirkman points, 20 Steiner points, 20 Cayley lines, 15 Plucker lines, and 15 Salmon points.


    John Conway发现,这样的颜色的对称性是弄清六角迷魂图、60条Pascal线、60 Kirkman点、20个 Steiner点、20条Cayley线、15条Plucker线。和15 个Salmon点全景图的秘密。

    7. Indexing a Desargues configuration, Disjointness, and S5.


    Each of the 10 points of a Desargues configuration can be indexed by Pij( = Pji) where i and j are distinct digits from 1 to 5. Any permutation of these digits yields a symmetry of the configuration, so these permutations form S5. Similarly Lij indexes the 10 lines so that the reciprocity between the Kirkman and Pascal lines implies the symmetry of the whole thing is Sx C2. With this notation Pij lies on Lkl iff ij is disjoint from kl, meaning that no digits are in common. For a given kl, there are three choices ofij that are disjoint so that three points will lie on the given line. The following picture shows a possible indexing for a Desargues configuration.


    这些数字的随意置换生成了构型的一个对称型,因此这些置换形成S5对称群。相同可用Lij标注10条线,这样,Kirkmen点和Pascal线之间的互反性蕴含地说明这样的对称性整个说来是S5 x C2。利用这一记法Pij 位于Lkl上当且仅当 ijkl不交。这意味没有共同的数字。 对于给定的kl。存在ij的三种不交性选择。使三点位于已知线上。下图说明了一个Desargues构型的可能标注法。

    This is the first example of a valuable lesson: Disjointness in the group implies geometric incidence.


    Figure:11 用Lij和Pij表示10点10线。 L12与相应P12有关系:通过P12的3条线均不交于L12

    8The Geometry of a Desargues Configuration

    图12a   Desargues构型由10点10线组成,每3点有1连线,每3线相交于1点。本图中,我们用0到9十个数字来标识这10点。我们从0点出发考察此图。过0点有三条线:014,  025,036。它们和7、8、9三点连成的直线不连接。我们把0叫透视中心,789连线叫透视轴,所以透视中心与透视轴不共线。如用ij两个数字表示。0点为12。则789三点分别为3,4,5三个字母取两个的组合,即34,45,53注意,全部10点能够作为中心,全部10线可作透视轴,这在以下图12b中有10个图形和文字说明。透视中心与透视轴都同意在无穷远。

    Each point contains three incident lines and has six neighbors on these lines. Thethree points that are not neighbors are colinear and form the line with thesame index as the point. Of the six neighbors, it is always possible to form exactly two triangles from these points using lines of the configuration. Thesetwo triangles are in perspective at the point with the line as perspectrix.

    每一个点P包括三条关联的线,且在这三条线上有P的六个邻点(指共线点)。 与P不相邻(指不共线)的三个点是共线的, 且形成与点P有同样索引(index)的线L。而利用六个邻点和构型的线必能形成二个三角形。


    In the above picture triangles P13P14P15 (edges L23L24L25) and P23P24P25(edges L13L14L15) are perspective at P12 (containing L34, L35, and L45) with perspectrix L12 (containing P34, P35, andP45).

    在上面图11中。三角形P13 P14 P15 (边为L23 L24 L25)和三角形P23 P24 P25 (边为L13 L14 L15)透视于点P12(包括L34 L35 L45三线)与透视轴 L12 (包括P34 P35 P45三点)。


    Each point can be the perspector so there are 10 versions in a Desargues configuration.



    图12b:一个Desargues构型的每点能够是透视中心。因此有10个版本号的Desargues构型。当中图上注的10个红字分4段,分别为透视中心 - 透视三角形3顶点-透视三角形3顶点 - 透视轴上3点。在全部10个图中,绿边三角形和橘黄色边三角形相互透视,点为其透视中心,线为透视轴,2个三角形能够有部分重叠。(注:本图是译者所作的一个软件的封面。



    9Disjointness closes不交关系的封闭性

    The three points disjoint from a given point are collinear and are on the perspectrix for that point. The disjointness relation between points form the Peterson graph below. ***

    These points and this graph are symmetric under S5. The complete Desargues configuration includes two copies of the Petersen graph, one for the points and one for the lines. (I picture one above the other). This would be symmetric under S5 x C2.


