(1) dbMgr如何验证玩家的账号合法性
(2) dbMgr是如何读取玩家的游戏数据的
(3) dbMgr如何通知baseAppMgr创建entity
(4) dbMgr是如何保存玩家的游戏数据的
1. dbMgr验证玩家账号
(1) DataBase在收到了logOn的消息之后,进行一些条件限制和判断之后,直接调用LoginHandler处理login
oid Database::logOn( const Mercury::Address & srcAddr, Mercury::ReplyID replyID, LogOnParamsPtr pParams, const Mercury::Address & addrForProxy, bool offChannel ) { // 判断能否进行认证 // ....... LoginHandler * pHandler = new LoginHandler( pParams, addrForProxy, srcAddr, offChannel, replyID ); pHandler->login(); }
(2) LoginHandler的login方法如下:
void LoginHandler::login() { // __glenc__ TODO: See if this needs to be converted to use params Database::instance().getIDatabase().mapLoginToEntityDBKey( pParams_->username(), pParams_->password(), *this ); // When mapLoginToEntityDBKey() completes, onMapLoginToEntityDBKeyComplete() // will be called. }
从代码中可以看出是通过getIDatabase方法返回的IDataBase接口,调用其mapLoginToEntityDBKey。 那么纠结是使用了哪个IDataBase实现类呢?在DataBase的init中我们可以看出来,主要可能是3中实现IDataBase接口的类。其类图关系如下。
(3) (4)(5)MapLoginToEntityDBKeyTask调用typeMapping.getLogOnMapping
void MapLoginToEntityDBKeyTask::run() { bool retry; do { retry = false; MySqlThreadData& threadData = this->getThreadData(); try { MySqlTransaction transaction( threadData.connection ); std::string actualPassword; bool entryExists = threadData.typeMapping.getLogOnMapping( transaction, logOnName_, actualPassword, threadData.ekey.typeID, threadData.ekey.name ); // ..... } while (retry); }
(6) MySqlTypeMapping::getLogOnMapping
bool MySqlTypeMapping::getLogOnMapping( MySqlTransaction& t, const std::string& logOnName, std::string& password, EntityTypeID& typeID, std::string& recordName ) { boundLogOnName_.setString( logOnName ); t.execute( stmtGetLogOnMapping_ ); // ...... }
可以看出来,这里的execute就是真正执行sql语句的地方,那么这个stmtGetLogOnMapping_ 是什么呢,其实就是一个简单的sql语句的封装,
MySqlTypeMapping::MySqlTypeMapping( MySql& con, const EntityDefs& entityDefs, const char * tableNamePrefix ) : mappings_(), // .... stmtGetLogOnMapping_( con, "SELECT m.password, t.bigworldID, m.recordName " "FROM bigworldLogOnMapping m, bigworldEntityTypes t " "WHERE m.logOnName=? and m.typeID=t.typeID" ),
2. dbMgr获取玩家数据
在验证完玩家登陆login信息之后,如果成功,则需要从数据库中将玩家数据获取出来。在验证玩家登陆信息的时候,同时也从bigworldLogOnMapping 表中,将玩家的id获取到了,这个是后面读取玩家数据需要的key。具体的读取流程如下:
(1) (2)(3)(4)LoginHandler::onMapLoginToEntityDBKeyComplete中直接一层一层调用getEntity接口,没有复杂逻辑。
(5) (6)在GetEnitityTask中调用GetLogOnRecord,然后真正获取玩家数据,如果获取成功,最后再回调LoginHandler的onGetEntityCompleted
3. dbMgr通知baseAppMgr创建entity
void LoginHandler::onMapLoginToEntityDBKeyComplete( DatabaseLoginStatus status, const EntityDBKey& ekey ) { bool shouldLoadEntity = false; bool shouldCreateEntity = false; if (status == DatabaseLoginStatus::LOGGED_ON) { ekey_ = ekey; shouldLoadEntity = true; state_ = StateWaitingForLoad; } .......
// 可以load玩家数据 if (shouldLoadEntity) { // Start "create new base" message even though we're not sure entity // exists. This is to take advantage of getEntity() streaming properties // into the bundle directly.
// 这个接口里就直接通知BaseAppMgr去创建玩家的entity。 pStrmDbID_ = Database::prepareCreateEntityBundle( ekey_.typeID, ekey_.dbID, clientAddr_, this, bundle_, pParams_ ); // Get entity data pBaseRef_ = &baseRef_; outRec_.provideBaseMB( pBaseRef_ ); // Get entity mailbox outRec_.provideStrm( bundle_ ); // Get entity data into bundle Database::instance().getEntity( *this ); // When getEntity() completes, onGetEntityCompleted() is called. } ....... }
/* * This method inserts the "header" info into the bundle for a * BaseAppMgrInterface::createEntity message, up till the point * where entity properties should begin. * * @return If dbID is 0, then this function returns the position in the * bundle where you should put the DatabaseID. */ DatabaseID* Database::prepareCreateEntityBundle( EntityTypeID typeID, DatabaseID dbID, const Mercury::Address& addrForProxy, Mercury::ReplyMessageHandler* pHandler, Mercury::Bundle& bundle, LogOnParamsPtr pParams ) { bundle.startRequest( BaseAppMgrInterface::createEntity, pHandler, 0, Mercury::DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT + 1000000 ); // 1 second extra ...... }
(1) 在玩家数据不存在的情况下,需要创建新的玩家,也就是createNewEntity
(2) 需要对登陆数据进行映射,也就是setLoginMapping
(3) 需要校验玩家数据checkOutEntity
4. dbMgr是如何保存玩家的游戏数据的
void WriteEntityHandler::finalise( bool isOK ) {
// 如果需要返回保存结果 if (shouldReply_) { Mercury::ChannelSender sender( Database::getChannel( srcAddr_ ) ); sender.bundle().startReply( replyID_ ); sender.bundle() << isOK << ekey_.dbID; } if (isOK && (flags_ & WRITE_LOG_OFF)) {
// 如果是玩家下线保存 Database::instance().onEntityLogOff( ekey_.typeID, ekey_.dbID ); } delete this; }