• 实验一总结

     1 #include<stdio.h>
     2 #include<string.h>
     3 void main() /*主函数*/
     4 {
     5 char *b[11]={"dir","cd","md","rd","cls","date","time","ren","copy","help", "quit"}; /*指针数组存储关键字*/
     6 int pan(char ch1[],char *j[11]);
     7 char a[10],*p=a;
     8 printf("Welcome.........
    Pleas enter a command!
    Enter 'quit' to quit.
    For help,Enter 'help'.
     9 c1: printf("c:>$");
    10 scanf("%s",a);
    11 pan(p,b); /*函数调用*/
    12 if(strcmp(a,b[10])!=0) /*比较输入的字符串是否quit结束命令*/ goto c1;
    13 else printf("out of work!!
    14 }
    15 int pan(char ch1[],char *j[11]) /*子函数*/
    16 {
    17 int i;
    18 for( i=0;i<11;i++)
    19 if(strcmp(ch1,j[i])==0) /*比较输入的字符串与数组的关键字是否相等*/
    20 {
    21 switch(i)
    22 {
    23 case 0:printf("command name is dir.
    It's function is list file.
    It's an internal command.
    Volume in drive K gas no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 60F0-6C24
    24 case 1:printf("command name is cd.
    It's function is change directory.
    It's an internal command.
    25 case 2:printf("command name is md.
    It's function is creat a new directory.
    It's an internal command.
    26 case 3:printf("command name is rd.
    It's function is delete a directory which is empty.
    It's an internal command.
    27 case 4:printf("command name is cls.
    It's function is clean screen
    It's an internal command.
    28 case 5:printf("command name is date.
    It's function is show date.
    It's an internal command.
    29 case 6:printf("command name is time.
    It's function is shio time.
    It's an internal command.
    30 case 7:printf("command name is ren.
    It's function is rename a file.
    It's an internal command.
    31 case 8:printf("command name is copy.
    It's function is copy files.
    It's an internal command.
    32 case 9:printf("dir	cd	md	rd	cls
    date	time	ren	copy
    Enter " quit" to quit this program!!
    33 case 10:printf("Thanks for using it,bye!!
    34 }
    35 return 1;}
    36 printf("No this one!!
    Not a internal commal.
    ");return 0;
    37 }



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    移动端的vw px rem之间换算
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cjy40/p/4396345.html
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