    整个Desargues构型包括Petersen图的二个版本号。一个是点的,一个是线的 (我把一个画在还有一个之上,译注:文中仅仅有点的Peterson图,哪里有线的Peterson图? 但能够自己依样画一个)。

    这将是在 S5 X C2 意义下的对称。


    10.The Color Symmetry色对称
    Each Pascal line can be indexed as a permutation of the six vertices of the Pascal hexagon. There are three disjoint permutaions, described above.These permutations also form a Petersen graph,indicating that the Pascal lines and Kirkman points from these hexagons form a  Desargues configuration as Veronese discovered.





    These 10 permutations form one of the 6 Desargues configurations discovered by Veronese. We assign a color to each. Each Pascal line and each Kirkman point thus has a particular color, indicating which of the 6 Desargues configurations they reside.***

    There were 6 hexagon vertices and are 6 colors. Any part of the Hexagrammum Mysticum can be described in terms of either description. Color will turn out to be a powerful way to determine what points are on which lines.

    个六角形的端点分别使用6种不同颜色。 Hexagrammum Mysticum的不论什么部分能够用当中的不论什么一个构型来描写叙述。颜色是用来确定随意一个点是在哪些线上的强有力的手段。

    The color classifications are greatly aided by this chart compiled by Adam Marcus,a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. In his chart hexagon permutations are letters and colors are numbers.

    颜色分类图的编写得到Adam Marcus所编译的图表(chart的大力帮忙,他如今是佐治亚技术研究所的一名研究生。在他的图表中六角形置换用字母表示,颜色用数字表示。



    11The Color indexing of a Pascal line or a Kirkman point

    We choose the colors Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta and use their first letters as idices. So to give color indices to a Pascal line or a point we first begin with the color of the Desargus group in which it resides, R, say. Now 5 colors are left. We know that each member of a Desargues configuration is indexed by two entries of 5, so each Pascal line or Kirkman point has a color index such as R (YG), R indicating the color of the Desargues configuration and YG indexing the particular member.

    选择Red (红)。Yellow (黄)。Green (绿),Cyan (青),Blue (蓝),Magenta (紫)。六种颜色的第一字母作为足标。 为了给Pascal线或Kirkman点加色彩标记,我们以Desargues的颜色为開始字母,后面还留下5个字母。我们知道Desargues构型的每个成员(点或线)能够由5个字母中取2个来标记的,因此每个Pascal线或Kirkman点可用一个色彩索引。如R(YG)表示,当中R代表Desargues构型(组)的颜色,YG标注一个特殊成员。

    The colors left over, CBM in this case, turn out to be the color index of the Steiner point incident with the Pascal line, or, reciprocally, the Cayley line incident with the Kirkman point. Details on this below.


    12The Hexagramum Mysticum(六角迷魂图

    This picture shows all 60 Pascal lines and most of the 60 Kirkman points. Each point and line is colored by the Desargues configuration in which it resides. Thecolors are Red, Yellow (Brown), Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta. We can see much ofthe color structure in this picture. Three lines of the same color meet at a Kirkman point. Three Pascal lines of different colors meet at a Steiner point. Four of different color meet at an edge-meet.


    构型颜色就是前面指出的Red (红)。Yellow(黄),Green (绿)。Cyan(青)。Blue (蓝),Magenta(紫) 六种。当中黄色为了清晰实际改用了棕色(Brown)。在这一图中我们能看到很多颜色结构。 同一种颜色的三条Pascal线交于一个Kirkman点。不同颜色三条Pascal线交于一个Steiner点。




    The Hexagrammum showing all 60 Pascal lines and all 60 Kirkman points. Initially this looks like a gibberish of lines, but each Pascal line and Kirkman point has a color.  By focusing on the colors we make sense of this Hexagrammum Mysticum. The dotted lines are the 15 Pascal edges.

