• 有道词典_每日一句_2020/01


    1. Let's embrace 2020 for realizing our dreams and living a better year.更好2020,让梦想落地,让更好发生。——2020.01.01
    2. Sometimes you have to trust your gut.有时要相信自己的直觉。——2020.01.02
    3. Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. 爱就是把某个人看得比你自己重要。——2020.01.03
    4. The most intense joy lies not in the having, but in the desiring.最满足的喜乐不是在乎拥有,而在于渴望中。——2020.01.04
    5. You gotta stay focused on your dream. 你要坚持自己的梦想。——2020.01.05
    6. You've glitter in your veins.你骨子里就是发光的。——2020.01.06
    7. It's lovely to find someone I can actually chat to. 能觅得一个与你对酒当歌的人是多么美好。——2020.01.07
    8. You have to spin a good yarn before you can weave a great dream. 你得先备好针线,才能织出更好的美梦。——2020.01.08
    9. Unexpected is always upon us. 世事难料。——2020.01.09
    10. Growth always means change.成长总是伴随着改变。——2020.01.10
    11. Life is never static.人生充满变数。——2020.01.11
    12. Use knowledge to wipe out ignorance.要用知识来打败无知。——2020.01.12
    13. It's never too late to do the right thing. 做正确的事永远都不会迟。——2020.01.13
    14. Life is but a dream. 人生不过一场梦。——2020.01.14
    15. Focus on what you need to do.集中精力做你该做的事。——2020.01.15
    16. Life's too short to waste a second. 人生苦短,不可浪费。——2020.01.16
    17. Life is short, the world is wide. 生命短暂但世界广阔。——2020.01.17
    18. The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. 战胜不可能的唯一方法,就是相信凡事皆有可能。——2020.01.18
    19. Look up. The sky lies open. 向上看,天空为你敞开。——2020.01.19
    20. No noe can take away who you are. 没人能夺走你的自我。——2020.01.20
    21. You got so much life left.  You got so many things you got to do. 你还有漫长的人生,你还有许多事要做。——2020.01.21
    22. It is love that will heal you. It is what heals us all. 爱会治愈你,会治愈我们所有人。——2020.01.22
    23. Pursue excellence and success will follow. 追求卓越,成功自然来。——2020.01.23
    24. Nerver too late to free yourself. 做自己永远都不会迟。——2020.01.24
    25. Living like a lusty flower.像绽放的鲜花一样生存。——2020.01.25
    26. A man has to be what he is, can't break the mold. 人必须忠于自己,不能违背本性。——2020.01.26
    27. Victory, however long and hard the row may be. 无论道路多么险长,都要争取胜利。——2020.01.27
    28. The hardest choice require the strongest will. 最艰难的决定,需要最坚强的意志。——2020.01.28
    29. The dreams that you dare to dream. Really do come true. 敢于憧憬吧,所有梦想都会实现。——2020.01.29
    30. Oh, to have life henceforth the poem of new joys. 让今后的生活如喜悦的诗。——2020.01.30
    31. All that city you just couldn't see an end to it. 城市那么大,看不到尽头。——2020.01.31


    6. glitter:闪光,闪烁;

    • v. 闪光;闪烁
    • n. 闪光;灿烂;华而不实;(眼中的)光亮


    • n. 血管;叶脉;[地质] 岩脉;纹理;翅脉;性情
    • vt. 使成脉络;像脉络般分布于
    • n. (Vein)人名;(英)维因;(塞)魏因

    8. spin

    • vi. 旋转;纺纱;吐丝;晕眩
    • vt. 使旋转;纺纱;编造;结网
    • n. 旋转;疾驰


    • n. 纱线;奇谈,故事
    • vt. 用纱线缠
    • vi. 讲故事


    • vt. 编织;编排;使迂回前进
    • vi. 纺织;编成;迂回行进
    • n. 织物;织法;编织式样 

    23. pursue

    • vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠
    • vi. 追赶;继续进行

    25. lusty

    • adj. 精力充沛的;健壮的
    • n. (Lusty)人名;(英)勒斯蒂

    30. henceforth

    • adv. 从此以后


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