select a.site_planning_id,a.station_type_key from pl_cover_point a where a.station_type_key='440000104001' and a.station_level_key='440000917001' and a.site_planning_id not in (select b.site_planning_id from pl_macro_station b) -- 宏站细化缺少 23147 条 select a.site_planning_id,a.station_type_key from pl_cover_point a where a.station_type_key='440000104002' and a.station_level_key='440000917001' and a.site_planning_id not in (select b.site_planning_id from pl_micro_station b) -- 微小站细化缺少 8838 条 select a.site_planning_id,a.station_type_key from pl_cover_point a where a.station_type_key='440000104003' and a.station_level_key='440000917001' and a.site_planning_id not in (select b.site_planning_id from pl_indoor b) -- 室分站细化缺少 17485 条 select a.site_planning_id,a.station_type_key from pl_cover_point a where a.station_level_key='440000917002' and a.site_planning_id not in (select b.site_planning_id from pl_cell b) -- 小区站细化缺少 0 条