    显示所有60条Pascal线和所有60个Kirkman点的Hexagrammum(六角迷魂图)。 初看此图象一团乱线,但每条Pascal线和Kirkman点有一种颜色。



    图15b  显示60个六边形(即六角形)每个的3个不交六边形。这表造得不够理想,由于每个多边形有12个代码不同样的等价者,我们这里是随机取的。但我们在图3c,3d中所代替码是等价多边形中数值最小者,这样的代码不一致性给我们图形生成造成困难。

    15c  显示左上1号六边形(代码=123456)3个不交六边形的Pascal线交于右上Kirkman点:位置为圆心。

    15d  显示11号六边形3个不交六边形的Pascal线交于右上Kirkman点,位置离圆心略低,但非常近。

    图15e   全窗口作图, 显示3#六边形的Pascal线(粗红线) 三蓝线为3#六边形的的不交六边形的Pascal线,它们延长后交于Kirkman点(红圆圈)。


    图15f   全窗口作图, 显示内接于圆内6点的60个不同六边形的Kirkman点(小红方块)。为了清晰,未画相应Pascal 线。如要画出来,就和图6b或以下图15g, 15h, 15i, 16,17样子一样,但图6b和图15g和16的Pascal线均未因求交须要而延长。图16上的小圆圈是对边交点,不是Kirkman点;图17则已延长成无穷直线,再进行了剪切。


    图15g  所有Pascal线(黑线但未延长)与所有Kirkman点(小红心白方格),黑圆点为对边(或其延长虚线)交点。数字为6边形顶点。

    图15h  所有Pascal线(实蓝)延长后与所有Kirkman点(小方格),其余同上。可见每条Pascal线通过三个Kirkman点(能够在无穷),而每一个Kirkman点有三条Pascal线通过,但在正负30度线上点与线均有重叠,共同拥有9点3线。


    图16  深绿线是60条Pascal线(包含无穷远直线)每条线过3个点, 假设仅仅见到2个, 则还有一个在无穷远。
    每一个点通过3条线。方块内的点是六角形6顶点, 浅红线是15条边(能够是延长),

    前面图6a,6b也是Hexagrarammum Misticum, 全部这些图15条边都没有延长,而Pascal线仅仅画出有限交点之内的部分,所以比較整齐清洁。


    17  图形放大且线段延长后的迷魂图,不加格点。

    How to look at this picture. Choose a color, blue say. There are 3 blue Pascal lines through each blue Kirkman point and 3 Kirkman points (possibly off screen) on each line. The colors interact. Pascal lines of three different colors concur at a Steiner point so try to find some of them. Pascal lines of four different colors concur at an edge intersection. These last are the easiest to see. Harder to see are Cayley lines, each through a Kirkman point of a different color.


    能够发现,每一个蓝色Kirkman点都有3条蓝色Pascal线通过。且每条Pascal线也通过3个Kirkman点 (可能在画面以外)。

    然后看相交的颜色。三个不同颜色的Pascal线交于一个Steiner点。四个不同颜色Pascal线交于一个对边交点(原文为edge intersection,实际应为对边的交点,译注)。最后这样的关联性是easy看清的。


    Another Mysticum based on the Jerabek hyperbola for of triangle geometry. Here H and K are the ortho center and the symmedian point of ABC.


    这里H和K是三角形ABC的垂心(Ortho center)和 类似垂心(symmediam)

    图18a 由分布在双曲线上6点形成的迷魂图

    图18b 由均匀分布在双曲线6点上还有一迷魂图,直线仅仅画出处于有限对边交点之间的那一段。

    13Steiner pointsSteiner点

    Three Pascal lines, each of a different color, concur at a Steiner point.
    The hexagons, considered as a permutation of the six vertices, that correspond to these three Pascal lines are those whose
     squares are Equivalent permutations. For example the hexagons described by permutations (123456), (325416),  and (521436) square to (135)(246). The Pascal lines described by these hexagons will concur at a Steiner point, which can thus be indexed by (135)(246).

