• 赵凡导师并发知识第一次分享观后感

    主要是渗透了解 asyncio  相关概念


           2.线程之间通信(线程之间的传递(import queue))

              3.进程之间通信(进程之间通信from multiprocessing import Process,Queue  用进程Queue)单独详解







    class CntHandler(object):
        def __init__(self, db, loop):
            self.db = db
            self.loop = loop
            self.company_lock = {}
        def response(self, request, msg):
            peer = request.transport.get_extra_info('peername')
            logging.info("request url[%s] from[%s]: %s", request.raw_path, peer, msg)
            origin = request.headers.get("Origin")
            if origin is not None:
                headers = {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": origin, "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"}
                resp = web.Response(text=util.dictToJson(msg), content_type='application/json', headers=headers)
                resp = web.Response(text=util.dictToJson(msg), content_type='application/json')
            return resp
        async def cnt_set(self, request):
            :param request: 
            post = await request.post()
            logging.info('post %s', post)
            company_name = post.get("company")
            cnt = post.get("cnt")
            sql = "update shield.company set count=%s where name=%s"
            args_values = [cnt, company_name]
            rwlock = self.company_lock.get(company_name, "")
            if not rwlock:
                rwlock = aiorwlock.RWLock(loop=self.loop)
                self.company_lock[company_name] = rwlock
            async with rwlock.writer:
                msg = dict()
                po_sql = "select * from shield.company where name=%s"
                po = await self.db.get(po_sql, company_name)
                if not po:  # 找不到企业
                    logging.error("not found company name [%s]", company_name)
                    msg["code"] = 404
                    msg["code"] = "not found company"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                res = await self.db.execute(sql, args_values)
                if not isinstance(res, int):
                    logging.error("sql update is err:", res)
                    msg["code"] = 403
                    msg["reason"] = "set fail"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                logging.info("company [%s] set cnt [%s] is success", company_name, cnt)
                msg["code"] = 200
                msg["reason"] = "ok"
                return self.response(request, msg)
        async def cnt_inc(self, request):
            :param request: 
            post = await request.post()
            logging.info('post %s', post)
            company_name = post.get("company")
            cnt = int(post.get("cnt", 0))
            rwlock = self.company_lock.get(company_name, "")
            if not rwlock:
                rwlock = aiorwlock.RWLock(loop=self.loop)
                self.company_lock[company_name] = rwlock
            async with rwlock.writer:
                uuid_s = uuid.uuid1().hex
                logging.debug("[%s]---[%s]", uuid_s, id(rwlock))
                msg = dict()
                sql = "select * from shield.company where name=%s"
                po = await self.db.get(sql, company_name)
                if not po:  # 找不到企业
                    logging.error("not found company name [%s]", company_name)
                    msg["code"] = 404
                    msg["code"] = "not found company"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                old_cnt = po.get("count")
                po_cnt = int(po.get("count"))
                res = po_cnt + cnt
                update_sql = "update shield.company set count=%s where name=%s"
                args_values = [res, company_name]
                update_res = await self.db.execute(update_sql, args_values)
                if not isinstance(update_res, int):  # 数据库update失败
                    logging.error("sql update is err:", update_res)
                    msg["code"] = 403
                    msg["reason"] = "inc fail"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                logging.info("uuid [%s] lock [%s] company [%s] inc cnt [%s] old cnt [%s]  true will is [%s] success", uuid_s,id(rwlock), company_name, cnt, old_cnt, res)
                msg["code"] = 200
                msg["reason"] = "ok"
                return self.response(request, msg)
        async def cnt_dec(self, request):
            :param request: 
            post = await request.post()
            logging.info('post %s', post)
            company_name = post.get("company")
            cnt = int(post.get("cnt", 0))
            rwlock = self.company_lock.get(company_name, "")
            if not rwlock:
                rwlock = aiorwlock.RWLock(loop=self.loop)
                self.company_lock[company_name] = rwlock
            async with rwlock.writer:
                uuid_s = uuid.uuid1().hex
                logging.debug("[%s]---[%s]", uuid_s, id(rwlock))
                msg = dict()
                sql = "select * from shield.company where name=%s"
                po = await self.db.get(sql, company_name)
                if not po:      # 找不到企业
                    logging.error("not found company name [%s]", company_name)
                    msg["code"] = 404
                    msg["code"] = "not found company"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                po_cnt = int(po.get("count"))
                old_cnt = po.get("count")
                if po_cnt == 0:
                    logging.error("company [%s] cnt is 0", company_name)
                    msg["code"] = 400
                    msg["reason"] = "cnt is 0"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                if po_cnt < cnt:  # 数据库余额不足
                    logging.error("company [%s] count is not enough", company_name)
                    msg["code"] = 405
                    msg["reason"] = "count is not enough"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                res = po_cnt - cnt
                update_sql = "update shield.company set count=%s where name=%s"
                args_values = [res, company_name]
                update_res = await self.db.execute(update_sql, args_values)
                if not isinstance(update_res, int): # 执行update 失败
                    logging.error("sql update is err:", update_res)
                    msg["code"] = 403
                    msg["reason"] = "inc fail"
                    return self.response(request, msg)
                logging.info("uuid [%s] lock [%s] company [%s] dec cnt [%s] old cnt [%s] true will is [%s] success",uuid_s,id(rwlock), company_name, cnt, old_cnt, res)
                msg["code"] = 200
                msg["reason"] = "ok"
                return self.response(request, msg)


    async with rwlock.writer:



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cjj-zyj/p/10018743.html
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