• Is it possible to create a temporary table in a View and drop it after select?

    Is it possible to create a temporary table in a View and drop it after select?


    I need to alter one view and I want to introduce 2 temporary table before the SELECT.

    Is this possible? And how can I do it?

    ALTER VIEW myView
    SELECT *
    INTO #temporary1
    SELECT *
    INTO #temporary2
    SELECT * FROM #temporary1
    SELECT * FROM #temporary1
    DROP TABLE #temporary1
    DROP TABLE #temporary2

    When I attempt this it complains that ALTER VIEW must be the only statement in the batch.

    How can I achieve this?



    No, a view consists of a single SELECT statement. You cannot create or drop tables in a view.

    Maybe a common table expression (CTE) can solve your problem. CTEs are temporary result sets that are defined within the execution scope of a single statement and they can be used in views.

    Example (taken from here) - you can think of the SalesBySalesPerson CTE as a temporary table:

    CREATE VIEW vSalesStaffQuickStats
      WITH SalesBySalesPerson (SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MostRecentOrderDate)
                SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)
                FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
                GROUP BY SalesPersonID
      SELECT E.EmployeeID,
             EmployeeOrders = OS.NumberOfOrders,
             EmployeeLastOrderDate = OS.MostRecentOrderDate,
             ManagerOrders = OM.NumberOfOrders,
             ManagerLastOrderDate = OM.MostRecentOrderDate
      FROM HumanResources.Employee AS E
      INNER JOIN SalesBySalesPerson AS OS ON E.EmployeeID = OS.SalesPersonID
      LEFT JOIN SalesBySalesPerson AS OM ON E.ManagerID = OM.SalesPersonID

    Performance considerations

    Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?

    Adding an INDEX to a CTE


    I have had the same requirement. Indexes can not be added to a CTE. However, in the CTE select adding an ORDER BY clause on the joined fields reduced the execution time from 20 minutes or more to under 10 seconds.

    (You need to also ADD SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT to allow an ORDER BY in a CTE select.)

    [edit to add paraphrased quote from a comment below]:
    If you have DISTINCT in the CTE then TOP 100 PERCENT doesn't work. This cheater method is always available: without needing TOP at all in the select, alter the ORDER BY statement to read:



    A CTE is a temporary, "inline" view - you cannot add an index to such a construct.

    If you need an index, create a regular view with the SELECT of your CTE, and make it an indexed view (by adding a clustered index to the view). You'll need to obey a set of rules outlined here: Creating an Indexed View.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/16396603.html
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