    三种不同颜色的Pascal线交于一个Steiner点。相应于这三条Pascal线的、作为6顶点不同置换的六角形。就是其平方(squares)为等价的置换。比如。由置换(123456),(325416)和 (521436) 的square都变为 (135) (246)。 由这些六角形描写叙述的Pascal线将共同交于Steiner点,因而此点能够标注为(135) (246)。

    图19  三条(蓝色)Pascal线共同交于一个(红色) Steiner点


    Figure:Three Pascal lines from hexagons whose permutations have the same square concur at a Steiner point. The squared permutation indexes the Steiner point.

    There is 1 Steiner point per Pascal line and 3 Pascal lines, each of a different color, per Steiner point. The Steiner point is traditionally indexed in color space by the color of the 3 lines not through it.

    图19: 从有同样二次置换的六角形的三条Pascal线共同交于一个Steiner点。二次方后的置换即为Steiner点的标志。


    Each Steiner point is the harmonic conjugate of one other in the conic. They are indexed as (135)(246) and (135)(264). The conjugate is made from the 3 colors not used by the first Steiner point although these web pages are not consistent in this as the next pictures illustrates. The various color relationships are shown in this chart.

    每一个Steiner点在圆锥曲线上是其它点的调和共轭。它们分别标注为(135) (246)与(135) (264)的形式。共轭点是由第一个Steiner点未使用的3种颜色表示的,但在网页上颜色并没有统一,如本图和下一张图那样。这张图表上标注了各种各样的颜色关系。


    Here is the Mysticum including its Steiner points. The colors here are red, yellow(brown substituted), green, cyan, blue, magenta. RMY means that the Steiner point has Pascal lines of colors red, magenta, and yellow (brown) going through it. It is more common and slightly better to use the three colors not used to index the point.

    以下是一个包括Steiner点的迷魂图。这里所用的六种颜色各自是Red (红),Yellow (黄,用褐色代),Green (绿),Cyan (青)。Blue (蓝),Magenta (紫)。


    图21 3根Plucker线交在一个Steiner点。每4个Steiner点在一Plucker线上

    14. Plucker lines Plucker线

    There are 4 Steiner points on a Plucker line and 3 Plucker lines per Steiner point.There are 15 Plucker lines.

    每一条Plucker线上有4个 Steiner点,每一个Steiner点有3条Plucker线通过。Plucker线的总数一共为15条。


    Figure:Three Plucker lines go through a Steiner point and there are 4 Steiner pointson a Plucker line (shown for only 1 of the Plucker lines).

    图: 三条Plucker线通过一个Steiner点,而一条Plucker线则有4 个Steiner点 (图中只显示一条Plucker线)。

    Plucker lines result from Steiner points, which result from Pascal lines. They are 3rd order constructions from a given hexagon. They are in fact indexed by the cube of the permutation of the original hexagon. The cube of (123456) is(14)(25)(36). There are 4 hexagons with this permutation as cube,  so there are 4 Steiner points on each Plucker line. There are 3 Plucker lines through eachSteiner point so that there are 15 Plucker lines total. The following picture shows all 15 Plucker lines, indexed by two colors, with the Steiner points,  indexed by 3 colors.

    Plucker线由Steiner点产生,而后者又来自Pascal线。这三种对象的组合是由给定六角形创建出来的三阶结构。他们实际上都是由原始六角形的三次置换得到。置换(123456) 的三次方是(14)(25)(36)。

    以此为三次方置换共同拥有4个六角形(译注:即123456,126453,132465,153426,它们原先编号位置是01, 22, 26, 58,因通过每一个Steiner点有3条Plucker线,所以总共同拥有15条Plucker线。 下图用2种颜色显示所有15条Plucker线,用3种颜色标注Steiner点。

    A Plucker line is indexed by 2 colors, leaving 4 colors, which can be grouped into 4 groups of 3. A group of three represents a Steiner point.

