• HOW TO: Creating your MSI installer using Microsoft Visual Studio* 2008

    Quote from:


    So you want to create an MSI installer...

    Step 1 Create a Setup and Deployment Project

    Let's create our new project. Right click on your solution in the Solution Explorer on the right hand side of your Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE and select Add -> New Project. From the list of project types, choose Other Project Types -> Setup and Deployment -> Setup Project.

    Step 2 Setup Properties

    We would like everyone to know who created this installer. Click on your new Setup and Deployment project in the solutions explorer. Now you will see in the Properties windows (Just below the Solutions Explorer usually), settings for Manufacturer, Author, and Title. Fill these in as appropriate.

    Step 3 Add Project Output & Content

    We want to include our project .exe and all required content files. Right click on your Setup and Deployment project in the Solution Explorer and choose View -> File System. Right click on the Application Folder node and choose Add -> Project Output. Choose Primary Output, this will include your .exe. Repeat this step and choose Content Files if your project has required content such as images, audio, etc.

    * Special Note: In your Application project, ensure all required files are marked as Content. This can be done by selecting the file in the Solution Explorer and setting the Content property to True.

    We need to include our icon to use in our shortcut later. Right click on the Application Folder node and choose Add -> File. Browse to your icon file and click OK.

    Step 4 Create Shortcuts

    Having shortcuts in the app significantly improves user experience. It's best to have the app easily accessible to the end user. This can be done with various shortcuts on the device. Fortunately this is quite simple. With the Setup and Deployment File System tab still open, right click in the right hand pane to bring up a context menu. Choose Create New Shortcut. From this dialogue, navigate into the Application Folder, and choose Primary Output from "Project name" (Active). This will point the shortcut to your .exe. Click OK to accept this selection.

    Let's give that shortcut an icon as well. Click on the shortcut you just created in the right hand pane. From the Properties window you may select an icon. Click Browse, and navigate to the Application Folder, and select the icon you added to the File System back in Step 3.

    If you wish to have a shortcut in the users Start Menu, repeat the steps above, substituting the User's Programs Menu node instead of User's Desktop node.

    Step 5a C++ Runtime (CRT) for apps using C++ SDK

    Some apps require the C++ Runtime to execute, please include this if needed. Fortunately our Setup and Deployment project makes this an easy addition. Right click on your Setup and Deployment project in the Solution Explorer and choose Add -> Merge Module. You want to add two merge modules, one for CRT Release, and one for CRT Debug. These are labeled:


    * Special Note: If your application requires additional merge modules or runtime that is not automatically detected, this would be the time to add them.

    Step 5b Additional Include files for apps using .NET SDK

    If you are using .NET SDK, you don't need the CRT files as shown above in step 5a. However, you need to make sure you app is compiled for .NET framework 3.5.

    Your additional include files MAY look like the image below.

    Step 6 Build

    The easiest part of this exercise. Right click on your Setup and Deployment project and choose Build. If all went well, you will have a nicely packaged MSI in your output folder ready to upload to the App Store.


    Good user experience is minimizing user input. If the app can install without interaction, it is often much cleaner and simpler. Intel AppUp® center validation does not require silent installs, but it can easily be done.

    You need remove the following dialogs from your project.

    Example: c:MyApp.msi /qn

    If it installs without displaying any user interface, you have created a silent install. Windows* UAC and progress install bar is part of the silent install category.

    You will need to delete some dialogs in your project.

    If you have any problems please do not hesitate to ask. Best of luck!

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    Git 使用流程
    vue 开发笔记
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cindy-hu-23/p/3546103.html
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