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    阅读<<Audio/Video Connectivity Solutions for Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-4 FPGAs >>


    1.SDI Block Diagram and SD-SDI Section Chapters 

    2.XYZ Word Format for the 4:4:4:4 TRS Symbol



    module  trs_detect (
        // inputs
        clk,            // clock input
        ce,             // clock enable
        rst,            // async reset input
        vid_in,         // video input
        // outputs
        vid_out,        // delayed and clipped video output
        rx_trs,         // asserted during first word of TRS symbol
        rx_eav,         // asserted during first word of an EAV symbol
        rx_sav,         // asserted during first word of an SAV symbol
        rx_f,           // field bit from last received TRS symbol
        rx_v,           // vertical blanking interval bit from last TRS symbol
        rx_h,           // horizontal blanking interval bit from last TRS symbol
        rx_xyz,         // asserted during TRS XYZ word
        rx_xyz_err,     // XYZ error flag for non-4444 standards
        rx_xyz_err_4444,// XYZ error flag for 4444 standards
        rx_anc,         // asserted during first word of ADF
        rx_edh          // asserted during first word of ADF if it is an EDH packet




    // in_reg
    // The input register loads the value on the vid_in port.
    always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)
        if (rst)
            in_reg <= 0;
        else if (ce)                                //时钟使能
            in_reg <= vid_in;                       //接收数据


    all_ones_in 和 all_zeros_in采用的是组合逻辑

    // all ones and all zeros detectors
    // This logic determines if the input video word is all ones or all zeros. To
    // provide compatibility with 8-bit video equipment, the LS two bits are
    // ignored.  
    assign all_ones_in = &in_reg[9:2];                    //检测输入的图像数据是否全为0或者1
    assign all_zeros_in = ~|in_reg[9:2];

    3.将接收到的视频数据,和生成的all_ones_in , all_zeros_in信号存入寄存器 pipe1

    // pipe1
    // The pipe1 register holds the inut video and the outputs of the all zeros
    // and all ones detectors.
    always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)             //锁存接收到的数据
        if (rst)
                pipe1_vid   <= 0;
                pipe1_ones  <= 1'b0;
                pipe1_zeros <= 1'b0;
        else if (ce)
                pipe1_vid   <= in_reg;
                pipe1_ones  <= all_ones_in;
                pipe1_zeros <= all_zeros_in;


    // pipe2_reg
    // The pipe2 register delays the contents of the pipe1 register for one more
    // clock cycle.
    always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)              //将pipe1延时一个时钟周期
        if (rst)
                pipe2_vid   <= 0;
                pipe2_ones  <= 1'b0;
                pipe2_zeros <= 1'b0;
        else if (ce)
                pipe2_vid   <= pipe1_vid;
                pipe2_ones  <= pipe1_ones;
                pipe2_zeros <= pipe1_zeros;

    5.现在我们可以认为,pipe2寄存器里面传入的是最先传入的第一个视频数据,pipe1里面传入的是紧跟着的第二个视频数据,all_zeros_in显示的是当前传入的视频数据的状态。此段代码的功能是对三个连续的视频数据进行检测,是否有3ff,000,000 和 000,000,3ff这样连续的三个数据。

    // TRS & ANC detector
    // The trs signal when the sequence 3ff, 000, 000 is stored in the pipe2, pipe1,
    // and in_reg registers, respectively. The anc signal is asserted when these
    // same registers hold the sequence 000, 3ff, 3ff.
    assign trs = all_zeros_in & pipe1_zeros & pipe2_ones;    //原来如此,3ff,000,000检测
    assign anc = all_ones_in & pipe1_ones & pipe2_zeros;     //000,3ff,3ff 检测
    assign eav = trs & vid_in[6];                            //当检测到了trs之后,下一个视频数据就是xyz的信息,其中的第6位为H   H =1
    assign sav = trs & ~vid_in[6];                           // H = 0

    当检测到3ff,000,000 时,trs变为高电平,当检测到000,000,3ff时,anc变为高电平,当检测到TRS时候,我们再解码EAV 和 SAV。


    我们可以知道,SAV 和 EAV 是由TRS symbol 中的第6位H的值来确定的,因此有了:eav 和 sav 信号的逻辑产生。

    6.产生 f, v, h信号

    // f, v, and h flag generation
    assign f = trs ? vid_in[8] : out_reg_f;
    assign v = trs ? vid_in[7] : out_reg_v;
    assign h = trs ? vid_in[6] : out_reg_h;




    // output reg
    // The output register holds the the output video data and various flags.
    always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)
        if (rst)
                out_reg_vid <= 0;
                out_reg_trs <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_eav <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_sav <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_anc <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_edh <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_xyz <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_xyz_err <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_xyz_err_4444 <= 1'b0;
                out_reg_f <= 0;
                out_reg_v <= 0;
                out_reg_h <= 0;
        else if (ce)
                out_reg_vid <= pipe2_vid;
                out_reg_trs <= trs;
                out_reg_eav <= eav;
                out_reg_sav <= sav;
                out_reg_anc <= anc;
                out_reg_edh <= anc & edh_in;
                out_reg_xyz <= xyz;
                out_reg_xyz_err <= xyz_err;
                out_reg_xyz_err_4444 <= xyz_err_4444;
                out_reg_f <= f;
                out_reg_v <= v;
                out_reg_h <= h;


    // trs_delay register
    // Used to assert the xyz signal when pipe2 contains the XYZ word of a TRS
    // symbol.
    always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)
        if (rst)
            trs_delay <= 2'b00;
        else if (ce)
            trs_delay <= {trs_delay[0], out_reg_trs}; 



    // XYZ and XYZ error logic
    // The xyz signal is asserted when the pipe2 register holds the XYZ word of a
    // TRS symbol. The xyz_err signal is asserted if an error is detected in the
    // format of the XYZ word stored in pipe2. This signal is not valid for the
    // 4444 component digital video formats. The xyz_err_4444 signal is asserted
    // for XYZ word format errors.
    assign xyz = trs_delay[1];
    assign xyz_err = 
        xyz & 
        ((pipe2_vid[5] ^ pipe2_vid[7] ^ pipe2_vid[6]) |                 // P3 = V ^ H
         (pipe2_vid[4] ^ pipe2_vid[8] ^ pipe2_vid[6]) |                 // P2 = F ^ H
         (pipe2_vid[3] ^ pipe2_vid[8] ^ pipe2_vid[7]) |                 // P1 = F ^ V
         (pipe2_vid[2] ^ pipe2_vid[8] ^ pipe2_vid[7] ^ pipe2_vid[6]) |  // P0 = F ^ V ^ H
    assign xyz_err_4444 = 
        xyz &
        ((pipe2_vid[4] ^ pipe2_vid[8] ^ pipe2_vid[7] ^ pipe2_vid[6]) |  // P4 = F ^ V ^ H
         (pipe2_vid[3] ^ pipe2_vid[8] ^ pipe2_vid[7] ^ pipe2_vid[5]) |  // P3 = F ^ V ^ S
         (pipe2_vid[2] ^ pipe2_vid[7] ^ pipe2_vid[6] ^ pipe2_vid[5]) |  // P2 = V ^ H ^ S
         (pipe2_vid[1] ^ pipe2_vid[8] ^ pipe2_vid[6] ^ pipe2_vid[5]) |  // P1 = F ^ H ^ S
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chensimin1990/p/7235847.html
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