• X264 rev1198 MBTree Ratecontrol

    The rest, as they say, is the history.

    git repository的链接在此http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi?p=x264.git;a=commit;h=bb66c482242a0747823661b212114c1a2f015fe3

    A Tree of Thought
    嘛 当然我就不吐槽你这装文青的心态如何了…


    About a year and a half ago, I had an idea: what if we made a graph of how each block of the video referenced other blocks temporally and used this graph to increase quality on blocks which are referenced a lot and lower it on those which are referenced less?

    此处是说如果能记录并整理各帧内MB被参考的频繁程度的话,或许能通过这个频繁程度反馈的信息,优化编码各MB时bit allocation的策略,从而达到改善质量的效果。

    My guess was it had a simple 2-pass heuristic for I-frame quantizers; low-motion scenes would get higher quality I-frames and high-motion scenes would get lower quality I-frames; it seemed pretty straightforward. The way I decided to do it was via a concept I called “propagation.”


    Clearly, the propagation method is just another way of implementing the basic concept of qcomp: frames whose data doesn’t propagate far are basically high complexity, and frames whose data does propagate far are basically low complexity. As a result, I disabled qcomp when testing this idea. And the tests bore me out: there was a significant improvement across most test clips! But on a few clips, especially anime, there was a very significant loss of quality.

    As one might expect, in anime, the vast majority of complexity is usually confined to a small portion of the frame–for example, a character walking across an otherwise-static frame. Furthermore, the sharp lines making up the character are much more “complex” than the static background. Thus, it can appear to the propagation algorithm that a series of frames is complex, when in reality only the character’s motion is complex, while the rest of the frame is static. The algorithm then lowers the quality of all the frames, including the background, greatly decreasing quality, despite the fact that it should only have lowered quality on the moving character instead. If only we could apply this propagation algorithm to individual blocks instead of the whole frame…




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