    用2种颜色标注一Plucker线,剩下的4种颜色可用来编成4个3数组。 每个三数组代表一个Steiner点。




    This Figure shows all 15 Plucker lines for the given conic and 16 of the 20 Steiner points.  Each Plucker line is indexed by two colors (from Red, Yellow, Green,Cyan, Blue, Magenta). The 4 Steiner points on each Plucker line are indexed by three colors from the 4 colors not indexing the Plucker line.

    此图为给定的圆锥曲线显示了所有15条plucker线与20 Steiner点中的16个。每条plucker线用二种颜色标注 (从红,黄,绿,青,蓝,紫中选出)。 在每条plucker线上的4个Steiner点利用了plucker线不用的4种颜色中的三种颜来进行标注。


    There is additional structure in the Steiner points and Plucker lines. The 10 Steiner points that contain a given color lie four at a time on 5 Plucker lines with each Plucker going through 2 points. The 10 Steiner point that do not contain agiven color combine with the other 10 Plucker lines to form a Desargues configuration. There are 42 such Desargues configurations.


    包括一特定颜色的10个Steiner点每4个通过一条plucker线,一共通过5条plucker线,而每条plucker线通过2个 Steiner点。

    不含特定颜色的10 个Steiner点与其它10条plucker线组合在一起形成一Desargues构型。 共同拥有42种这种Desargues构型。

    本图显示了其余的10个Steiner点。它们每4个通过五条剩下的plucker线, 每一个Steiner点通过两条plucker线。 图中的每一个Steiner点是由10个Desargues置换的二次方决定。




    图24b  同上Desargues构型,但译者将其放大。并在10点标上了0到9的数字,我在这里把0设为透视中心。123, 456为2相互透视三角形,789为透视轴。

    这里014,025,036三条边组成一个三角菱形锥,12与45边交于7, 23与56边交于8, 31与64边交于9,789三点在一直线上组成的透视轴与透视中心0不交(无邻接关系)。




    This figure 24c shows the 10 Plucker lines that come from cubing the 10 permutations of a Desargues configuration. The 10 points are the Steiner mates of those that come from the same Desargues configuration.


    Figure: Three Plucker lines go through a Steiner point and there are 4 Steiner points on a Plucker line (shown for only 1 of the Plucker lines).

    Plucker lines result from Steiner points, which result from Pascal lines. They are 3rd order constructions from a given hexagon. They are in fact indexed by the cube of the permutation of the original hexagon. The cube of (123456) is (14)(25)(36). There are 4 hexagons with this permutation as cube,(译注:即123456, 126453, 132465, 153426) so there are 4 Steiner points on each Plucker line. There are 3 Plucker lines through each Steiner point so that there are 15 Plucker lines total. The following picture shows all 15 Plucker lines, indexed by two colors, with the Steiner points, indexed by 3 colors.

    Plucker线由Steiner点产生,而后者又由 Pascal 线产生。它们是已给hexagon的 3阶结构。

    所以用原始hexagon的3次方来标识。(123456)的 3次方是(14)(25)(36)。共同拥有4个hexagon以此为3 次方,即123456, 126453, 132465, 153426。


    下图显示全部15条Plucker线。用2种颜色标识。而用 3种颜色来标识Steiner点。

    A Plucker line is indexed by 2 colors, leaving 4 colors, which can be grouped into 4 groups of 3. A group of threerepresents a Steiner point.

         一根Plucker线用2种颜色标识,剩下4种颜色。它们可分为4组 3色,每个 3色组代表一个Steiner点。

    图24c-2。 同上图形,仅仅是改成黑底白字,看得清楚一些。此图的原有解释也被更新例如以下:

    This Figure shows all 15 Plucker lines for the given conic and 16 of the 20 Steiner points. Each Plucker line is indexed by two colors (from Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta). The 4 Steiner points on each Plucker line are indexed by three colors from the 4 colors not indexing the Plucker line.

