• haploview画出所有SNP的LD关系图


    java -jar Haploview.jar -skipcheck -n -pedfile 800kb1.ped -info 800kb1.info -png -out 800kb



    -skipcheck Skip all the genotype data quality checks and uses all markers for all
    -minMAF <threshold> Exclude all markers with minor allele frequency below <threshold>,
    which must be between 0 and 0.5. Default of 0. This option works in
    GUI mode.
    -maxMendel <integer> Exclude markers with greater than <integer> Mendelian inheritance
    errors. Default of 1. This option works in GUI mode.
    -minGeno <threshold> Exclude markers with less than <threshold> fraction of nonzero
    genotypes. <threshold> must be between 0 and 1 with a default of 0.5.
    This option works in GUI mode.
    -hwcutoff <threshold> Exclude markers with a Hardy Weinberg p-value less than
    <threshold>, which ranges from 0 to 1 with a default of 0.001 This
    option works in GUI mode.
    -maxDistance <distance> Maximum intermarker distance for LD comparisons (in kilobases).
    Default is 500. This option works in GUI mode.
    -missingCutoff <threshold> Exclude individuals with more than <threshold> fraction missing data,
    where <threshold> is a value between 0 and 1 with a default of 0.5.
    This option works in GUI mode.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenwenyan/p/9060501.html
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