• 【EasyUI】combotree和combobox模糊查询



    1. filter: function(q, row){  
    2.     var opts = $(this).combobox('options');  
    3.     return row[opts.textField].indexOf(q) == 0;  
    4. }  


    1. $('#businessCityNo').combobox({  
    2.     valueField : 'businessCityNo',  
    3.     textField : 'businessCityName',  
    4.     editable:true ,  
    5.     required: true,  
    6.     filter: function(q, row){  
    7.         var opts = $(this).combobox('options');  
    8.         return row[opts.textField].indexOf(q) >= 0;//这里改成>=即可在任意地方匹配  
    9.     },  
    10.     data : d.rows,  
    11. });  


    1. $.fn.combobox.defaults.filter = function(q, row){  
    2.     var opts = $(this).combobox('options');  
    3.     return row[opts.textField].indexOf(q) >= 0;  
    4. }  


    The properties extend from combo, below is the added properties for combobox.

    valueField string The underlying data value name to bind to this ComboBox. value
    textField string The underlying data field name to bind to this ComboBox. text
    groupField string Indicate what field to be grouped. Available since version 1.3.4. null
    groupFormatter function(group) return group text to display on group item. Available since version 1.3.4.

    Code example:

    	groupFormatter: function(group){
    		return '<span style="color:red">' + group + '</span>';
    mode string Defines how to load list data when text changed. Set to 'remote' if the combobox loads from server. When set to 'remote' mode, what the user types will be sent as the http request parameter named 'q' to server to retrieve the new data. local
    url string A URL to load list data from remote. null
    method string The http method to retrieve data. post
    data array The list data to be loaded.

    Code example:

    <input class="easyui-combobox" data-options="
    		valueField: 'label',
    		textField: 'value',
    		data: [{
    			label: 'java',
    			value: 'Java'
    			label: 'perl',
    			value: 'Perl'
    			label: 'ruby',
    			value: 'Ruby'
    		}]" />
    filter function Defines how to filter the local data when 'mode' is set to 'local'. The function takes two parameters:
    q: the user typed text.
    row: the list row data.
    Return true to allow the row to be displayed.

    Code example:

    	filter: function(q, row){
    		var opts = $(this).combobox('options');
    		return row[opts.textField].indexOf(q) == 0;
    formatter function Defineds how to render the row. The function takes one parameter: row.

    Code example:

    	formatter: function(row){
    		var opts = $(this).combobox('options');
    		return row[opts.textField];
    loader function(param,success,error) Defines how to load data from remote server. Return false can abort this action. This function takes following parameters:
    param: the parameter object to pass to remote server.
    success(data): the callback function that will be called when retrieve data successfully.
    error(): the callback function that will be called when failed to retrieve data.
    json loader
    loadFilter function(data) Return the filtered data to display. Available since version 1.3.3.

    The properties extend from combo and tree, below is the overridden properties for combotree.

    editable boolean Defines if user can type text directly into the field. false


    1. (function(){  
    2.     $.fn.combotree.defaults.editable = true;  
    3.     $.extend($.fn.combotree.defaults.keyHandler,{  
    4.         up:function(){  
    5.             console.log('up');  
    6.         },  
    7.         down:function(){  
    8.             console.log('down');  
    9.         },  
    10.         enter:function(){  
    11.             console.log('enter');  
    12.         },  
    13.         query:function(q){  
    14.             var t = $(this).combotree('tree');  
    15.             var nodes = t.tree('getChildren');  
    16.             for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){  
    17.                 var node = nodes[i];  
    18.                 if (node.text.indexOf(q) >= 0){  
    19.                     $(node.target).show();  
    20.                 } else {  
    21.                     $(node.target).hide();  
    22.                 }  
    23.             }  
    24.             var opts = $(this).combotree('options');  
    25.             if (!opts.hasSetEvents){  
    26.                 opts.hasSetEvents = true;  
    27.                 var onShowPanel = opts.onShowPanel;  
    28.                 opts.onShowPanel = function(){  
    29.                     var nodes = t.tree('getChildren');  
    30.                     for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){  
    31.                         $(nodes[i].target).show();  
    32.                     }  
    33.                     onShowPanel.call(this);  
    34.                 };  
    35.                 $(this).combo('options').onShowPanel = opts.onShowPanel;  
    36.             }  
    37.         }  
    38.     });  
    39. })(jQuery);  



      1. /** 
      2.  * combobox和combotree模糊查询 
      3.  */  
      4. (function(){  
      5.     //combobox可编辑,自定义模糊查询  
      6.     $.fn.combobox.defaults.editable = true;  
      7.     $.fn.combobox.defaults.filter = function(q, row){  
      8.         var opts = $(this).combobox('options');  
      9.         return row[opts.textField].indexOf(q) >= 0;  
      10.     };  
      11.     //combotree可编辑,自定义模糊查询  
      12.     $.fn.combotree.defaults.editable = true;  
      13.     $.extend($.fn.combotree.defaults.keyHandler,{  
      14.         up:function(){  
      15.             console.log('up');  
      16.         },  
      17.         down:function(){  
      18.             console.log('down');  
      19.         },  
      20.         enter:function(){  
      21.             console.log('enter');  
      22.         },  
      23.         query:function(q){  
      24.             var t = $(this).combotree('tree');  
      25.             var nodes = t.tree('getChildren');  
      26.             for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){  
      27.                 var node = nodes[i];  
      28.                 if (node.text.indexOf(q) >= 0){  
      29.                     $(node.target).show();  
      30.                 } else {  
      31.                     $(node.target).hide();  
      32.                 }  
      33.             }  
      34.             var opts = $(this).combotree('options');  
      35.             if (!opts.hasSetEvents){  
      36.                 opts.hasSetEvents = true;  
      37.                 var onShowPanel = opts.onShowPanel;  
      38.                 opts.onShowPanel = function(){  
      39.                     var nodes = t.tree('getChildren');  
      40.                     for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){  
      41.                         $(nodes[i].target).show();  
      42.                     }  
      43.                     onShowPanel.call(this);  
      44.                 };  
      45.                 $(this).combo('options').onShowPanel = opts.onShowPanel;  
      46.             }  
      47.         }  
      48.     });  
      49. })(jQuery);  
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