    比如,左边表明GY的那根Pjucker线所通过的Steiner点由GY之外的4种颜色 RCBM 任取 3 色组成,所以为RCM, RBM, CBM三点。

    There is additional structure in the Steiner points and Plucker lines. The 10 Steiner points that con三tain a given color lie four at a time on 5 Plucker lines with each Plucker going through 2 points. The 10 Steiner point that do not contain a given color combine with the other 10 Plucker lines to form a Desargues configuration. There are 42 such Desargues configurations.


    不含某一种颜色的 10个Steiner点与其余 10 条Plucker 线组成一个Desargues构型。一共同拥有42个这种构型。

    图25a 5条Plucker线,与10个Steiner点

    图25b 同上图形的放大和标字,数字的意义


    This figure shows the other 10 Steiner points, which lie, 4 at a time,  on there maining 5 Plucker lines, which meet the Steiner points two at a time. Each Steiner point in this picture is determined by the square of one of the 10 Desargues permutations.

    图25a与25b 显示另外的10个Steiner点,它们每4个通过五条剩下的plucker线。 每一个Steiner点通过两条plucker线。


    15. Permutations(置换

    I use six different groups of Permutations in creating these figures. Each is aset of permutations that is intended to operate on a given hexagon, generating new hexagons with the stated properties.

    The 10 permutations in the Desargues configuration. Applied to a hexagon, this will generate a set of 10 hexagons whose Pascal lines and Kirkman points form a Desargues configuration.





    Thethree permutations disjoint from a given permutation.Applied to a givenpermutations they will generate the permutation of the Kirkman points for thegiven Pascal line, or the three Pascal lines for the given Kirkman point.


    The3 permutations that square to the same permutation. Used to generate the threePascal lines through the given Steiner point or the three Kirman points on agiven Cayley line as well as the three Plucker line through a given Seinerpoint or the 3 Salmon points on a Cayley line. 同一置换的3个二次置换。


    The 4 permutations that cube to a given permutation. Used to find the 4 Steiner points on a Plucker line, or the 4 Cayley lines through a Salmon point.


    The permutation that gives the "mate" of the given one.


    The six permutations that represent the six colors. Applied to a given permutation, this will generate 6 permutations one of each color. To generate the Hexagamum Mysticum apply this to any hexagon. Apply the Desargues' permutations above to each of the 6, this will generate 60 non-equivalent hexagons.

    代表六种颜色的六个置换。 用于一个特定置换。这将生成6种不同颜色的6个置换。 为了生成六角迷魂图(Hexagamum Mysticum),将它应用到全部六角形。将上面的Desargues置换应用于每个置换,这将生成60条不等价的六角形。

    16. "A Certain Reciprocity:" Cayley Lines(“某些互反性” Cayley线

    Justas three Pascal lines, each of a different color, concur at a Steiner point, three Kirkman points, each of a different color, determine a Cayley line. Thereare 60 Pascal lines and 60 Kirkman points. There are 20 Steiner points and so 20 Cayley lines. This relationship has often been referred to as"dual" but this word is in adequate to the behavior of these points and lines. Hesse termed it "a certain reciprocity."

    正如三条不同颜色的Pascal线确定一Steiner点,三个不同颜色的Kirkman点确定了一条Cayley线。一共同拥有60条Pascal线和60个Kirkman点。 有20个 Steiner点,也有20条Cayley线。


    但这个词汇用于这些点和线的行为是不够的。Hesse称它们为 “有某种互反性”。

    Each Cayley line is described by a permutation of the form (135)(246) or by 3 colors. The three hexagons that square to this determine the three Kirkman points on the Cayley line. There is one Steiner point on each Cayley line, which is the one with different colors.

    每条Cayley线由形为 (135)(246) 形式的置换、或由3种颜色来描写。由这样的置换的二次方形成的三个六角形确定了位于Cayley线上的三个Kirkman点。



    Figure:"A certain reciprocity." Three Pascal lines go through a Steiner points and three Kirkman points lie on a Cayley line.

    图26a: “有些互反性”。 
    三条Pascal线通过一Steiner点 与 三个Kirkman点位于一条Cayley线上。


     图26b Steiner 点与 Pascal线 的关系, 此图为第03Steiner组第53个Hexagon产生Steiner点.

