• DDS生成正弦波


    `timescale 1ns / 1ps
    // Company: 
    // Engineer: 
    // Create Date: 2018/09/28 13:43:40
    // Design Name: 
    // Module Name: DDS
    // Project Name: 
    // Target Devices: 
    // Tool Versions: 
    // Description: 
    // Dependencies: 
    // Revision:
    // Revision 0.01 - File Created
    // Additional Comments:
    module DDS(
        input mclk,
        input rst_n,
        input [31:0]fword,            //frequency control
        input [11:0]pword,            //phase control
        output [9:0]da_data
        reg [31:0]r_fword;
        reg [11:0]r_pword;
        reg [31:0]fcnt = 0;
        wire [11:0]addr_rom;
        always @(posedge mclk)
            r_fword <= fword;
            r_pword <= pword;
      //累加器,r_fword值的大小决定了fcnt值增加的快慢,调节频率即是调节r_fword的值 always @(posedge mclk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) fcnt <= 32'd0; else fcnt <= fcnt + r_fword; end

    //fcnt高十位作为ROM的地址,r_pword为偏移相位值,本仿真中r_pword设置为0,即不做偏移 assign addr_rom = fcnt[31:20] + r_pword;
      //给ROM时钟和地址,ROM即吐出数据 sin_rom sin_rom ( .clka(mclk),
    // input wire clka .addra(addr_rom), // input wire [11 : 0] addra .douta(da_data) // output wire [9 : 0] douta ); endmodule /* add_force {/DDS/mclk} -radix hex {1 0ns} {0 5000ps} -repeat_every 10000ps add_force {/DDS/rst_n} -radix hex {0 0ns} {1 200ns} add_force {/DDS/fword} -radix hex {00004000 0ns} add_force {/DDS/pword} -radix hex {0 0ns} */




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