    图26c  Steiner三元组的划分方法及结果表,不难验证,这样得到的每一个三元组。作为置换,其平方(即连做2次置换)均相等。

    图26d  由20个Steiner三元组(triple)的三条Pascal线(蓝线)交于20个Steiner点(红边白心圆点),但实际仅见7点。由于当中的圆心为4-重Steiner点,还有10个Steiner点是无穷远点。(这是实际统计的结果。至于为什么中心是4-重而不是6-重,为什么是10个而不是别的数目个在无穷远,译者一时还弄不清楚。似乎不够像六边形那样中心对称。但20个点不管怎样也是弄不成中心对称的。


    图26e. 为进一步求15条Plucker线,就要对60个不同置换的Hexagon分组,使各组置换的立方同样,为此能够求出60个置换的立方,并将它们规范化,再排序。排序后就仅仅有15组了,每组有4个同样的置换。

    17. Salmon points(Salmon点

    Just as Pascal lines determine Steiner points which determine Plucker lines, there is the reciprocal structure where Kirkman points determine Cayley lines which determine Salmon points. There are four Cayley lines through a Salmon point and three Salmon points on a Cayley line. Salmon points are determined by 2 colors,so that there are 6 choose 2 = 15 of them.


    Salmon点用2种颜色确定,因此它们共同拥有6选2 = 15个。

    图27 三Kirkman点确定一Cayley线,4条Cailey线通过一Salmon点,三个Salmon在一Cayley线上。


    This figure shows three black Kirkman points, which determine a Cayley line. FourCayley lines concur at a Salmon point. There are three Salmon points on a Cayley line (shown for one of the lines). This has a "certain reciprocity" to the fact that there are four Steiner points on a Plucker line and three plucker lines through a Salmon point.

    本图27显示由三个Kirkman点(图中小黑点)确定的一条Cayley线,四条Cayley线共同交在一个Salmon点。 在一条Cayley线上有三个Salmon点 ( 显示的为当中一条线 )。 这与 一条plucker线上有四Steiner点、而三条plucker线通过一个Salmon点的事实 有一种“互反作用”。

    18. The projective cube "around" a Salmon point


     Figure:The central Salmon point is surrounded by 4 Kirkman (blue) and 4 Steiner points(red), connected by Cayley lines. The 12 edges of the cube are Pascal lines(blue and continued in dotted red) which meet, 4 at a ime, in the meeting points of two edges. The Salmon point is described by the permutation(14)(25)(36) and the three meet points are the edges 14, 25, 36. The notations for each point are their color designations, with numbers in place of colors.

    图28: 位于中央的Salmon点周围有4个Kirkman点(蓝色) 和4个 Steiner点(红色),并各由一条Cayley线连接。 立方体的12个边用蓝色的Pascal线 (延长线为红色点线), 它们每4条相交在一个对边的交点。Salmon点由置换(14) (25) (36)描写叙述,三个交点是边14, 25, 36。


    The next pictue illustrates the color relations of the points. The Kirkman points and Pascal lines are colored, 4 different ones; the Steiner points and Cayley lines have 3 colors. The Salmon points and the edge meets share the same two colors.

    下图说明各种点的色彩关系。 Kirkman点和Pascal线用4不同颜色表示; Steiner点和Cayley线用3种颜色。而Salmon点和六角形的对边交点共用两种颜色。



    Thisprojective cube was discovered by Adam Marcus, currently a graduate student atthe Georgia Institute of Technology.

    这一射影立方由Adam Marcus发现,他如今是佐治亚技术研究所的一名研究生。

    [1] John, Adam, and Steve's excellent adventure:The Hexagrammum Mysticum
         Created by Mathematica  (August 9, 2005)

    [2] Pascal's theorem



    [3] J. H.Conway, S. Sigur:The Triangle Book

    [4] zzwu: Pascal定理: http://blog.csdn.net/zzwu/article/details/9075731

    [5] zzwu: Desagues定理: http://blog.csdn.net/zzwu/article/details/9075695

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